‘Chaos Is a Ladder; but One No One Can Climb It for You

Apr 13, 2020, 11:57 AM

“Men: you’re failing to make the proper calculation. When trust is low a return to brotherhood is the only method of repair. It’s not that you’re not capable; You’re misinformed, unprepared, overwhelmed, misdirected, and undermined (and all that by design both systematic and biological)”— anon

Men ought be positioned to calculate against possible retaliatory violence only, that is, “Will this get me or me and my family(loved ones) killed?”


Because that is EXACTLY what they are wired up for; this and this alone allows them to calculate for MAXIMAL risk; risk against the world is where we make ALL the value-added gains. The system has trained you to be risk averse. It has filled its ranks with feminine teachers, trainers, and influence and constructed environments that undermines agency in return for gifting parasites increased autonomy that further undermine group agency. It’s a feedback loop that leaves no one fed in the long run.

This is NOT conspiratorial in nature. It’s deterministic. The conspiracy of elephants

@[100041644869842:2048:Curt Doolittle] or
@[15616116:2048:Robin Hanson] or
@[412370063083:274:Robert Sapolsky]
or @[108097232599996:274:Daniel Dennett]]

Look, when you reward animal man, a reversion to animal form is what is gifted in return, and the more animal you are the shorter your time frames and the shorter your time frames the quicker the devolution. Why? Because short time preference favors rewards of primal circuitry. A reversion to the animal isn’t higher culture; yet you’ve been convinced that this is so. Your selfish hedonism is doing you in; as I’ve warned for years it would.

You’re passing up the most serious of opportunity costs (the opportunity to pass intergenerational wealth down your genetic lines) because the systems that have trained you have blinded you to the future. As the future is a VERY long-time frame. However, it won’t be for you and your family if you don’t wisen up right quick. You ought not want to see this end for so many so swiftly.

Your environment is largely delusion; one that blocks your vision and perception. It’s a trick, an illusion, a sleight-of-hand, a perceptual mirage that has you convinced the price for action is high. The price of action is LOW. It’s never ever in the history of ever been lower. It’s low for a single human; imagine how low it is if we actually act in unison.

Right now, we’re being over-run by a bug, a virus, a being not sentient in nature and we’re losing. We’re losing it all: we’re losing our sanity, our liquidity, our safety, our agency, and worst of all our future stability. You do understand that the landscape favors those who can act and you’re being told to sit at home, yes? You do know that through non-action nothing is gained, right? A calculation so simple a child understands… but why do you demonstrate otherwise? Oh, that’s right you’re so worried your overloads at the media are riling you up that you’ve been lulled to sleep. They say “panic” and you don’t even prepare! What ought we expect from those that look for every reason not to do a goddamned thing?

We don’t trust those who are necessary to trust in order to act as one to beat back threats that may do us all in. High-trust stems from military reporting; as those who were truthful on the battlefield are those who lived to breed, period. No delusions exist in the realm of violence. The delusion is that the realm of violence isn’t ever present and threatening equilibration every single moment.

A brotherhood; men that can take each other at their word and understand who and who not to take command from. You do understand the only authority is gifted, yes? That those who command can ONLY do so because there are those that faithfully follow orders. How did this chain become hidden? Where did we lose trust in collective action?

Get it back! Find it again! If it’s not in your area look further out; we’re all connected. Report in! Send a message telling those you trust you’re prepared for action (and don’t fucking lie if you’re not!). Those that look to mislead you have lead you exactly to where you’re at right now. All those authority figures you’ve trusted your entire life have lead you to this very moment. Global panic. Why trust a set of leaders that’d lead you into this mess. One that’s been foreseen by those you ought to have been listening to for decades!

You are capable. You have the power to deny power. Remember “no, means no.”? Did you think that applied only in the realm of consent? Of course, you thought that, it’s the only realm many of you care to act in or think about. I know because I read the dating application data. You present humans are frivolous things; but as humans you can just choose to change. I can assure you that if you don’t choose to change you will be delivered a fate not of your choosing but of their design; you’ll fall to a system that cares nothing for you whilst you trusted it to protect you. I’m not sure about you, but being duped doesn’t sit well with me; it turns my fucking stomach.

Wake up! That’s not an alarm those are screams and gunfire!

The systems and institutions you trust (you actually don’t trust them; see the chart below) have led you here. And you still follow… You still allow them to steer you. And if you don’t, you allow those that have been steered by them for decades steer you, and that’s just as bad. And if not that, then it’s the inner animal you’re giving the green light to and it’ll get you killed as well because this isn’t nature you’re acting with-in it’s human nature and that’s proving much more deadly.

If you work to re-establish the systems and institutions as they are/were, YOU are the enemy. As those systems have gotten everyone I know into a pickle; one they are scrambling to escape. But, the trap is so elaborate it’s going to take a collective effort not seen before to escape. And without that effort we’ll all fall prey.

It’s happening NOW. Your global order delivered you this situation. So, upend it; it’s all upside-down (@[453071252107024:69:TSM: KNOH – The Upside(down)]) anyhow. Your previous actions have left you un-prepared; stop continuing to make the same mistakes. Those you have trusted have let you down, remove your trust by stripping them of authority.

Never has an empire been so fragile.

They delivered you this mess. Those that act as parasites upon human nature; those that manipulate the herd to extract from them as they flat-out steal from you (the productive and able). The top has allied with the bottom in systematic fashion; but the bottom cares not for the top in any real sense; they care about being taken care of because they CAN’T do it themselves. And AGAIN, this is all by design.

I can make a promise; the men that re-order this landscape will teach those that struggle and suffer to strive; it’s what they do. They’ll care for you and train you, because it’s in their blood. To specialize and combine effort in a trusting fashion delivers riches beyond compare. Cooperation and coordination beat back low-trust selfish effort every single time. And if this ceases to be the case your landscapes aren’t pristine as such, they are hellscapes; and they are so because no matter your action you still reside in the pit of despair that is hell; a pit that only deepens.

You can have order, created by a brotherhood of men, providing a landscape of sovereignty delivering maximal agency creating excellence, beauty, and heroism OR you can have chaos, created by a parasitic elite, providing a landscape of hedonistic choice delivering maximal entropy via atomization creating mediocrity, ugliness, and subservience. The choice is yours. You’ve been trained to accept the latter, but I’m imploring you to climb the ladder.

h/t @[100017606988153:2048:Eric Danelaw] (for the chart)’


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