The Church Of Tomorrow?


If you went to the same church, and had similar rituals, but they drew from all of our history, not just Biblical, and tried to apply the lessons of history to (apolitical) current life and family affairs would that make you more interested in it?

If you went to the same church and the people who performed the rituals were married, and had the best educations possible from the best universities possible, in both the sciences and the arts, would that make you more likely to go?

If you went to the same church and every week you had a guest speaker on a ‘meaningful’ subject. would that make you more likely to go?

If you went to the same church, and they offered education by professionals with lifetime experience in ‘real life, household management, craftsmanship, business, industry, finance, and science, would that make you more interested?

If you want to that same church and they provided credit union and banking, legal, tax, services – not by employees but by devotees – what would you think of it?

If you went to that same church and they organized emergency and disaster services, what would you think of it?

What does this sequence of ideas make you think and feel?” – Curt Doolittle.


3 responses to “The Church Of Tomorrow?”

  1. Well, Curt, I’d love going to that church, and feel damn happy amongst a community of like minded folks that I could finally feel at home with. Then, if there is anything Abrahamic about this church at all, I would hear the inevitable, “Our way is the one and only True, Right way and all other religions are bad and wrong and false.” At this point I would stand up, and in a zig-zag motion of my head, I would puke my guts out over as many people I could project to in the pew in front of me. I’d leave, only slightly depressed for a while, go back to my filthy man cave and continue my wait for the ‘Abrahamapocalypse’ while reading from this web site or watching a John Mark video.

    • Curt Doolittle

      The Real Person!

      Author Curt Doolittle acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      The Real Person!

      Author Curt Doolittle acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      If I live long enough I’ll work on religion thoroughly. It’s actually more interesting (and less exasperating). 😉

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