The Future Of Economics And Cooperative Science


[I] doubt that economics will ever evolve to be predictive, since we would adapt to any prediction. I do not doubt that economics will evolve to be almost universally descriptive. or at least sufficiently so that further inquiry won’t provide additional knowledge about mankind and human behavior.

I **DO** believe that we can construct a science of COOPERATION instead of a science of ‘economics’. I think this categorization of cooperation as economic has taken root, and it may be impossible to fix at this point. However, the study of economic activity is the use of easily recorded economic data to capture the demonstrated behavior and preferences of human beings better than any other form of test can possibly do.

But the science we are constructing through economics, cognitive science, and experimental psychology, is the the science of COOPERATION.

That science, for all intents and purposes has yielded, and will yield, only one fundamental set of principles. And that single fundamental set of principles will undoubtably be categorized as what we USED to call, “POLITICAL ECONOMY”.

[B]ecause all human cooperation requires institutions that facilitate organization of invention, production, distribution and consumption by voluntary means, while at the same time prohibiting free riding in all it’s forms: criminal, unethical, immoral, conspiratorial and conquest.

As such, the science of cooperation, including:

    a) The formal logic of human organization (reproduction/family/production)
    b) The formal logic of ethics (voluntary exchange)
    c) The formal logic of cooperation ( law, contract)
    d) The formal logic of institutions. (commons via extra-market exchange)

      The major shifts will be:

        a) the abandonment of universalism and the universalizabiltiy of morals.
        b) abandonment of majoritarianism in favor of government of exchanges.
        c) The adoption of the Austrian theory of the business cycle as preservation of the integrity of monetary information.
        d) The adoption of Propertarian constraints on political argument and action.
        d) The segmentation of economics into the study of policy across specific time spectra.
        e) Abandonment of employment as the objective of policy, and instead the emphasis on the productivity of human capital, and the development of employment into a preference for increasing one’s standard of living.
        f) Abandonment of open immigration.
        g) Adoption of Self Determination as a human right.

      I do not know if we can obtain secession without using violence. However, we can popularize and probably enforce nullification such that secession is not as necessary as it is today.

      (More to come)

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