Evolution, Evolutionary Economy, and Evolutionary Computation


( … )

Competition, Evolution (Aggression?) (What computational term?)
(also consider sequence of parallel terms?)

( … )  Tie together as a sequence back to causality. use table if possible.

Defense (Persistence) (Loss prevention, Error Correction (vs aggression?) (What computational term?)

( … ) (Assembly Theory: the name of the evolutionary theory that evolutionary content is broken into packets. *(How viruses work)

( … ) Assembly > Complexity (define complexity)  

(“This series ends in the ability to choose”-BH)



Completeness consists of the exhaustion of opportunities to compress time given the available organization of capital – therefore the plane of complexity has solved the problem of time at that scale. “There is no more time I can capture”.


So evolution consists, not just of discovery of internal stable relations, but in addition, survival against external causality that would undermine that stability, probability, and potential and therefore capital.


Limits (as in logic, language) (Endless)
( … ) Address closure under endlessness

( … ) Fragility , stable relations, limits, ‘chunks’, bits

Emergence (innovation)(what computational term?)

1)for the physics is some equation of matter/energy/space/time that we can generalize to all levels of complexity, also what I am calling to be “cycles of capitalization.”

3) we need to explain why evo comp results in ‘steps’ and consequently why we see emergent fields (systems of computation) in what brad calls the capital hierarchy (cycles of capitalization).

CD: Doesn’t the memory and assembly section go here?


Compression of Information: (lossless compression) ( … )


Memory: (vs record) ( … ) or rather how record forms memory. Every tranaction (transformation). See copynumber, and assembly number.


Prediction (what’s the correct term here?) ( … )


  • (sequence/path dependence/causal cascade)

Economy (of the universe) (this does the translation into econ generalization)

What does an economy calculate (compute)? What’s the before during and after.

    • 1) We have expressed physics as evolutionary computation, but not an economy. We need to express most of behavior as an economy. And we need to explain the relationship between evolutionary computation (deterministic process) versus the economy of the physical world (capital accumulation) – neg/pos entropy

      • As an economy consisting of supply vs demand:
        • Energy and Information as “Goods”: You could conceptualize energy and information as goods within an ecosystem or organization. The supply curve could represent the availability of energy and information, while the demand curve could represent the organizational need for these resources for survival, persistence, capitalization, and accumulation.

        • Innovation and Adaptation as “Demand Shifters”: Innovation and adaptation could be visualized as factors that shift the demand curve. As organizations evolve, their efficiency in using energy and processing information increases, effectively increasing the demand for these resources due to better utilization capabilities.

        • Natural Selection as a “Market Mechanism”: Natural selection could be thought of as a market mechanism that determines which organizations persist or expand based on their ability to acquire and utilize resources effectively. This could be represented by changes in the equilibrium point on the graph over time.

        • Complexity as “Market Expansion”: The increase in complexity and opportunities for cooperation could be depicted as an expansion of the market. This could involve adding dimensions to the graph or showing a series of graphs over time that illustrate the expanding scope of interactions.

INSIGHT INTO EVOCOMP COHERENCE (Coherence at ever scale)

Evolutionary computation seeks coherence between the assembly and the environment.    Evolution computation seeks greater coherence (trophic, increasing ( look at the video to figure our what brad said, just before waving the up on may 5 2025 ) between the assembly and the environment.  It creates equilibria between standing waves in the quantum background (assembly by frequency) that is stable, creating stable equilibria.  We have an anthropomorphic term called prediction, but it’s actually discovery, and at the levels below animal thought, it’s just discovery, and what does coherence (harmonics) tell the assembly no matter how primitive, other than “this is an easier energy state” that relieves entropic pressure.

 . . . Chapter . . .

Evolutionary Computation (+,-,=)
The First Principle of the Universe


|Evolution of Means of Accumulation|: Instrumentalism(possible operations(random)) > Computation(operations limited by trial and error) > Calculation (wayfinding(reason) by the search for operations in pursuit of a goal, by the transformation of inputs into outputs.)

In the context of:

|Epistemic Cycle at Human Scale|: Pressure > Disequilibrium > Operations > Instrumentation > Computation < Calculation < Reason < Auto-Association (Pattern Recognition) < Difference Detection > Perception (disambiguation) < Sensation < Vibration(stimuli)


Evolutionary computation of persistent stable relations of energy and information in organization(forms) through natural selection.

|Evolutionary Computation|: Survival > Persistence > Capitalization > Potential Additional Accumulation > Discovery of Additional Accumulation of Energy and Information in Organization.

  • Evolutionary Computation: Resulting in the exponential expansion of opportunities for cooperation as we ascend the hierarchy of cooperative scales (complexity). But what does complexity mean? It means increases in the opportunity to increase the capture, conversion, and accumulation of energy (negative entropy), by the increase in increase in culling, adaptation, innovation, and evolution. This is the process we refer to as Evolutionary Computation.
  • Hierarchy of Adaptive Complexity: Therefore by the continuous recursive disambiguation of stable relations of differences in polarity by recombination produces the hierarchy of complexity we call atoms(elements), molecules, biomolecules, organelles, cells, multicellular organisms, populations, ecosystems, et all.
  • Hierarchy of Adaptive Complexity by Discrete Scales of Quanta of Marginal Difference: Each scale in the hierarchy is determined by quanta (marginal difference) necessary for stable relations sufficient across time for persistence of the opportunity to compute new recombinations of stable relations – this increase in the scope of computational(recombinatorial) possibility is what determines each scale. This explains why we have produced a hierarchy logics, grammars, vocabularies, paradigms, and disciplines to apply them.
  • Cooperation(+) in the satisfaction of coincidences of wants produces evolutionary computation: The Neutral(N) (reciprocity, compromise, cooperative, productive) property of every scale produces evolutionary computation by the discovery of stable equilibria between feminine(-)(demand,unlimited) and masculine(-)(supply, limited).


  • Summary: Therefore the irreducible first principle of all persistent existence of matter within the universe, consists of the release of pressure, by the production of concentrations of difference (spin, charges, polarity), into a hierarchy of combinations, by continuous recursive disambiguation of disorder into order,  into increasing capture of energy into increasing combinations of complexity, by the process of evolutionary computation.
  • ( … ) “Evolutionary computation of discovery of increasing energy capture and conversion at increasing scales of hierarchical complexity persists as a positiva despite the universe’s perpetual negativa – and as such (the good, the direction, the destiny of man) (a ‘becoming process’) “… it’s all that matters … ”  discover, adapt, evolve, or die. And civilizations and their gods can die very, agonizingly slowly, or disturbingly quickly.  Killed Rome in ~70 years, and killed the West in ~70 years, by the exact same means. You have to kill in the institutions of cultural production – or kill the people that carry them. if you can’t kill the people, you kill their institutions of cultural production. How? By by replacement (conquest and law), or sedition by religion as the optimum means of sedition.
  • ( … ) Here Summary Points
    How does the universe remember (what?), by organization(Memory) discovered by evolutionary(action) computation, consisting of trial and error discovery of change in state(Change).
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