The Laws IV : The Behavioral Law (Cooperation)

… Conclude this Section (and all sections) with evolutionary computation and ternary logic and closure with previous generation of computation,demonstrating consistency and coherence. In the courseware we conclude with a list of dimensions discussed in the section. Each generation of hierarchy consists of the set of nouns(objects) and verbs(operations) that are possible with the additional accumulation of energy and complexity – and each generation and it’s logic of objects and operations determines a domain, and a discipline of that domain

Reminder: contextualize the behavioral laws, as continuation of biological laws, and of physicals as probabilistic producing distributions, wehre the physical is really semi deterministic if possible, while the biological is narrower, and the behaioral narrower still – to prevent the reader from being confused about (naxalt/axalt fallacy) what we’re saying.  Sort of like the complexity of the dendrite problem is that we have … curt consider us the fishing in the river example maybe… )

( … )  Move this section to The Introduction. Possibly after “the value of the pamphlet” or under a new heading “the shift in thought” before ‘the first principle (ec).


  • Perspective shift (evolution) : The big ask,  the value proposition, what we’re offering etc.
  • This shift is necessary and (why it’s necessary) scale of cooperation, limits of human cooperation based on that perspective.
  • Its necessary to help us account for cooperation at scale between individuals in groups and between groups and across groups where modern prosperity has insulated us from previous limits.
  • And as such, because prosperity offers choice, we can afford to explore individual and group interests that diverge rather than converge, just as much as our knowledge (science, logic) independent of groups converges. (this an interesting avenue for discussion)

The Big Leap In Understanding

( … )


  • Justification > falsification > adversarialism (survival)
  • searching for the good > searching for the true > producing the good from the true.
  • Law > Direct Policy > Indirect Policy

TO DO: ( … ) Eventually move this section into place as a progression at the end of each chapter (section) and before any vocabular listing for that section.

(a) we want to use these terms in our explanations throughout the work.
(b) we want to create commensurability between the sciences by using these terms and concepts.
(c) (we want to keep ourselves on track with this paradigm)
(d) but, where to put this list? Beginning? End? As we uncover each before,during, after, etc?

The First Principles That We’ve Learned (after each section?) And a vocabulary review to reinforce the section’s  content.

  1. –Before: Physical (of Time)–
    1. Time (Before, During, After),
    2. Charge (+/-/=) (Difference, Resource, Supply, Demand).
    3. Discovery (Opportunity, Competition, Cooperation, Acquisition) (+/-/=) (verb)(change)
    4. Assembly (Stable Relation, Memory, Production, Capital, Emergent Plane of Causality)(noun)(state)
    5. Continuous Recursive Disambiguation (what),
    6. Ternary Logic of Evolutionary Computation {assembly} (how),
  2. –During: Behavioral (temporal (In Time))–
    1. Individual (assembly)
      1. Acquisition
      2. Cooperation {Three Choices of Cooperation, (+/-/=)},
      3. Three Means of Persuasion  (Ternary Logic)
    2. Groups (assembly)
      1. Sex Differences / Cooperation/ Compatibilism, (assembly)  
      2. Interests (variation, demand)
      3. Organization {organization, class, elites} (Groups)
  3. –After: Evolutionary (Intertemporal (Over Time))–
    1. Populations (assembly)
      1. Institutions
      2. Institutional Sequence
      3. Path Dependence {civilization}
    2. Competitors (assembly)
      1. Relative Rate of Discovery, Innovation, Adaptation 
      2. Relative Rate of Accumulate Evolutionary Advantage (Red Queen)
      3. Relative Rate of Energy Transformation (Time)
  4. –Formal (across all time)–
    1. Logic/Grammars {}
    2. {Who, What,Where, When, Why, How} {Time v2}

(Vocabulary Here)

  • (…)



Put These In Place When Sections are Ready:

Outline: Time, Neural Economy, Behavioral Economy, Cooperative Economy (interpersonal), Biological: Familial, Clan, Tribal, National > Informal: productive, social, class. > Formal Explicit: elites, institutions, politics. > Strategic Implicit: Group Strategies.

Scale: An individual can act > people can cooperate > people can organize cooperation at increasing scale > people can institutionalize means of organizing cooperation.

Evolution: Time(entropy) > Homeostasis(Demand) > Movement >  collection(absorption) > Sensation > Acquisition > Prediction > Bias(unconscious) Preference (conscious) > Choice > Release of Action.

