Apr 6, 2020, 11:48 AM
[I] am a career entrepreneurial ceo. My family has been martial throughout history. I studied war more than any subject in my childhood. I have martial and entreprenrurial sensibilities. I have come to understand men must have martial-political, and entrepreneurial-craftsmen sensibilities, and possibly religious sensitivities to be whole. To maintain a trifunctional society we must have trifunctional sensibilities: martial, legal, religious
I have no problem and find no contradiction in a personal relationship and care for you and your happiness, and a paternal relationship between you and the truth. I have never held to the premise that officers should not fraternize with the enlisted and executives with staff.
Instead they should never cross certain lines any more than a parent should cross certain lines. We are parents and officers first, friends and comrades second, and only on those things outside of our parent-child, officer-enlisted aristocracy-producer relationships are permissible on social terms, or we are failing at all of them.
Women have a hard problem with this.
Men of ability and character don’t.
Men lacking maleness in their training do.