The Science and Logic of First Principles
Universal Commensurability
Producing the Epistemology of the Ternary Logic of First Principles
The Quanta of Supply Demand and the Discreteness of the Universe
First Principles (causality, irreducibility, hierarchy of first principles.)
Closure, Limits, Full-Accounting (explain closure as full acccounting within limits)
Adversarial Competition (Versimilitude) (approaching limits)
Constructive Falsificationary Logic of Survival Discovered by Via Negativa.
Via positiva vs Via Negativa
“Natural Order”
The Method
Producing The Hierarchy of the Ternary Logic of First Principles
Definition: Evolutionary computation: the fist principle: ternary logic of evolutionary computation. Everything else is just an application of ternary logic of evolutionary computation. Our purpose is to prevent the intrusion of magical thinking whether physical(natural) or occult(supernatural) into the law. (this document)
We discover the universal decidability of the logic of evolutionary computation:
- And as such in a formal operational computational logic of falsification of testifiable truth claims about all existence.
- And as such a universal test of decidability of any description or explanation, of past present or future physical, behavioral, evolutionary, or formal(logical) claims.
- An as such a universal test of thruth claims by the testifiabily of those claims by the test of survival of falsification of those claims, by the operational construction of those claims from the hierarchy of first principles of the universe: the ternary logic of evolutionary computation.
- Resulting in the sequence of tests of possibility, decidability, truthful testimony.
Nouns, verbs, agreements
(start with mathematics as the example)
- dimensions of sense perception (faculties)
- dimensions of biases
- dimensions of words
- dimensions of concepts with words
- dimensions of arcs with concepts.
–“It takes three points to test a line … this is how we disambiguate down to first principles AND how we synthesize up from first principles: testing every single dimension against that which preceeds and that which follows.”–
We discover the Universal Grammar of The Logic of Evolutionary Computation;
As such all language are constructed by use of the the universal grammar (laws) of continuous recursive disambiguation of narratives (stories, equlibrium), or one or more episodes (equations), into a set of states (nouns) changes (verbs) and agreements (true or false, possible or not, testifiable or not, preferable or not, ethical and moral or not, and good or bad in the aggregate or not).
Where all references (words), whether nouns(states) verbs(changes) and agreements (disambiguation, equilibria,) are measurements that can be reduced to analogies to human experience, testable by human faculties, whether physical(sensory), perceptual(experiential), imaginary(potential, predictable), emotional(valuable) or logical(consistent and coherent).
All disciplines within any language consist of a hierarchy of paradigms (permissible dimensions of reference) in a given context and at a given scale, from the most parsimonious and consistent, consisting of the fewest dimensions (ie: mathematics) which we call deflationary, to the most efficient (ordinary langauge) which we call collouquial and idiomatic, to the least parsimonous, least consistent, and most dimensions (fiction, fictionalism, deceit, fraud) which we call conflationary and inflationary.
Producing the Hierarchy of Grammars (Sciences of Testimony, Disciplines)
Differences in charge (spin, polarity) produce Supply(+) and Demand(-) producing a ternary logic(-,+,=,(?)), of available exchanges (=), and as such supply and demand is the process of the unverse and the ‘langauge of the universe’, with the accumulation of marginal difference (quanta, step function, discrete) producing each hierarchical change in state.
Each layer of complexity(discipline, hierarchy) of the organization of matter in the universe, which consists of nouns(states) and verbs(operations) and agreements (constant relations) that satisfy the supply-demand economy of that layer of complexity by producing a stable relation (sharing or trade). As such a class of nouns(states) and verbs(operations) resulting in agreements (change in state and/or new stable relations) describe an economy of ternary logic at that level of complexity. And then the similar recombinations of resulting nouns via newly available verbs, allows the emergency of each new layer of complexity. (For example, an operation that produces a free electron is equivalent to producing a surplus or commons.)
Behavior is stacked markets like the sciences, where each layer satisfies evolutionary computation by the ternary logic of supply and demand, consisting of available markov chains (operations, changes in state) and allows for the emergence of the next layer(marketplace) of complexity.