Consciousness: (sequence)

Nervous System: (sensation, response) (purpose: discount on scarcity)
|Movement(Change in State of Opportunities)|: Random Movement(Motion) > Reactive Movement(Reaction) > Predicted Movement (Action)

Neural Economy: (biological) (both advantage and resistance bc of path dependence) (After) (market)

======================== END OF OUTLINE ======


(The Promise) This section is the connection between physics and human nature – it’s the critical issue that has been facing mankind for over a thousand years. this has eluded mankind to this point due to human beings’ submergence of understanding within individual human subjective perception. We are lifting the veil of subjectivity: cause, instinct, intuition.

( … ) (what are we trying to do here?)
State that this is a higher resolution – variation within evolutionary computations
(keep computation as the (evocomp, ternary logic) as the primary axis)
(Keep ternary logic format)


  1. (provide general context) Restate evolutionary computation as the general principle at work.
  2. (provide specific context) So a brief summary of the physics … and how behavior emerges from physics.


( … )


( … )


( … )


  • Organization: Living organisms are highly organized at both the molecular and cellular levels. They are composed of one or more cells, which are considered the basic units of life.
  • Metabolism: Life exhibits metabolic activity, which includes energy transformation and the molecular building blocks necessary for growth and maintenance. This involves processes like respiration, digestion, and biosynthesis.
  • Homeostasis: Life maintains a state of internal balance or homeostasis. Despite changes in the external environment, living organisms regulate their internal environment to maintain stable conditions necessary for survival.
  • Cellular Structure: The presence of cells is a fundamental indicator of life. Cells are the basic structural and functional units of organisms.
  • Growth and Development: Living organisms grow and develop, following specific instructions coded in their DNA. This growth is not merely an accumulation of material, but an increase in size in an orderly, structured manner.
  • Response to Stimuli: Living organisms respond to environmental stimuli. This can range from simple responses like bacteria moving towards a food source to complex behaviors in animals.
  • Reproduction: One of the fundamental characteristics of life is the ability to reproduce. Organisms reproduce either sexually or asexually and pass genetic information to their offspring.
  • Adaptation: Over generations, living organisms adapt to their environment. This adaptation is driven by the process of evolution and results in the diversity of life forms observed over time.


Biological Economy

  • Time,  Entropy, negative entropy, Existence, Persistence (we build up from time)
  • Energy (scarcity)
  • Consumption
  • Acquisition
  • Homeostasis


Neural Economy

  • Movement
  • Bilateralism (coordination)
  • Sensation
  • Disambiguation
  • Memory
  • Prediction
  • Reaction vs Recursion/Agency (time), Release
  • Attention (pointer)
  • Wayfinding (stack)


Individual Behavioral Economy

  • Acquisition Economy (efficiency)
    • Loss Aversion
    • Defense
  • Demonstrated Interests (Capital)


  • Bias (instinct, intuition, bias, preference)
  • Predator over time vs Prey in time
  • Imitation, Empathy, Sympathy (others)
  • Sensory, Physical, Environmental, Social, Agency Bias
  • Masculine vs Feminine Bias
  • Cognitive Bias
  • Moral Bias
  • Personality Bias


  • Sleep Cycle
  • Prey Cycle
  • Cognitive Cycle
  • Mindful Cycle


Cooperative Economy

  • Self Determination(?)
  • Three Choices
  • Reciprocity
  • Negotiation


Three Means…



ACQUISITION (ev computation)
Man Acquires: All all human cognition, emotion, and demonstrated behavior can be described as the acquisition of, and loss aversion to, life, time, material, cooperative, and common capital.

  • Man Acquires:
    • Defeat time (entropy) by evolutionary computation.
    • All all human cognition, emotion, and demonstrated behavior, life,  requires:
      • Time,
      • Capital
        • material,
        • cooperative,
        • and common capital,
    • And all behavior fulfilling that requirement can be described as:
      • the acquisition of it (+),
      • preservation of it (=),
      • and loss aversion to it(-).
  • Man Acquires by Opportunity in Time
    • Existence (persistence) is a cost. The scarcest resource necessary for persistence is time. As such all costs are opportunity costs, between one set of actions or inactions and another.
  • Man Chooses Among Opportunities in Time
    • All human choice can be reduced to the instinct to choose the  opportunity with
      • Greatest return (-=+),
      • Shortest time (-=+),
      • Least effort (-=+),
      • Greatest certainty (-=+),
      • Lowest risk (-=+).
  • Man Can Only Choose Among Known Opportunities
    • Productive (+)
    • Imaginary, unproductive, or Delaying (=)
    • Counter-productive and Harmful (-)
  • Defeating time and entropy (and ignorance)

