But I’m Not Creating a Popular Political Movement I’m Creating a Revolution and A Body of Law

Apr 15, 2020, 10:11 AM

(and frankly y’all got nobody else at all other than me with anything to offer.)

—“Curt: Don’t you realize that what you are trying to do is start a political movement? P must be a political movement if it’s ever going to get off the ground. You can talk all you want about it being the final conclusion to logic and science. You know what? That and $4 will get you a cup from Starbucks. I would personally like to see some P principles in our constitution. But it ain’t gonna happen if you don’t build constituencies. And the number one group that could be in your corner is conservative Christians. But that isn’t going to happen because you are too dogmatic about the folly of Christianity. I am offering you some advice. Delete all negative references to Christianity in your writings. Stop telling Christians they are foolish, failures, weak, arrogant, disobedient and wasting their time believing in the fake man in the sky. You are trying to build a political movement (herd) whether you choose to admit it or not. Who is going to be followers of the P movement? Marxists? Socialists? Antifa? The leftist academic elitists? The deep state? The parasitic democrats dependent on government transfer payments, single mothers, millions of recent immigrants, the AOC & Bernie millennials? No. It’s Euro Americans of which a huge number are Christian. And you’re going to piss them off. You are NOT going to gain any traction by alienating what should be your core constituency. You can be self-righteous in your P dogma and lose. Or you can try to win by forging alliances with those who can help you move forward. Choose wisely.”— Herod Bedford

Go to my twitter page. What does the pinned tweet say?

Here. I’m going to post it below for you.

My response is that instead you stop making excuses for the truth in order to burying your head in the sand using faith as an excuse. You can never have a theocracy. You can only have trifunctionalism, or you can disappear from this earth.

Truth and Law vs Wisdom and Faith.

I’m not looking for a majority, any more than were the founders. I’m looking for 1% or less of the population that will fight to restore the constitution and our civilization without pandering to anyone, whether christian, or fascist, or marxist-socialist-postmodernist-feminist, or anything in between – we are made from rule of law and christianity, fascism, liberalism, and leftism are all privileged cults of fantasy that are possible because the few – the very few – were willing to pick up, carry arms, sally forth, and fight to preserve them despite cowards like you.

Either your civilization and its operating system of law comes first, or you are an enemy of our people. If your faith is before your people, or you are the enemy of our people. if it comes before our law, our people, and our civilization then you are the enemy of your people. Your privilege of faith is due to our civilization, and our law, and the truth within our law that you deny in order to maintain your faith.

Christian self congratulatory delusions are only possible, as is judaism, because real men fight for the law to have the freedom to provide you with that self indulgence.

The few strong, reciprocal, and brave, do not need the approval of the many weak, irreciprocal, and cowardly.

So grow up, man up, shut up, and fight for our law.

Because the survival of your faith is predicated on it.

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