We Are All Turning to The Masculine Defense of Our Peoples and Cultures

Just as french write informal universalist secular theology of the feminine, and germans write formal universalist philosophy that is secular theology of harmony, the russians write masculine very informal nationalist propaganda as a secular theology of the masculine. These are the result of geographic location and cultural history.

While yes my implementation of rule of law is pretty intolerant, and I jokingly refer to my work as either rule of law fascism or market fascism, and while I advocate for nationalism, and restoration of the anglosphere – remains of the british empire – to create the scale necessary for preservation of the defense of the sea trade between our continents – my work is also in large part dispassionate.

So where duggin has his ambitions, writes, speaks, and argues passionately and romantically in what I consider nonsense-propaganda, I write in pretty rigorous analytic argument dispassionately and unromantically. And this lack of romance and passion – my anglo empiricism – is not what the passionate market wants me wo write. What the young passionate male mind wants is an heroic and often esoteric secular-religious vision. Yet I’m just updating the founding fathers, with their formality and martial reserve.

So in that sense whether french feminine passive aggressive essay, german rational inspirational harmony, russian low trust machismo, and anglo high trust empirical, and chinese face-before-truth authoritarian, or jewish feminine undermining using magical thinking to bait into hazard, we are all arguing for our futures in a world returning to normal after a century of jewish intellectual pseudoscience and sophistry in marxism, syndicalism, postmodernism, feminism, libertarianism, neoconservatism – a sequence of attempts by the jewish counter-revolution against the empirical revolution and it’s darwinian consequences. They sought to capture europa for their ends just as the french, germans, and russians sought to capture it for their ends. They have failed. Or it will be evident shortly that they failed.

So I see the world differently, that we are all turning to the masculine defense of our peoples and cultures after the undermining and destruction of the leftist feminine attempts to use european wealth, and christian tolerance, to turn the world into another middle eastern equalitarian desert under totalitarian feminine presumption that knitting-circle consensus and harmony is possible, or that continued knitting circle gossip and undermining among usurers of our civilization is possible. It isn’t. It’s Magical thinking.

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