Confidence in Ignorance

(you see this kind of stupidity from the left and their followers, the muslims)

—If socialism is the next stage of human society, why bother fighting for it?—

Socialism is impossible. It cannot be the next stage of human society. So the question is not meaningful.

–But look at this quote: “…….”—- (moronic sophist drivel that conflates economic and political models, ie: verbalisms.)


Socialism: the involuntary organization of investment, production, distribution, and trade and the absence of rational incentives.

Capitalism: the voluntary organization of investment, production,m distribution and trade, and the presence of rational incentives.

Mixed Economy“: the voluntary organization of production distribution and trade, and a ‘fee’ collected by the government for use in the production of commons by legislative means.

Rule of Law: the market economy in which all actions must be voluntary, fully informed, productive, and free of negative externality

Democracy: (economic or unitary) the selection of legislation by majority rule.

Republic: the selection of representatives who determine legislative outputs by majority rule as proxy for citizens.

Totalitarianism: the choice of commands at the discretion of some elite.

So whomever is writing what you quote is a very ignorant person.

I have another question:

Why do you think you are either smart enough or knowledgeable enough to discuss these topics, and hold an opinion on these topics? This is the interesting question.

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