Sovereignty Liberty, Freedom: It Starts with the Militia

Apr 16, 2017 8:49am

**Rule of Law, by Natural Law, with Universal Standing, and Universal Applicability: A contractual corporation consisting of a distributed dictatorship of sovereign militia (men). **

A constitution of natural law creating a distributed private government, each member with one share ownership, purchasable by reciprocal insurance of all other members.

With an independent judiciary, and and a hereditary monarchy providing a judge of last resort.

Under such a corporation, under such a form of management, under such a contract, we have only productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary exchange, free of negative externality, in markets for association, cooperation, reproduction, production private of goods, services, and information, commons of goods, services, and information, and the production of polities themselves, ad the means by which to cooperate.

Government without discretion. Rule of Law between men, not over men.

( I have to substitute ‘militia’ for men, or the entire chain of reasoning is lost. )

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