The Universally Commensurable and Value Neutral Science and Formal Logic of the Cognitive, Behavioral, and Social Sciences, in defense against ignorance, error, bias, and deceit, at every scale from the individual to mankind.
2 responses to “Myths That Are Realities: Donald Trump vs CATO and Don Boudreaux”
Off-topic: I’m confused with these “X reblogged this” posts of late. What is going on with the site? Restructuring? (I know this is most likely a newbie question, but I’m relatively new to WordPress)
There are several editors on this blog. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I reblog post that I find interesting/relevant.
There’s no restructuring going on aside from categorizing posts and adding hyperlinks to related works, materials, and readings. (something I’ve been working on)
Hope that helps. If you have any recommendations or questions, let us know.
2 responses to “Myths That Are Realities: Donald Trump vs CATO and Don Boudreaux”
Off-topic: I’m confused with these “X reblogged this” posts of late. What is going on with the site? Restructuring? (I know this is most likely a newbie question, but I’m relatively new to WordPress)
There are several editors on this blog. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I reblog post that I find interesting/relevant.
There’s no restructuring going on aside from categorizing posts and adding hyperlinks to related works, materials, and readings. (something I’ve been working on)
Hope that helps. If you have any recommendations or questions, let us know.