Category: 5.5-The Production of Goods, Services, and Information

  • Different Economies

    As far as I can tell, pretty much anyone with christian ethics, with an IQ over 85, can contribute to society if we assist them by providing an economy that allocates work to them. But the idea that we need a MONOPOLY form of economy, instead of different ECONOMIES for each class, is rather stupid…

  • Different Economies for Different Classes

    Q&A: CURT: DIFFERENT ECONOMIES FOR DIFFERENT CLASSES? —“Could you elaborate on the concept of different economies for different classes? Does this mean laws can be enforced differently on different classes?”—John Zebley No it just means that the working and middle class and upper middle class market of voluntarily organized production does not account for the…

  • The Rational Risk Pursuit And Aversion Of Genders

    (By Eli Harman) —” While there certainly can be exceptions, in general, women are going to be more risk averse and men more risk tolerant. That’s a sensible risk management strategy. If a man fails, (in contrast to a woman) the individual consequences may be severe, but the consequences to the group are less severe,…

  • Business Terminology, Scale.

    ESTABLISHMENT (small/craft) An establishment is a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. FIRM (regional/industry): A firm is a business organization consisting of one or more domestic establishments in the same state and industry under common ownership or control. ENTERPRISE(National/Federation) An enterprise is a business organization consisting…