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Out of habit, we mix (a) Propertarianism as a social science (a truth), with (b) the use of Propertarianism to produce a Nomocracy as a choice and preference, with (c) the transcendence of man by the civilizational production of agency, by using nomocracy, triparitism (multi-house government), and Markets in Every aspect of life, as the traditional order of the european people.

Those are three different things: A science, A Strategy, and An Implementation.

There is no ‘possible’ government that cannot be constructed under propertarianism and nomocracy. (ie, anarchy and communism are both impossible,) It just means that one must be truthful in the construction (constitution) of that government – in the construction of the contract for rule.

So, under propertarianism (social science), and nomocracy (rule of law), the choice of the terms of the contract under which we organize the economic, social, political, and military functions of society is up to the people who author it.

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