This book is a study guide, or a summary, of the sciences: meaning the four sciences of the physical, behavioral, and evolutionary laws of the universe, and the formal laws we use to describe them, and all existence with them.
Who is the intended audience?
- – People who are already familiar with The Work (for what purpose?)
- (a simple logical framework (overview) for remembering the material and how it fits together)
- (a quick reference guide until you memorize the basic laws
- (determine what you know and do not yet know, and can still work on)
- – People who wish to familiarize themself with the work (why?)
The Value of The Pamphlet
- This book provides an overview of The Work in a set of laws, rules, or first principles. The work is both broad in scope and deep in detail. It’s overwhelming without a road map to simplify the journey of learning it all.
- The result of learning The Work is counter-intuitive: in that while it’s depth and breadth are overwhelming, when you finally come to understand it, and intuit it, it turns out to be quite simple.
- Just as the rational, empirical, and scientific revolutions in thought increased the precision and scope of our understanding, The Work will unite the sciences into a simple system of understanding – and the consequences for you, for your people, for our people, for mankind will be just as profound as the scientific revolution before it.
How to Approach The Work
- the scope of the work can be overwhelming at first. It should be possible to use any section as an entry point into the full scope of the work. ( … )
What will they get and not get out of it?
- This book is meant to be referenced, studied, or contemplated, but not read. It’s not a substitute for the other volumes in The Work. We intended this book to function as a study guide and quick reference. For a full understanding of The Work, The Science volume, and then The Law volume are necessary reading.
- This book is externally focused. It covers the ternary logic necessary for explanation of social and political behavior. It doesn’t contain the full scope of the science in The Science volume.
- The Science volume includes the internally focused material as well, covering our differences in sensation, perception, intuition, cognition, behavior, speech, persuasion, argument – and lying.
- But by study of the Laws in this book, the reader should develop a grasp of the unification of the sciences into a simple set of underlying rules from which all existence, behavior, and consequence logically emerges and is explicable – as well as inexplicable alternatives falsifiable.
- But learning a set of principles, rules, laws or axioms does not necessarily mean one can apply them – although, it does provide suggestions of patterns you may become aware of in your daily experience over time.
- Identifying these patterns is the true value of learning the material. Once you begin identifying these patterns you will begin to develop an understanding of the coherence of the universe and all in it, including the behavior of others, and the result will contribute your own mindfulness as you gradually grasp that what appears to be evil, malice, or immorality is quite often genetics, biology, ignorance, indoctrination, falsehoods, or folly.
- As a consequence you can operationalize your understanding – meaning put it to work, and improve your thoughts, words, and deeds because your understanding and predictive ability will improve – and more so than you can imagine.
How does the Pamphlet fit into the broader scope of The Work?
- The Volumes
- The History – A history of man, and European civilization
- The Philosophy (possibly the third book we will release)
- The Logic – this volume that explains the logic of the universe.
- The Science (the second book we will release)
- The Law (the first book we will release, w/constitution)
- The Prosecution (prosecution of sedition and treason)
- The Reforms (The reforms of every discipline)
- The Law of Europeans (the second to last release)
- The Natural Religion (the last book we will release)
- The Videos
- The Videos… - i. The Core: (I recommend these first and foremost)
– The Method Series (The P-Methodology)
– The Foundations Series (Brain, Mind, Consciousness)
– The Choice Series (Our choices going forward)
ii. Plus:
– Introduction to Propertarianism Series (Ethics)
– The John Mark Series (popular version of basic concepts)
– Interviews and Roundtables (From everywhere, and of vastly different quality and content)
iii. And for Die Hards:
– The Chats (open discussion of our work in progress)
– The Staff Meetings (how we run the organization)
– Working Sessions (boring recordings of our work sessions – we use these for documentation.)
- The Videos
- Our Website
The website is a live, working document. We keep it visible for our followers and participants in the work. It is not nor do we yet intend it to be complete – until we say so. And that will be when we are ready to launch our activism project.
What should you do next?
- We recommend two directions depending upon your interests.
- The Science – For those who seek to expand their understanding of the first principles, then The Science will cover the methodology and the four laws of the universe, and their applications in depth – constructed entirely from first principles.
- The Law – For those who are future and activism oriented, The Law consists of the application of the science to social, economic, political, and strategic concerns.
Enjoy the Journey. 😉
What Is Our Goal?
Humans lack a universal paradigm (universally commensurable standard of measurement) to understand the universe at all scales. To create this system of measurement we have generalized economics, the science and logic of behavior, into physical, biological, behavioral, and evolutionary domains (sciences, disciplines) both in-time and over time, as that universal paradigm of measurement because economics allows us to accommodate the full spectrum of determinism(universal), necessity (physical), bias (unconscious), and choice (consciousness).
The scientific revolution converted the mind of man from using many, many, discreet but causally unconnected rules to a few general principles of causality that explained the physical world. The net effect of that revolution was on the order of a standard deviation in demonstrated intelligence across mankind. Perhaps more importantly, those who benefit from it, need not understand the specifics of the paradigm, but benefit from the norms that arise from the general use of that paradigm and adopt those general rules as presumptions.
