Article VI.III: Mating, Marriage, Family

Constitution: Mating, Marriage, Family

Article XII

Relations, Mating, Marriage, Family, and Children

“The Market for Reproduction of Generations”

Regarding Interpersonal Relations;

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Regarding Marriage and Children


1. A marriage consists of, and shall consist of, a contract between a man and a woman; for the purpose of reciprocal friendship, affection, sex, care; economic discounts from a shared household; the production of generations of offspring; and insurance against the vicissitudes of time and nature;

2. The polity insures, and shall insure, these marriages by priority in commons, and insurance from non-interference, in exchange for prevention of the moral hazards of single parenthood, orphans, and generations with various fears and traumas, and who may be untrained in the disciplines, habits, norms, laws, traditions of the polity – all of which impose involuntary and indirect costs upon others.

3. The contract of marriage consists of, and shall consist of, a durable, reciprocal, power of attorney to act in one another’s stead, and to deprive other familial relations from exercise of their natural durable powers of attorney in the absence of that power under marriage, or of assignment to others in the absence of marriage, in all matters other than that of one’s Will upon one’s loss of reason by Life-Support or Death.


  1. The Contract shall exist upon verbal acceptance, of a written record of consent, and the exchange of rings, as display of contract. An agreement on the conduct of the marriage and the use of assets, and the distribution of the assets shall be created and added to the marriage documents before, during, or after the verbal agreement. And the state shall enforce this agreement.
  2. The corporation shall cease to exist upon the termination of that reciprocal power of attorney we call Marriage, as does any other corporation without interference from the state, except in those subjects of dispute.
  3. All other interests shall be transferred to the owning party, as  is the case with all property, according to his or her monetary or physical expenditure to obtain them.
  4. Interference in the marriage of others that results in its termination shall create a liability for damages incurred.

Regarding Children

1. ( … ) Relationship between child and parent

1. The children shall remain the wards of the mother until age of consent, unless she voluntarily chooses otherwise of her own free will, and the father accepts.

2. The male children may choose to transfer ward to the mother or father at or after the age of twelve – although such transfer may be rejected by the receiving parent.



1. Restoration of The Family

1 – Paternity tests

Man invests into his mate and her offspring under the presumption that it is his progeny and demonstrates mate guarding to ensure that it is.
A woman holds a monopoly on information on who the father is and demonstrates willingness to deceive in order to obtain material support.
Removing the asymmetry of information is possible with the use of paternity test.
Involuntary paternity test shall be provided within five days of birth in all cases where identity of the alleged father is provided.

2 – End all Child Support and Alimony as destructive to men, family, and society.

3 – End all community property in marriage, and restore inviolability of prenuptial agreements.

4 – Restore Fault in divorce, and Restore liability for interference in marriages.

5 – Provide government paid parental leave at 70% of income over 20% of median income, for up to six months. and 50% for one year. But, no guarantee of same or similar position on return.

6 – Provide tax discount for each dependent child through the age of sixteen.

7 – Provide vouchers for ten hours of child care per work day for the number of hours worked.

2. Restoration of Family Inheritance:

No taxes, fees, regulations or other encumbrances shall be imposed upon the transfer of assets between members of a family by one generation in any direction. Inheritance taxes in all their forms shall be prohibited. The right to families to accumulate and transfer wealth in all its forms between generations shall not be infringed.

3. Restoration of Intergenerational Financing

( children contribute to parent, not to the general fund as  you go , family, clan, foundations)

4. Research on Artificial Wombs

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5. Research on Genetic Improvements 

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