To Elders of The Black Sun 3 : On Stasis

October 17th, 2018 9:31 AM


1 – consciousness (awareness) declines as population increases.

2 – ancient orders (as proposed) preserved agrarian stasis, and as such members were enforcers not problem solvers (innovators, competitors).

3 – we no longer live in an era where we can seek stasis and survive (compete against competitors), but in an era where he who adapts fastest wins.

It is normal for the human mind to seek an order he comprehends at the expense of the continuous fragility of that order to conquest (christianity, islam, hinduism).

The great (powerful) civilizations (China, Carthage, Rome, HRE, British Empire, American Empire imposed legal order (negative) and ritual (continuous reminders of the importance of the order), The weak civilizations collapsed (Arab > Turkic > Now Iranic?, Hindu) only appear powerful because they sat (prior to sail) in the territorial axis of the continents, and could tax the world center of trade because of it.

We don’t live in an agrarian (stasis) world any longer. We can, if you want to return to a world population of under 1b, but the people who outnumber us (we are in total less than 700M, and those of us who are conservative a fraction of that) will resist any such thing.

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