This revolution didn’t occur in the behavioral or logical(formal) sciences. (Professor Greg Henriques, at James Madison University, VA, refers to this as “The Enlightenment Gap”.) lacking this universally commensurable paradigm of causality, the behavioral sciences, including …. developed a number of unconnected theories and schools of thought that did not correspond to one another, much less reality, and left open the door for the ignorance, errors, bias, and deceits that made possible the ideological conflicts of the industrial age that replaced the theological conflicts of the agrarian age.
As such out of necessity, we are compelled to end that emergence of these new superstitions those conflicts, falsehoods, ignorance, error, bias, deceit, fraud, manipulation and sedition of this age just as our ancestors attempted to end the superstitions and falsehoods frauds and seditions that plagued prior ages.
And if we are successful, we may, almost certainly, end the human capacity for such crime, sedition, treason, and warfare that distract us from our shared human destiny.
What Are We Creating?
A Universal System of Measurement
A universal system of measurement, producing universal decidability, or the science of decidability, Consisting of:
… A Paradigm
… … Consisting of:
… … … A First Principle
… … … Subsequent Hierarchy of First Principles
… A Vocabulary
… … consisting of a set of series of terms
… … each of which names a qualitative position in an order
… … for all Dimensions of Human Faculties
… … Including the sensory (physical), intuitionistic (perceptive), valuative (emotional), and rational.
… .. … Including human sense, perception, prediction, attention, reason, calculation, computation, and Action.
… A Logic (testes of hierarchies of constant relations)
… A Grammar of that logic (Rules of continuous Recursive Disambiguation) Sufficient for the measurement, description, testing, and falsification of human expressions including claims, assertions, descriptions.
… Where Operational Grammar, consisting of a sequence of actions, is the most unambiguous, complete, testable, and falsifiable logic possible for man, because operations test:
… … identity, internal consistency, operational possibility, external correspondence, rationality choice, limits, completeness, and together, coherence.
… … Which are the full set of consistencies open to human experience, and reducible to analogies to experience, which are in turn testable for consistency by man.
… … In other words, that is the full set of dimensions possible to test for consistency by man, and therefore possible to testify to.
This universal system of measurement, a science of decidability, completes the Aristotelian project with the Wilsonian Synthesis of uniting the formal, physical, behavioral, and evolutionary science into a single testable unambiguous, internally consistent, and externally correspondent paradigm.
This universal system of measurement can then be used as the foundation for decidability in all disciplines, then as a consequence, in Law, and then in a constitution of scientific, political, economic, social, and familial order, we call ‘Natural Law”.
As such, the output of our work is a constitution of natural law: a scientific law, rule, government, economy, polity, commons, and family. And from this constitution, we may construct different polities for different peoples dependent upon their individual and group capacity to adapt to the laws of nature.
So is this logic, science, law, philosophy, morality, or theology? Under Our Natural Law they are all the same – as long as they are not false.
Overcoming The Problem:
Solving for what you think is the good, instead of the true from which we can derive the good. 😉 (Same as justification vs falsification; same as mathiness vs computation.)
The First Principle (EC)
First Principle of the universe (should bullet points)
Generalizable Terms: “Given mankind hasn’t previously created a universally commensurable, scale independent, value neutral vocabulary across all disciplines, a universally commensurable vocabulary across all domains from the very small and simple to the very large and complex, requires we select terms from domains that most encapsulate the general principle we wish to explain as a universal behavior. This means for example, we may conflate terms such as random accumulation, involuntary cooperation, and voluntary cooperation under the term ‘cooperation’, while retaining knowledge and understanding that by the choice of the term ‘cooperation’ we are not attempting to anthropomorphize physical processes (random and involuntary) but instead to emphasize that what we experience at human scale can generalized to smaller and larger scales.”
- ( … ) (it’s all relations)
- The Ternary Logic That Results From EC to Describe it.
- Evolutionary Computation (EC)
- The Hierarchy of Computational Paradigms that Result (~30)
- The Hierarchy of Grammars that apply the ternary logic to describe the hierarchy of paradigms.
Narrative: ( …) (explain the above in text, and why it’s important throughout the book)
- A universal logic, grammar, vocabulary and paradigm of all existence,
- Uniting the physical, behavioral, evolutionary sciences
- And that science we call logic to describe them
- As a universal, constructive, operational, causal, logic, of falsification
- With which to test the testifiability any and all truth claims.
- And the reciprocity of any moral claim.
- And the science of decidability, its logic, a body of law, system of government that results
- And the reforms and policies that bring about the durable change.
- Resulting in the end of the second destruction of European civilization by the false promise (fraud) of the possibility of escaping the laws of nature: scarcity, self interest, mutation, genetic load and natural selection.
( … ) (explain the above, and why important)
( … ) (What’s next)
How To Read This Book
(the book is structured as as … (first to last)
(the theme is consistent throughout: (themes))
(at least in theory you should be able to pick the section you’re most interested in and then branch out from there.)
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