The Four Sciences Of State
Explaining the Four Sciences
|Sciences|: Continuous recusive disambiguation of present knowledge into more precise knowledge by contraint of ourselves to testifiable testimony by conduct of adversarial competition between ideas, logic, and demonstrated evidence, Producing the Grammars (vocabulary, logics): of States Over time: (Before(measure): Physics (physics, chemistry, biochemistry) > During(measure): Behavior(biology, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, and group evolutionary strategies) > After(measure):Evolution(transcendence)) > Unification by Univerally Commensurable value neutral paradigm, grammar, vocabulary, logic, and syntax of Measurement by the discovery of and construction from first principles, where all langauge consists of measurements reducible to analogy to experience, and all testimony …. ( … )
Most Parsimonious (irreducible) Paradigm > Operational Grammar > (Vocabulary,Logic,Syntax of First Principles) > Testifiability > Deflationary Grammars > Formal(written) Language> Ordinary Language (analogistic, conflationary, inflactionary, fictional, fictionalisms) > deciets > denials > evasions.
Evolutionary Computation of Transcendence by the Ternary Logic.
Where transcendence can be understood in biological, cultural, psychological, or ethical terms, the concept of transcendence captures aspects of the evolutionary process that involve overcoming constraints, surpassing previous forms, and achieving new levels of complexity and adaptation (+,-,=)
before (state, noun) during (action, verb), after (state, noun) agreement (equals, greater than less than). (markov chains) ( … ) (four sciences)
THEREFORE;Explaining the Logic of Everything
Universally commensurable vocabulary, grammar, and logic of everything. ( … )
logic of those laws we use to describe and explain all within the universe ( … )
The Methodology
The Grammars of Evolutionary Computation
Truth and Decidability
The Ternary Logic
We are unfortunately indoctrinated into the logic of inference used in verbal and textual interpretation, rather than the logic of operations – a sequence of human operations first, and then the logic of verbal and textual communication and interpretation of those operations. So, we find in the logic of operations, instead of just True and False:
There are three states of logic, in order from more certainty to less:
1. False certainty
… 2. Truth candidatate (actionable)
3. Undecidable (In-actionable)
There are Three States of Truth in the Spectrum of Demand for Truth
Incoherent – Meaningless
1. … Coherent but inconsistent with satisfying the demand for decidability
2. … … Coherent and Consistent but Insufficient to satisfy the demand for decidability
3. … … … Coherent, Consistent, Correspondent and Sufficient to satisfy the demand for decidability
Tautological – Meaningless.
There are Three states of Testimony
1. Honesty – Surviving Due Diligence against deceit
2. Testifiable Truth – Due diligence against inference bias: loading, framing, obsuring…) – surviving due diligence by self-testing.
3. Untestifiable Ideal Truth – If one had perfect knowledge, paradigm, vocabulary – surviving application in the market – surviving market due-diligence against ignorance and error.
There are Three states of Knowledge in the Spectrum of Knowledge
( .. epistemology … )
Ethics And Morality
There are three states of Ethics in the Ethical Spectrum: (-, =, +)
|Ethics|: Evil < Immoral < Unethical < Amoral > Ethical > Moral > Virtuous
Evil | Immoral | Unethical | Amoral | Ethical | Moral | Virtuous |
( – ) | ( = ) | ( + ) | ||||
Negative Effect |
Neutral Effect |
Positive Effect |
Social- Political | Indirect | Inter-personal | Any | Inter-personal | Indirect | Social-Political |
- Virtuous: (…)
- Moral: (…)
- Ethical: (…)
- Amoral: (…)
- Unethical: (…)
- Immoral: (…)
- Evil: (…)
Cooperation consists of increases in the production of returns on time by the discovery of a coincidence of wants, and agreement on mutual pursuit of the same ends (rewards), in a division of labor, given the non linear increases in returns (extraordinary) made possible by that division of labor, that is preferable by the parties to alternative uses of their time.
The Evolution of Cooperation:
1) Acquisitiveness: To survive and reproduce, humans must acquire and inventory many categories of resources, and evolved to demonstrate constant acquisitiveness of those resources.
2) Demonstgrated Interests(“property”): The scope of those things they act upon, or choose not to act upon, in anticipation of obtaining as inventory (a store of value), constitute their demonstrated definition of property-en-toto.* (See Butler Schaeffer) “That which and organism defends.”
3) Value: Human emotions evolved to reflect changes in state of demonstrated interests. As such nearly all emotions can be expressed in terms of reactions to property. (imposed costs here, pre-moral, but also pre-cooperation, and only defense and retaliation, not cooperation)
4) Non-Conflict: That which humans act to obtain without imposition upon in-group members they evolved to intuit as their demonstrated interests (property), and demonstrate this intuition by defense of their inventory, and by their punishment of transgressors.
5) Cooperative Production: That which humans act in concert with one another to produce a change in state that is prefereable to other potential changes in state at some point in time.
