Q&A “What Happens in a Sovereign Society if I Get People Together to Come Take Your Things?”


  • a judge of last resort (hereditary monarch);
  • an independent judiciary with rule of law, natural law, and universal standing;
  • a market for the production of commons consisting of houses for each of the classes and genders,
  • an insurer of last resort (treasury);
  • every-enfranchised-man-a-sheriff;
  • and every enfranchised man a member of the militia;

I would merely ask either the sheriff, or the court, to demand restitution and prevent further incursion. And that the sheriff would gather other enfranchised men and members of the militia if necessary, to achieve that goal – including me.

( I realize it is very hard to abandon god; very hard to abandon religion; and it is very hard to abandon platonism (fantasy ‘rights’). And actually reduce ‘magical-stuff-happens-here’ to ‘this sequence of events would occur’. But we all must grow up some day. Or at least enough of us must. 😉 )

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