

Curt Doolittle’s answer to Why is the black race judged by of its least successful members?) that violates Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (See What is Quora’s “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy?).Please keep this policy in mind when interacting with other people on Quora. If you continue posting content that violates this policy, you may be banned from using Quora. For more information, see: How do I appeal a Quora Moderation decision?.If you think this is an error on our part, please submit a moderation appeal at http://quora.com/contact with a link to your content.

Curt Doolittle, The Propertarian Institute, Kiev, Ukraine

It isn’t. It’s judged by the dominance of it’s race in failures of education, crime, civic behavior, business achievement, intellectual achievement, and artistic and literary achievement. The east asians and western europeans have aggressively killed off their lower classes through winters, starvation, enslavment, hanging, beheading, war, and a very severe justice system for thousands of years. The rest of the world has not. So the size of the underclasses in the black, arabic, turkic, hispanic, and southeast asian worlds is far higher a percentage than in the more northern climes. West and east were eugenic civilizations. Rice is a brutal system requiring disciplined work 360 days a year. Western winters are unforgiving.

Humans think by stereotypes just as we think in all other categories. We have to. We cannot afford to interrogate every person we meet. We cannot pay the high cost of risk of trusting people from high risk groups. Instead, how can people from high risk groups signal (demonstrate) that they are good risks? Research has consistently shown, that contrary to popular myth, stereotypes are the most ACCURATE feature in social science. So people must rely on stereotypes, stereotypes are true, and it is the responsibility of people who are members of negatively stereotyped groups to change their behavior and signals so that they are visibly not a risk.

When we say ‘we can’t judge this middle class black man’ or some other “Not All X Are Like That”, we are either committing a rhetorical fallacy or simply lying. Why? because the fact that we say most people of group X are a high risk, we are not saying that an outlier is. Yet conversely, we are saying (almost always correctly) that most people from group X are in fact a higher risk that we perceive our own group to be.

We know the reasons for black underclass achievement: (a) the disproportionate size of the black underclass below 85 IQ, and the comparatively small sizes of its middle and upper middle classes, and total absence of an upper class, (b) earlier and more rapid maturity accompanied by the same level of hormones, leading to impulsivity and aggression, (c) lower verbal intelligence, (d) lower aggregate intelligence, (e) destruction of the black family by the progressive programs of the Johnson administration’s Great Society programs of the 1960’s – his attempt to mimc soviet resettlement programs from villages to urban areas without grasping the vast differences in Russian and black human capital. (f) the attempt to educate different races that mature more or less, more quickly or more slowly, at the same age under the same conditions. Educate black and hispanic men in what equates to military training and you will get good men out of it. You cannot ask humans in their youth to fight hormones that intense. Educating pliable asians and less pliable and more physical whites at the same rates is equally destructive. We can start asians and east asians one to two years earlier than whites, and it’s arguable that we should provide two more years for hispanics and three for blacks. It prevents schools from tailoring programs to the genetic needs of the children.

We get nowhere by lying that we’re equally distributed. It’s liberal lies of equality that prevent us from developing institutions that support the needs of different genetic organisms, with different rates of maturity, different degrees of maturity, and different sizes of underclass.

Curt DoolittleThe Propertarian Institute

My job is to prevent lies in public discourse that prevent us from coming to compromises on policies.

 Thank you,Quora Moderation

Quora Moderation

Sep 6, 2016

Hello,We recently found some of your content (Curt Doolittle’s answer to Is liberalism idealistic as opposed to being realistic?) that violates Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (See What is Quora’s “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy?).
Curt Doolittle
Curt Doolittle, Philosopher of political economy and founder of the Propertarian Institute.

It’s Utopian, dysgenic, devolutionary, and entirely false, which is why it sells.

You don’t think religions sell because they’re realistic or true? Neither do political ideologies.

