The Natural Law on Media Content


REGARDING: “News Outlets Are Liable for Others’ Facebook Comments, Australian Court Rules: Australian court says newspapers, TV stations that post their own articles should be considered publishers of defamatory comments”

1 – All copyright law is reduced to creative commons, and narrow interpretation. (Profound)
2 – All public speech: speech in public, to the public, in matters public must be testimonial form: Truthful, Reciprocal, Free of false promise, baiting into hazard, and proposing a competing solution that is truthful and reciprocal.
3 – Defamation by both libel (publication), and slander (speech) is restored.
4 – News (Twitter), Communication (Facebook), and Indexing (Google), as well as consumer banking, and consumer credit (visa/mc) are strategic infrastructure, and nationalized (the state takes a majority interest at the expense of investors as punishment for crimes against the people).
5 – Only content by Identity-Verified Individuals (credit card, phone number, drivers’ license, passport) may be shared outside of voluntary personal networks (friends, followers) by the publisher (platform). Identity of each individual determines jurisdiction of the individual.
6 – All individuals will be profiled for personality, moral, political, and religious biases (this is already extant). Individuals can opt into our out of jurisdictional, linguistic, moral, political, and religious biases (expose filters to users).
7 – Services will be provided for jurisdictions to (a) filter jurisdictions, (b) filter topics, (c) filter users, and (d) filter content. And jurisdictions may filter as they choose.
8 – Otherwise services may NOT filter content except pornography, gore, suicide, and crime.
10 – Services may NOT filter political content or any other content. Individuals that violate content selections will be limited to friends and followers networks. Or friends networks. Or destination (unshared). But they cannot be prohibited from direct voluntary communication within their voluntary network.
11 – All information about individuals, or produced by individuals is forever their property.
12 – All individuals have the right to be forgotten in entirety, but not selectively.

All governments have the right and ability to self regulate platform content in their jurisdictions at their own cost, but may not externalize that cost nor involve the hosting service provider ( Platform ) in their internal matters. The united states will consider any attempt to externalize costs onto the service providers as a trade violation, and respond accordingly.

The international network governance will be repatriated to the USG, and managed by a volunteer organization sworn to the USG law independent of all other law.

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