Conservatism And The Central Objects Of Law, Policy, And Commons.

Conservatism is not an individualist but a Familial strategy. In other words, the strategy is building good, self-insuring families.

So conservatism eugenically suppresses weak and bad family members from the gene pool, allowing those who demonstrate a willingness to transcend their familial (genetic) weaknesses through demonstrations of heroism.

So if your family is too weak you provide you with wealth it’s a measure of your genes. And you are a representative of those genes. Through actions and choices, you may transcend your family limits. Through actions and choices one can descend from a family’s achievements.

There are four functions that play for and against your statement.

First, the lottery effect is real and necessary (you can’t win if you don’t play) but not all people can win the lottery. This creates incentives for many at very low cost.

Second capitalism pays us for the number of people who are willing to contribute to the production of goods and services. It’s purely a numbers game. Making cooking-matches and making symphonies is inversely rewarding; lots of people use cooking-matches.

Third – it is extremely difficult to hold wealth over more than three generations unless you are in fact genetically superior. And that is what we see.

Fourth – those families that demonstrate superiority over many generations are in fact demonstrating that they are a natural aristocracy – by any measure: and there are very few of them.

The central object of law is the individual, since the individual acts.
The central object of policy is the family.
The central object of commons is the competitiveness of the polity.

Insurance of various forms is a luxury we can afford or not depending on the success of the central objects of law, policy, and polity.

Curt Doolittle
The Philosophy of Aristocracy
The Propertarian Institute
Kiev, Ukraine,

(And my spiritual homes: London UK, Boston, and Seattle USA) 🙂

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