Given Human Faculties:

|Faculties|: Sensory(Perceptual) > Intuitional(Cognitive-Valuative) > Rational(Behavioral)

  • Sensory: Perceptual
    • Sensation
    • Disambiguation
    • Organization
  • Intuitional: Cognitive and Valuative
    • Associative
    • Valuation
    • Wayfinding-Recursion
  • Rational: Behavioral
    • Attention
    • Reaction: Reaction to Contemplation
  • Action
    • Acting: Display, Word and Deed
    • Repeat

Advanced or Limited By:

  • Ability:
    • Neurological formation and organization (developmental quality, genetic load)
      (the quality of the brain will influence personal and cooperative biases)

COOPERATION (Computation by Cooperation);

( … ) (Define cooperation)

Man Cooperates To Decrease Cost of Acquisition:
a coincidence of wants for production satisfies demand given a supply of time, information(knowledge), services(actions), and goods(things)

Man Divides Labor: All human differences in cognition, emotion, and demonstrated behavior can be described as sex differences (biases) in the division of the labor of evolutionary computation of time and population: female empathic, short, continuous, low risk, interpersonal, social, and male systematizing, long, peaks-and-valleys, high-risk, material, political.


There are only Three Possible States of Cooperation Available to Man describing the The Dimension of Cooperative Behavior, and Creating The Ternary Logic of Cooperation (-,=,+)

1. Irreciprocity: Parasitism to Predation (conflict), (-), Logically False
2. Boycott: Avoidance to Separation (ostracization), (=), Logically Neutral
3. Reciprocity: Exchange to Integration (cooperation), (+), Logically True
(Note: These three points define the vertical axis of the diamond)


Bias: ( … ) (Define Bias)

Bias in Human Faculties:

( … ) perceptual, cognitive, valuative and behavioral potentials

Consisting of:
Cooperative Biases:

“All other biases are derived from cooperation and all cooperation derived from sex differences – all human differences emerge from sex differences.”

Reproductive strategies produce perceptual, cognitive, valuative and behavioral biases.

Male Reciprocity and Proportionality (Merit) = Eugenic: adversarial competition maintaining natural selection. Necessary for clan, tribe, nation, survival.
Female Reciprocity and Equality (Non-Merit) = Dysgenic: social conformity maintaining stasis. Rise and Fall All.

These reflect personality biases (neural economy)
These reflect moral biases
These reflect expressed political biase

— ^ bias (personal) —— v incentives (three means of coercion) (interpersonal)
There are only three states of cooperation (Terary Logic of Cooperation)

1. Irreciprocity: parasitism– to predation (conflict) Logically False
… 2. Reciprocity: exchange – to integration(cooperation) Logically True
3. Boycott: avoidance – to separation (ostracization) Logically Undecidable

Therefore there are Three states of Ethics in the Ethical Spectrum

( … ethics … ) Amoral, Ethical, Moral, Virtuous and Unethical, Immoral, Evil

X5: Cooperation requires negotiation

X6: Cooperation Requires Reciprocity to test Evolutionary Computation:
— time ends – organization begins here —

These reflect moral biases

These reflect personality biases

These reflect expressed political biases

These reflect reproductive strategies

Male Reciprocity and Proportionality (Merit) = Eugenic: adversarial competition maintaining natural selection. Necessary for clan, tribe, nation, survival.
Female Reciprocity and Equality (Non-Merit) = Dysgenic: social conformity maintaining stasis. Rise and Fall All.
Male-Female Compatibilism: an equilibrium of Reciprocity between proportionality and equality wherein females agitate for male production of goods, services, and information (commons) in order to satisfy their want for consumption – in exchange for costly reproduction – while preserving competitive advantage and not surrendering competitive advantage, given that females are devoted to children but not loyal to males.



Man Organizes: All human organizational differences evolve from the three possible means of influence, coercion, and power, female undermining-seductive-caretaking, male forceful-defense-producing, or neutral, reciprocally beneficial, exchanges (trades).


All human differences in cognition, emotion, and demonstrated behavior can be described as sex differences (biases) in the division of the labor of evolutionary computation of time and population: female empathic, short, continuous, low risk, interpersonal, social, and male systematizing, long, peaks-and-valleys, high-risk, material, political.
Male-Female Compatibilism: an equilibrium of Reciprocity between proportionality and equality wherein females agitate for male production of goods, services, and information (commons) in order to satisfy their want for consumption – in exchange for costly reproduction – while preserving competitive advantage and not surrendering competitive advantage, given that females are devoted to children but not loyal to males.