Here is some humbling and painful truth:

1) Those civilizations that were most successful in preventing from access to food, delaying reproduction, preventing access to reproduction, enslaving, starving, killing, sending to war, or abandoning to the elements, the largest number of their lower classes, consistently produce the highest standards of living.

Why? It’s pretty simple math: productive people are only so productive. The very best only a bit more productive, and they are small in number. The person at the bottom is six times more damaging than the person at the top is beneficial. SIX TIMES. (Or at least, like Pareto’s rule, that it’s the inverse of, it’s a very good rule of thumb.)

2) Western Civilization, from the corded ware (Kurgan) people onward, (the european branch of the Aryan Invasions) out of Ukraine and what is now southern Russia, adopted these eugenic practices and redistributed resources upward increasing the rates of the middle class reproduction. Beginnig with the church’s ban on intermarriage, and the adoption of Bipartite Manorialism in Frisia, and the aggressive hanging of 1/2 to 1% of the population per year, until by the late middle ages – almost everyone living in Europe was a descendent of the genetic if not economic and social middle class.

3) american puritans recruited people of ‘character’ and the original at least puritan colonies were intended to be a eugenic experiment. This only ended with the marxist, socialist, bolshevik, and soviet cooption of the university and media as an overwhelming counter-enlightenment to that provided by Darwin and Spencer. The pseudosciences of Boaz, Marx, Freud, and even Cantor were propagated to restore the underclass to some level of political control now that they had the economic means available that were provided by the industrial revolution, and the somewhat foolish enfranchisement of non-property owners and women. Meritocracy after all, is a eugenic strategy.

4) Western civilization, beginning with the separation of western empirical, common, judge discovered law (law), from celebrations, festivals, and education (religion), has always been empirical. Our greek reason and british empiricism that we call ‘science’ today evolved from this legal tradition. To attack this empiricism, particularly after Darwin and Maxwell’s revelations, and Nietzche’s attempt to resurrect greek religion just as bacon, lock, smith, and hume had resurrected greek reason – the left invented multiple layers of progressive falsehoods:

The myth of oppression of the equal underclasses rather than the necessity of domestication of the inferior underclasses.

The Utopian vision of a world run by the underclasses (marxism). Despite the evidence that the world universally sorts by iq and genetic class except for rotations in and out of the middle class due to mating and economic lottery effects.

The great lies of social science: Marxian history, Boazian Anthropology, Freudian Psychology.

WHEN THESE FAILED to produce a revolution the left turned to “Scientific Socialism”.

The great lies of economic pseudoscience: managed economies, central planning, world socialism.

The Great Lies of Political science: That democracy was a good, rather than a luxury. That democracy was possible for the resolution of disputes in heterogeneous polities rather than the prioritization of wants in homogenous polities. That majoritarian monopoly was desirable, or produced beneficial ends. That

The Great Lies of Law: that rule of law was not determined by the natural properties of mankind that we could enumerate to allow each other to cooperate, but that these laws were arbitrary, discretionary commands that could be followed like the rules of a corporation.

WHEN THESE FAILED the left turned to the Culture of Critique (attack on culture).

The Frankfurt school’s false criticisms of art, of western civilization, of white men, of western history.

WHEN THESE FAILED the left turned to it’s only remaining option:

1) to immigrate underclasses in order to obtain power through invasion and displacement.

2) to switch from criticism to political correctness and the enfranchisement not o productive labor and families but of every fringe group possible

3) to switch from rational argument to simply repeating messages and lies. (alinsky etc).

THE RESULT is what we live with today:

1) the destruction of the family that was the condition of enfranchisement into the american eugenic order.

2) the destruction of the rule of law so that the constitution is no longer a document of the science of cooperation but a justification for war against western civilization.

3) the destruction of the Whig History of the continuous evolution of western civilization.

4) the devolution of the parties into married whites, and unmarried white women and the underclasses.

5) The big sort, where people are nationally relocating to be near people like them.

