In a Perfect World….

Jan 29, 2020, 11:28 AM


We want a monarchy with veto power if we can eventually get one.
We need a cabinet (a management team)
We need a prime minister that is not a senator
We need a senate (market for commons)
This senate can only produce contracts between the states in matters of revenue, infrastructure, trade.
The house is eliminated.
The state is a corporation run by the management team,
The divisions include the judiciary, the military-state-intel, the treasury, the insurer. The fed reserve is gone and pulled into the treasury.
Each state shall have a governor, cabinet, senate(territory), upper house(business), and lower house(families)
Each governor appoints two senators.
The blue cities are forcibly converted to Free Cities(if we fight) or States(if we agree). All state lines are fungible on the neighborhood level. Any new state can be formed anew.

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