[C]hildren talk of beliefs.
Adults talk of institutions.
Children talk of “Want and Belief”
Adults of “Expectations and Habits”.
The mind plans with what it has available.
We need develop means of creating habits that produce expectations.
People then plan with those expectations – because that is what is available to them.
As far as I know only property, homesteaded and voluntarily exchanged, allows such planning by the individual, and decidability by third parties in the case of conflict.
And far as I know the only means of creating ‘scientific’ rules of human cooperation is the organically evolved common law, constructed upon the one rule of property and the one operation of voluntary exchange.
Just as with mathematics we can take the concept of a single unit and simple operations we create all of mathematics, with the concept of property and the simple operation of voluntary exchange, we can create all of human cooperation in equally rich variety.
In the logic of human cooperation that we inarticulately call moral prohibitions and ethical rules, and which we can easily embody in law, we need only one unit “property” and one operation “exchange”.
All commons can be constructed as long as the principles of existence, calculability, and operation-ability are maintained, such that all propositions are decidable without dependence upon information external to the operation.
The only moral society is one in which property, morality and law are synonyms.
Curt Doolittle
The Propertarian Institute
Kiev Ukraine.