Interestingly enough, to organize man, there are only three corresponding methods of influence, persuasion, and coercion available to man, by rate of effect:

1. Force or Defense (imposition of harm, defense from harm)
… 2. Remuneration (deprivation of trade, or benefit from trade), and;
… … 3. Ostracization from and Insurance for membership: opportunity or loss of opportunity for cooperation, and the discounts on the opportunities that arise from membership.

We can Scale each of the three-axis of coercion by the three degrees of coercion:

1. Influence – informing others in their interests
… 2. Coercion – coercing others to follow your interests
… … 3. Power – organized coercion of others for your or collective interests

We can scale each axis of coercion by degree of certainty:

1. Undecidability
… 2. Possibility
… … 3. Potential
… … … 4. Likelihood
… … … … 5. Probability
… … … … … 6. Certainty

Giving us: Axis(Force, Remuneration, Undermining) > Coerciveness > Certainty

Interestingly, these reflect human specialization in the evolutionary sexual division of labor:

1. Force and Political Construction by the Dominant Males that hold territory using physical super predation
… 2. Trade and Productive Construction by the ascendant males that use cunning and opportunity and economic super-predation
3. Undermining and Social Construction by females that raise children using social super predation.


(dimensions of organization here)


Man Organizes Institutions: All human political organizations evolve from the three methods of influence, coercion, and power: Feminine Seductive Social Constriction and Religion, Neutral Trade and Contract Law, or Masculine Forceful State and Military. (The division of labor, using the means of influence, in the mastery of means of human capitalization toward trifunctional ends.)

Ternary logic of Institutions:
As such we develop elites and elite institutions in each method of coercion:

1. Force by State and Command – serving interests of upper classes
… 2. Remuneration by Commerce and Law – serving interests of middle classes
3. Religion by Priesthood, and Tradition – serving interests of lower classes

And the elites naturally gravitate to servicing clientele:

1. State->Military or Military->State (Top Down) -> Upper Classes
… 2. Law->Commerce (Center out) -> Middle Classes
3. Religion->Peasantry (Bottom up) -> Lower Classes

Resulting in Example Archetypes:


AND; ???
As such, we organize in a hierarchy by the scale of polity: (Degree of relation)

1. Kin (Tribe) – Law (Norm, Law, Economic) (why common law)
2. State (Nation) – Force (Military, Political) (why federal law)
3. Cult (Civilisation) – Ostracizaton (Mythology, Social) (why civ laws norms etc)

This is the optimum sequence but it is not the common sequence.

Man Organizes Polities With A Founding Institution: All human civilizations develop these institutions in different orders, either rule of religion, rule of state, or rule of law.

Founding Institutions ( … )
Ternary logic of Institutions,


Institutions Create Path Dependence: All human civilizations produce institutions that are path-dependent upon the order of their development. The first institution is strongest, the second less so and the third weakest or a failed institution.

( … ) Note: Based on Doubling Down, Behavioral Economics

( … ) Example: Path Dependence in behavioral domains is called “determinism” in the physical science domeains, “Pathology” in biological domains, so the same process exists at all scales – planes of causality.

( … ) Memory&Prediction(before) -> Action(During) -> Change(After)  … systems have inertia, which is the homeostatic function of the existing assembly, and this homeostasis is inhibitory to change in the assembly, (while being open to addition of assemblies?).  The assembly then produces homeostasis. The postive and negative of any assembly, is the path dependence, which defends agaist harms, is open to acquisitions but resists reformations.  The assembly has biases. It prefers this(positive function) and prefer not that (negative bias). In simple terms this is a precursor at the biological level to awareness and eventually consciousness at the neurological level.

( … ) CD Elaborate on assembly here and move into place (it’s somewhere else here in the list)

First Institution
Strong Foundation
Second Institution
Supportive to Foundation
Third Institution
Weak or Failed Foundation
Religion State Law
Religion Law State
State Religion (or Philosophy) Law
State Law Religion
Law State Religion
Law Religion State

Ternary Logic of Civilizations 
And this order dominates all thought throughout the civilization and throughout history.

