The Undermining of The Masculine by Magical Thinking

Apr 13, 2020, 9:11 AM

(important summary)

The military was shut out of politics. Then men’s organizations shut off and out of civil society. Then the family undermined to shut men out of the family. Then manliness shut out of education. Then men and manliness shut out of discourse. And only once that was accomplished could the enemy fully remove european sense making: realism, naturalism, operationalism and our heroism and duty, Excellence and Beauty, Truth and reciprocity, Law and Jury, and markets and eugenics – How, persistent, relentless undermining – the warfare strategy of the human female. It was all by design. The design to restore the pre-civilizational strategy of the female and the herd. A design driven by instinct not rason. However, there are no female civilizations for reason – they cannot survive. Yet they try over and over again to fail. Why? “Predisposition to magical thinking.” The predisposition to magical thinking is as relentless as the predisposition to undermine. Neither Eve nor Pandora received the punishment they deserved. … Until now.

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