Men and Women – Attracted to What They Understand, Not What Is Good for Them

You know how women easily go for men they shouldn’t? Unless they have strong fathers and brothers? Women are attracted to the dominance expression that they understand. the problem is training them to be attracted to the dominance expression that isn’t bad for them.

The same applies to men, in relation to their domiance hierarchy: politics, ideology, philosophy, faith. Men are attracted to the dominance expression that they understand. The problem is training them to be attracted to the dominance expression that isn’t bad for them. in simple terms, that’s what the military tries to do.

The left excels at activism – rallying (emotion-social). But the right excels at education (reason-political).

So, without adversarial education, without military training, without men’s organizations, men are attracted to what they understand, not what is good for them.

This is our fundamental problem of ‘uniting the right’.
Education is costly and time-consuming.
Simply getting beaten in war will do some.
But victory in war would do more.

So we must ‘educate’ whether the men like it or not.
They must learn to be attracted to what is good for them.
Not what they feel that they understand.

That’s a hard job.

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