State -> Law -> Religion ==> (China)
State-> Religion(Confucian) -> Law  ==> (China – Failed Law)

Law > Religion > State  ==> (no one)
Law > State > Religion(Philosophy) ==> (Europe)

Religion(Theology) -> State > Law ==> (Middle east)
Religion(Mythology)  -> Law -> State ==> (India)

Founding Institutions Vary In Rates of Evolutionary Computation: Of these institutions, Religion is negatively (Devolutionarily) computational. The state is statically (Stagnatingly) computational, and Law is Positively (Evolutionarily) computational.

(rates of adaptation)
Rate of Adaptivity by Order of the development of the Institutions of State, Law, and Religion, like the foundation of any evolutionary structure, is anchored by the first institution the people develop, and the strategy, mythology, wisdom literature, method of argument, institutions that evolve in that series. Thereafter the civilization is somewhat a prisoner of that initial choice just as all alliances, organizations, technologies, and ideas are bound by previous decisions.

The Order of Institutions Determines Rates of Evolutionary Computation: The rate of evolutionary computation, the rate of innovation, adaptation, evolution, and the condition of the population during that devolution, stagnation, or evolution is determined by the order of, and path dependency of, founding institutions.

X11. (What institutions Solve-for determines rate of evolutionary computation)

??.  Human Nature (ANthropomorphism) is contrary to causality.
??. The Assembly Function is Consistent (Homeostatic)
??. Why the addict … requires sufficient motivation to change (which may or may not exist)

( … ) ^Above makes the case for the next section on group strategy.

( … )

Path dependence is when the decisions presented to people are dependent on prior decisions or experiences made in the past. So whether the information is genetic and invisible to us, metaphysical (a paradigmatic interpretation of the universe, world, man and our societies, presumptive habit

The disproportionate returns on increasing scales of cooperation in a division of sensation, perception, cognition, prediction, memory, wants, advocacy, negotiation, and labor.

The Competitive Value of Marginal Increases in the Rate of Adaptation by Physical and Caloric, Social and institutional, Cognitive and Technological means.

A Group’s Founding Relationships with the universe:

To The Natural World,
To Choices toward Others,
By An Organizational Model,
By Means of Mythology, and Paradigms
By Means of Persuasion and Negotiation,
By Grammar of Communication

The Spectrum of Relationships with The Natural World

Peers, Ascendants, Transformers, Conquerors of Nature (Europeans)
– In Harmony with Nature – bias mankind (East Asians)
Interwoven Supernatural and Natural — bias supernatural (Hindu)
Subjects of the Supernatural (Semitic)

The Spectrum Three Axes of Choices Toward Others:

Predation, Parasitism, Rent Seeking, Free Riding, Undermining
Competition by the degree of Non-imposition, Cooperation, and Trade
Boycotting Avoidance of con?ict or cooperation

The Spectrum of Three Axes of Organizing Order and Elites Internally

Force/Defense: Military/Judiciary — Authority (positive)
Remuneration/Deprivation: Finance/industry – Markets (exchange)
Undermining/Inclusion: Priesthood/intellectuals – Resistance (negative)

Rule by Spectrum of Three Axes of Decidability

1. Reason andCommand (China India) – Requires Justification
2. Empiricism(science) and Law (Europe) – Requires Truth
3. Sophistry and Propaganda (Semitia) – Requires Sophistry

The Spectrum of Mythologies

History (truth), Essay, Science
Literature (analogy), Mythology
Deceit (fraud), Scripture, Theology

All civilizations produce these elements of group evolutionary strategy:

(a) A Group Evolutionary (competitive) Strategy,
(b) A Group Organizing Strategy to Pursue it
(c) A Mythology to explain and justify it,
(d) A Wisdom Literature (or hierarchy of) to communicate it,
(e) A System of Argument to persuade and defend it, and;
(f) A set of Institutions to persist it.
(f) A set of Elites to Regulate it (Govern)
(g) A set of Traditions, Values, Norms, Habits to Act within it.
(h) A Continous Stream Of Cooperation and Competition and Conflict.
(i) Survival (Persistence)
(j) At different Rates of Adaptation, stagnation, decline.

|STRATEGY|Strategy > Organizing Strategy > Mythology > Wisdom Literature > System of Argument > Institutions > Traditions, Values, Norms, Habits > Actions.

Resulting in:
(summarize evo comp, ternary logic for psych) ( … )


The following section should reflect the same organization as the physics chapter, by stating the logic of what we have observed.

THEREFORE (ternary logic of behavior);
Summary: ( ternary scales)

  • (Summarize evo comp, Ternary logic for psych)
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