Cultural Differences in Active Warfare Strategies

October 14th, 2018 1:33 PM


—“Curt, are Russians Pragmatists?”—

[R]ussians (Orthodoxy) learned from Mongols (Brutality) and Bolshevik Jews (Propaganda, and Polluting the CIvic Informational Well) that the CHEAPEST WARFARE is gossip and undermining (propaganda and ideology). The gradual decay of the will of the people to care for and defend one another.

Just as judaism and christianity undermined the roman empire, allowing the north (germans) and east (muslims) to invade in times of weakness due to over expansion, the Russians (orthodox, mongols) and the Bolsheviks (Jewish Socialists and Communists) understood that they don’t need to do anything to the west except sew dissent by feeding envy.

The west runs on trust, risk taking, commons, and rule of law. It is the most difficult and expensive set of norms to develop. Because commons have higher returns(multipliers) than private investments. All Enemies have to do is destroy the trust between the classes (martial, priesthood, burgher, labor), and the cultural, economic and military advantage of the west (commons) is destroyed.

Russians are not pragmatists, they are persistent goal oriented, expansionist underminers, who wait, then invade and hold territory in a rush, and destroy the capital structure, and take possession of all assets.

Russians are at present only a power becauase of their inventory of missiles. But they have a tiny economy unable to wage war, or even produce weapons in sufficient numbers to conduct current warfare on other than a narrow channel into russian territory.

Russians did the same thing in Crimea twice now that they did in the caucuses twice now. They are doing the same thing in ukraine: keep raiding, funding dissent, informational undermining, blowing up industry, blowing up ammunition, conducting assassinations, setting arson fires, and when the West is in a moment of weakness they will expand to at least the Dnipr if not all the way to the mountains. Because with the mountains they can reach south again.

1 – The Chinese slowly move, assimilate, and boil the frog.
2 – The Russians(Mongols) undermine, and then seize opportunities.
3 – The Jews and muslims (Semites) invade, undermine, and seize opportunities from within.
4 – The Hindus (Hindu) do nothing except take care of themselves.
5 – The West (Christian Monarchies) is optimistic and stupid and fights as if we are still fighting our own.
6 – And america has spent a century trying to preserve the british empire so that everyone could evolve into a good international citizen at the cost of much blood and treasure, and so that we never have another world war.

Unfortunately, the CHinese, Russians, Semites (jews and muslims), and now the frenc-german alliance, are cumulatively making that ORDER impossible.

The primary reason? Hispanic immigration. THat’s right.

With that threat we cannot maintain the martial civic order that exports that power. We are done.

Curt Doolittle

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