[A]ristotle and Plato : Natural Law
(vision but failure)
Augustine and The Church.
(incremental improvement – but failure)
Hobbes, Locke, Smith and Hume
(incremental improvement but bordering on science)
Menger (Austrian/Galacian Science – German Rational tradition) 1840
Mises (Jewish/Galacian pseudoscience – jewish legal tradition) 1881
Hayek (German/Anglo Empirical – Adopted Anglo legal tradition) 1899
(failure again, with only hayek discovering that it is law not economics that produces social science)
Rothbard (Jewish/Russian Justification -Jewish legal tradition)1926
Hoppe (German Rational – Continental legal tradition), 1949
Doolittle (Anglo Empirical – Anglo Saxon legal tradition). 1959
Rothbard, Doolittle, and Hoppe. We solved social science in three generations.
The only social science possible is the common law: the discovery of means of violating the requirement for productive, fully informed, voluntary transfer, limited to positive externalities of the same. Economics is the study of information and incentives to cooperate.
The basis of natural law is disproportionate value of cooperation.
The language of natural law is economic, not moral.
It was the failure of prior generations to rely upon financial and economic language rather than religious and moral language that prevented the solution to the problem of the social sciences. Morality is economic. It must be. Since we are part of the physical universe.
This is where Hayek ended up. He was right. But even he could not escape his language. And even he did not know how to solve the problem of truth.