Our Code of Conduct

Honest Identity: You will register for only one account.

Honest Work. Your answers to homework, quizzes, exams, projects, and other assignments will be your own work (except for assignments that explicitly permit collaboration).

Honest Cooperation. You will not make solutions to homework, quizzes, exams, projects, and other assignments available to anyone else (except to the extent an assignment explicitly permits sharing solutions). This includes both solutions written by you, as well as any solutions provided by the course staff or others.

Honest Grades. You will not engage in any other activities that will dishonestly improve my results or dishonestly improve or hurt the results of others.

Intellectual honesty not optional. Forgiveness of idiocy is not optional. If we do not forgive our friends their occasional idiocy we will have no friends.

We Teach Reason, not sarcasm.  While “shit-talking” is a time honored and appropriate means of male bonding, we teach the law, argument, rule, warfare, fighting, and mindfulness. We aren’t too fond of memes, trolling, sh-tposting, or time-wasting. And we aren’t too fond of porn or erotica either. That doesn’t mean they don’t have a place. It just means that this isn’t one of those places. That said, if it’s true and reciprocal, then it’s true and reciprocal, and all truthful and reciprocal speech is within the law. If it’s not true, and not reciprocal it is not.

Assume Your  Goals Are Shared But Values Are Not Shared. Men form packs, packs reflect classes, classes have different understandings of the world, values, and senses of humor. These differences are utilitarian, not preferable, good, or true.  Different classes use religion, philosophy, law, norm, pragmatism, and science. These are united under Propertarianism. Everyone adapts to the truth, not to our class frame of reference. Public Law Private Choice. Why? Unit Cohesion.

Follow Grey Man Rules when meeting in real life. The purpose is not secrecy but to prevent signaling between members that impedes development of communication and trust.

Exercise the Inner Animal. The only proper place for ‘going all out‘ is physical training. Most men need to re-learn how to ‘go all out’ and let loose their physical violence. This can be achieved either by personal combat, playing sport, lifting heavy things, or endurance.  Give yourself more than one proper place to ‘go all out.’ With a pack is better than alone.

No Second Chances when you fail hard on Weapon Discipline, Combat Discipline, or Physical Contact Discipline. You do not have a right to put others at risk.

Don’t cross the line from theory, strategy, planning, into action – until we all cross that line.

You are important to yourself, those who know you, to us, your people, and mankind. The only reason for failure is the man in the mirror. Be the one you want and need to be.

Have fun whenever possible. 😉

Course Structure

The courses will work just like every other college/university with an online component:
1 – Lecture (video);
2 – Assignment (usually short essay questions), and;
3 – Online discussions (in other words, a lot of help is available, because that’s part of ‘our thing’ is teaching one another.)

Why Videos? Given our international reach, the only way to cover all the time zones and accommodate everyone’s schedules is to make videos rather than live lectures, but conduct discussions around the clock just as we do now. So, video, assignment, discussion.  In our english speaking, scandinavian, and spanish countries alone, we have people online nearly round the clock.  If we are able to build up our english speakers in Ukraine, we will be certain to have round the clock coverage.

The other reason is to allow flexibility in due dates for course work, and some self-pacing, although within a limited window. The reason being that we are trying to make it possible for ‘ordinary working class people’ to get this depth of education as easily and cheaply as possible.

The workload will be the same as university, which is two hours of work to every one hour of course time. This is extremely hard for me to judge and we will have to tailor it going forward. Mostly I see short readings with some writing.

Some classes are 6 credits (two semesters of work) and some are 3 (one semester’s worth of work), and we have added some 1 credit courses as well. We are not bound by time constraints as much as universities so we will accelerate or slow the courses on demand

So, this is not one of those multiple choice things (gut courses). We want our education to be meaningful and rock solid and doing it online this way produces extraordinarily good data for the accreditation process.

These courses will be (we promise) as good or better than those you would receive in the top ten universities. If you want to study law, it’s Yale and Harvard, if you want tech and science it’s MIT and Stanford. But if you survey the courses at these universities and compare them to ours, you will find that we are teaching far more substantial content than those others do, even at that level of university.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How Are We Graded?” tab_id=”1546717185934-f0848505-708e”][vc_column_text][O]ur grading system is a bit old fashioned with the expectation that most students should pass with Success, and very few students with Mastery and very, very, few with Distinction. In other words, this is very similar to a pass-fail grading system with two awards for very exceptional work.

Distinction: Earned by work whose excellent quality indicates a full mastery of the subject and, is of extraordinary distinction.

Mastery: Earned by work that indicates a good comprehension of the course material, a good command of the skills needed to work with the course material, and the student’s full engagement with the course requirements and activities.

Success or Pass: Earned by work that indicates an adequate and satisfactory comprehension of the course material and the skills needed to work with the course material and that indicates the student has met the basic requirements for completing assigned work and participating in class activities.

IncompleteEarned by work that is unsatisfactory but that indicates some minimal command of the course materials and some minimal participation in class activities that is worthy of course credit toward the degree.

Incomplete or Fail: Earned by work which is unsatisfactory and unworthy of course credit towards the degree.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How Are Courses Scheduled and How Long Do They Run?” tab_id=”1548698376468-a344f20e-c195″][vc_column_text][W]e are not limited to the ‘arcane habits’ of traditional institutions: set schedules.