6) Moral (cooperative) Intuitions(instincts): Moral intuitions reflect prohibitions on free riding by members with whom one cooperates in production and reproduction. (This is where free riding enters.)
7) Distribution of Intuitions by Reproductive Strategy: Moral intuitions vary in intensity to suit one’s reproductive strategy. This intensity and distribution of moral intuition varies between males and females, as well as between classes and between groups.
8) Variation By Family Structure: Moral rules reflect prohibitions on free riding given the structure of the family in relation to the necessary and available structure of production.
9) Resolution of Disputes: Property rights were developed in law as the positive enumeration in contractual form, of those moral rules which any polity (corporation) agrees to enforce with the promise of violence for the purpose of restitution or punishment. Conversely, any possible property rights not expressed, the community (corporation) is unwilling to adjudicate, restore or punish, or has not yet discovered the need to construct.
10) Instrumentation: Property rights are necessary for the instrumental measurement of moral prohibitions because of the unobservability of changes in human emotional states, and our inability to determine truth from falsehood. And as such we require an observable proxy for evidence of changes in state.
11) Family: As a general rule, as the division of knowledge and labor increases, so must the atomicity of property rights, and as a consequence, the size of the family must decline {Consanguineous, Punaluan, Pairing (Serial Marriage), Hetaeristic, Traditional, Stem, Nuclear, Absolute Nuclear}.
12) Transaction Costs: As the division of labor increases, relationships increase in distance from kin, increase in anonymity, decrease common interest, and the incentive to seize opportunities rather than adhere to agreements increases. This decrease creates the problem of trust, which increases costs of insuring any agreement is fulfilled, and decreases the overall number of possible agreements and the number of participants in any structure of production.
13) Trust (ethics in production): As a general rule, for the size of the family to decrease, and division of labor to increase in multi-part complexity then trust must increase, and trust can only increase with expansion of property rights to include prohibitions on unethical actions. Mere ostracization, boycotting and reputation are insufficient to preserve agreements (contracts).
14) Moral Competition (ethics in political production): (morals property rights, cheating) As a general rule, the scope of moral prohibitions expressed as property rights, must increase to limit demand for authority.
15) Demand for Authority: As a general rule, if a delay in the production of property rights evolves, then demand for authority will fill the vacuum with some form of authority to either suppress retaliation (conflict) or to prevent circumstances leading to conflict, or both.
1) The disproportionately high return on cooperation.
2) The differences in abilities at different ages.
3) The difference in reproductive role and strategy between the genders.
4) The differences in abilities among men.
5) The local structure of production: the division of knowledge and labor.
6) The local structure of the reproduction: family and inheritance rights.
7) The distribution of property rights between the individual, family, group and the commons.
8) The degree of suppression of, and intolerance for, free riding both in and out of family.
9) calculative, cooperative technology available for economic signaling and coordination. (objective truth, numbers, money, prices, interest, writing, contract, and accounting).
10) The use of formal institutions to perpetuate these constraints.
11) The competition from groups with alternate structures of production, family, inheritance, property rights, free riding, cooperative technologies, and formal institutions.
12) The geographical distribution of nature-given factors of production. (note that this is last.)
OBVERSE: A prohibition on the imposition of costs against those categories of property that in-group members are willing to enforce by means of organized violence.
REVERSE: a warranty by peers (right) that they will either enforce restitution for impositions of costs upon certain categories of your property, and/or that they will not retaliate against you for your acts of retaliation or restitution for such impositions.
(i) PROPERTY: that which we demonstrate that we have born costs to acquire without imposing costs upon others with whom we cooperate.
(ii) COOPERATION: constructing an asymmetry of incentives such that we choose to concentrate efforts by dividing labor in order to obtain the disproportionate rewards of doing so versus the alternatives.
(iii) MORALITY: that which we require in order to rationally cooperate.
(iv) RIGHT: Sanction of retaliation in case of abridgment.
(v) OBLIGATION: Requirement of performance.
(vi) LAW (PROPERTY RIGHT): that which we promise to one another to insure.
- Representation
- The Formal Law: Language
- The Formal Law: Communication (Negotiation)
- The Formal Law: Logics
- The Formal Law: Grammars
- The Formal Law: The Method
- The Formal Law: Epistemology
- The Formal Law: Decidability
- The Formal Law: Truth and Meaning
- The Formal Law: Reciprocity and Morality
- The Formal Law: Irreciprocity and Immorality
- The Formal Law: Tort, Crime, and Incremental Suppression
- The Formal Law: Falsehood and Deceit
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