6) We are on the brink of civil war (and frankly I’m working to start it)

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Quora Moderation

Sep 7, 2016

Hello,We recently found some of your content (Curt Doolittle’s answer to Why is the black race judged by of its least successful members?) that violates Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (See What is Quora’s “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy?).
 Please keep this policy in mind when interacting with other people on Quora. If you continue posting content that violates this policy, you may be banned from using Quora. For more information, see: How do I appeal a Quora Moderation decision?.If you think this is an error on our part, please submit a moderation appeal at http://quora.com/contact with a link to your content.Thank you,Quora Moderation

Quora Moderation

Mar 2, 2017

Hello,We recently found some of your content (Curt Doolittle’s answer to What do white people need to understand about racism?) that violates Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (See What is Quora’s “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy?).
Curt Doolittle, The Propertarian Institute, Kiev, Ukraine

That it’s natural.  That all human groups act in the interests of their kin.  That people vote racially.  They work in racial groups. They live in racial groups. They mate and marry in racial groups.  They speak in racial groups.

All racial groups convey status because some groups are more desirable than others.  That all those capable of escaping the lower classes of their racial groups rationally want to join in white culture so that they can have a better life, and that as such they want to limit racial discrimination.  And that white middle and lower classes want to preserve their privileges by preserving the status of their elites from competition.

That race, religion, culture, tribe, gender are a part of life because they are meaningful differences because people act to their advantage at all times, and race, religion, culture, tribe and gender convey different advantages.


The century of pseudoscience and lying is over.

Kant, Boaz, Freud, Marx, Cantor, Mises, Frankfurt School, Rothbard, and the Postmoderns are just liars and pseudoscientists creating mythology of secular christianity that is the literary equivalent of science fiction and fantasy that provide the myth of pagan aristocracy.

It’s not complicated.  Silly people in the ancient world believed in holy books. Silly people in the modern world believe in pseudoscientific books.  But they’re both nonsense. Both lies.

The difference is that pagans and aristocracy know that science fiction and fantasy are just literature. The secular christians thought that mysticism was real. They think pseudoscience is real. They love propaganda. They love political correctness. They police speech that exposes their lies.

The fact that women are and the underclasses are vectors for mysticism and  pseudoscience, and men and the middle classes are vectors for commerce, technology, and warfare shouldn’t be surprising.

Women and slaves spread the lies of mysticism in the ancient world. Women and the ‘slaves’  or underclasses spread the lies of pseudoscience in the modern world.

There is nothing even the least bit difficult to understand.

Wishful thinking is fertile ground for lies.

Lies are lies no matter how well you wrap them in story.

Stories are the perfect method for telling lies.

Why?  Women invented gossip: stories. Men invented history.

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Curt Doolittle

Mar 4, 2017

I am a professional, and one of the leading thinkers on group evolutionary strategies. I am asked frequently to answer these questions. As far as I know I give articulate and truthful answers to them.

In my opinion you should ether eliminate ALL questions related to race, or accept all truthful responses. Otherwise by definition you are simply sponsoring hate speech against white people by permitting criticism, but not advocacy or explanation.