  1. Course Frequency: Courses will run as frequently as a sufficient number of students register for them, and this is only because it must be worth the instructor’s time commitment.
    (hint: use social media to recruit others to fill a class.)
  2. Number of Students: Usually we would like to see somewhere between twelve and twenty students for any given activity, with 50 probably being outside the ability of a single instructor to grade without assistants. This is because peers are instrumental in the process of sharing the process of learning.
    We generally offer a course with a target start date.
    We prefer at least 12-20 Students for some courses – max of 50.
    All at the Instructor’s discretion.
  3. Student Flexibility: For academic courses, Students can start a bit late, and end a course a bit late, because the material is (largely) in video format. The instructor must be able to manage the development of students at different rates. Students do not have to start or end at the same time, only adhere to the availability of the Instructor. In other words the burden on the instructor as always determines the course delivery constraints.
    We operate under the presumption that students need flexibility, and there is no necessity for us to avoid it, given that most of our exams are in short, medium, and long essay form.

Q: Why did you choose the College/University model?

For very good reasons.

  1. To provide you and others confidence in your investment of time and effort.
  2. To provide social, physical (fitness, fighting, war) and strategy (how to conduct war), the natural law and government under the natural law – the most ‘complete’ western aristocratic education that you can recieve.
  3. Our methodology requires a rather great deal of general knowledge that you have been denied in order to suppress the continuation of western civilization, and we need to provide that suppressed education in order for you to be most effective with the application of propertarianism.
  4. To provide consistent training so that you all ‘sound the same’, and therefor preserve the brand value (persuasive value) of the methodology.
  5. To provide the full set of courses necessary for a judicial priesthood in the natural law, to transform our civilization just as thoroughly as did the M-P-F’s.
  6. To weaken any possible criticism.

In other words, this is going to be serious work. I am very much against ‘dumbing down’.

Over the past few years, we have found that we can teach the core, including: The Grammars, Testimonial Truth, including Operational Language and Propertarian Ethics, and even the construction of strictly constructed, algorithmic law.  It’s actually not that hard after you practice it a bit.

But the amount of general knowledge required to do so is non-trivial.

So we have shortened the book by making it entirely about the law, and the application of the law, and the construction of constitutions with the law, rather than providing general knowledge on a ride variety of subjects.

As such the courses are a supplement..

Q: What about homeschooling our children?”

We need to produce the core courses first but yes, one of the most frequent requests is a curriculum for preschool, primary school, grade school, and high school, that ends the infantilization of our young and prevents them from socialization and real life experience, and instead, educates them to live the Epicurean, Stoic, or Aristocratic life of fulfillment and achievement.

Your Expectations of Yourself

( … )

Our Expectations of You:

  1. Keep current (Don’t get behind in your class by more than a session or two).
  2. Do your best (Not the minimum.)
  3. Ask for help ( and offer it)
  4. Recruit others (and help others recruit)

Q: What About Accreditation?

( … )

Your Experience and Success

How do I log in?

What if I can’t log in?

How can I pay for my courses?

The Usual Account Complications

How do I Changing Account Name, Display Name, Email, Password…

Account Names (ids) are unique and cannot be changed. This is a limitation of the software.

Your Display Name, Nickname, First and Last Name, and Email can be changed.

To change your profile information.

  1. At the top left of the home page, in the toolbar, select “Profile“. Your Activity Stream will appear.
  2. On right sidebar, from the Members Menu, select “My Page“. Your Page will appear.
  3. On the left sidebar, select the “Profile” tab. The Profile tab will appear.
  4. At the top of the Profile tab select the “Edit” tab.  And the Profile tab will appear.
  5. Modify the information as you see fit.
  6. Select “Save Changes
  7. At the top of the Profile Tab select the “Change Profile Photo” tab. follow the instructions and then save changes.

There is also additional biographical information, and display name information in your Education Profile.  This information is visible to others.

  1. On right sidebar, from the Members Menu, select “My Education“. Your Page will appear.
  2. On the top tab list, select the “Settings” tab. The Settings tab will appear.
  3. At the top of the Settings tab select the “General” tab.  And the Profile tab will appear.
  4. Modify the information as you see fit.
  5. Select “Save Changes

That’s it.

How do I change my password?”

If you are not yet logged in,

  1. At the top left of the home page, in the ‘toolbar’, select “Login”. The login dialog will appear.
  2. Select “forgot password” and follow the instructions to reset your password.

If you are logged in,

  1. At the top left of the home page, in the toolbar, select “Profile”. Your Activity Stream will appear.
  2. On right sidebar, from the Members Menu, select “My Page“. Your Page will appear.
  3. On the left sidebar, select the “Settings” tab. The Settings tab will appear.
  4. At the top of the Settings tab select the “General” tab.  And the Email/Password tab will appear.
  5. Enter a new Password in both boxes.
  6. Select “Save Changes
  7. Follow the instructions to verify it.

That’s it.

Why Was My Account Deleted?

Your account was deleted because the software identifies you as a bot, spammer or hacker.

  1. Create a new account using “first-name (space) last-name” or something close to it as your user name. We can’t admit you to the classes without that info anyway.
  2. Use an email that both reflects your name or is human meaningful, or that was not auto-generated. (ThisThat1245@yahoo.com will never survive. And Yahoo is a favorite of spammers and is almost always rejected. It will also delete all .ru domains.)
  3. Fill in your profile and profile photo.
  4. Click on the verification email, and log in.

That will do it.  Otherwise the system is pretty smart in purging suspect accounts.[

Reporting Bugs and Problems

How Can I Report A Bug or Problem?

[R]eport Bugs and other issues via the Contact Page.

We appreciate your help in squashing bugs. 😉