Quora Moderation

Nov 7

Hello,We recently found some of your content (Your comment on Who are the actual Aryans – Europeans, Iranians or Indians?) that violates Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (See What is Quora’s “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy?).Please keep this policy in mind when interacting with other people on Quora. If you continue posting content that violates this policy, you may be banned from using Quora. For more information, see: How do I appeal a Quora Moderation decision?.If you think this is an error on our part, please submit a moderation appeal at https://www.quora.com/contact with a link to your content.
Thank you,Quora Moderation
Full text of comment:Evidence is in.H1B Starts in afghanistan.Moves west to caspian-back sea.Black sea deluge causes shock‘whites’ develop (we even know eye color time change)Split into west-north european and south-east indo-iranianSpread back to afghanistan.Cross into india, separating indo and iranian.Fight, interbreed, outbreed, and disappear.Leaves Indo-iranian+Dravidian distribution.Small population of conquerors has profound demographic effects.Modern equivalent is south america spanish + amerindian.Consequence of such admixture is genetic castesIndia forms institutional caste system.Indian castes reflect racial origins with the brahmins equal to jews, and the remaining indians retaining sub-saharan IQs.Unlike china, which is ethnically homogenous, india cannot reduce size of underclass, so India carries a heavy burden as does south america.Bad, but not as bad as arab peoples. Not as bad as sub-saharan african peoples.General confusion is R1B genetic origin in afghanistan; advances in R1B due to pedomorphic selection in ukraine; cultural, and technological components all define ‘aryans’. In general, we use the term ‘caucasian’ for the race, european, iranian, and indian for the subraces, ’aryans’ for the cultural change to militaristic sky worshippers, and their use of technological innovation of Russo-ukrainian horse, european wheel, and anatolian/iranian bronze.Evidence is that europeans (more neotonically advanced) moved west into ukraine and poland, and indo-iranians defeated those that remained in the ukaine-russia region, then the europeans re-conquered the ukraine-russia region, and drove the iranians out, but the original cultures of the region had been destroyed.This left europeans to expand west, the iranians to branch into most of the caucasian peoples, and the indians outbred with the dravidians and largely gone through full integration.Let me close with the fact that the West, the Russians, the Chinese all consider India having a serious problem with pseudoscience in this matter. India and South America have demonstrated the consequences of collision between major racial groups with different levels of pedomorphic development.

Quora Moderation

Dec 16

Hello,We recently found some of your content (Curt Doolittle’s answer to Why do some Caucasian men prefer Asian women?) that violates Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (See What is Quora’s “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy?).
Curt Doolittle, Analytic Philosopher of Political Economy, Ethics, Epistemology, Truth.


While descending from two widely separated waves “generations” that moved out of Africa, Whites have succeeded in significant juvenilization. Asians have succeeded in far greater juvenilization. Asian women are the most juvenilized women on earth. To the point at which they have even gained extended lifespans by delaying the depth of and onset of sexual maturity (compare to central asians, arabs, and sub saharan africans that have NOT engaged in juvenilization.) Secondly, for reasons I am not sure I am confident in addressing, Asians distribute their fat more evenly. And thirdly, Asian IQ is slanted to our educated classes (I suspect it is a narrower distribution because of the juvenilization – and the asian predilection for killing off malcontents in large numbers). So between a ‘more immature look’, more petite look, better weight distribution, and higher average intelligence, the pool of asian women is objectively better than the pool of available white women. Conversely asian women pay a price for mongoloid facial features, and in places like eastern europe where women maintain their weight and walk a great deal, and dress well, asian women lose their advantage.

That’s just how it is. (I spend an absurd amount of time on mating patterns.)

That said, it’s largely asian women and white men that account for the increase in American race mixing, since the other numbers are remaining relatively stable. (relatively).

This is yet another example of the fact that all human behavior can be reduced to some statement analogous to economics.

Asian women are a better ‘buy’ than white women for average males. White males are often a much better buy than equivalent asian males who have their own decreased market value. Largely because asians seem to require high context culture (which I won’t go into) and whites thrive in low context cultures. (as is evident in our languages). So asian men in asia and here are at a disadvantage.


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Quora Moderation

Jan 16

Hello,We recently found some of your content (Your comment on Which political party has done the most good for the US, Democrat or Republican?) that violates Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (See What is Quora’s “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy?).
Curt Doolittle, Philosopher: Truth, Natural Law, Economics, Politics, War

That’s the wrong question. The question is, which has done the least damage?

It’s pretty hard to argue that democrats have not done the most catastrophic and unrecoverable damage. And if I went into the list, I could write pages on it.

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Debate me then. Make an argument. As far as I know, I’ll eat you like a pringle with beer. Why? Politics is a pseudoscience for the purpose of justifying priors, and Economics provides all required explanatory power. And at present the handful of people who can debate me with any degree of intellectual honesty does not include you.
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