The Right? All I See is Fear

—-” I hear “I have a plan, “some thing is coming”, “just wait, our time is coming”, is the deepest of all copes. They don’t have a plan, they have nothing to look forward to and they’re just full of shit 9/10. When the “time” actually comes to implement their plan or to put it in action, they’ll usually fail or ask for more “time”.”—Tim Allen Muse

I dunno. My plan is published ( in public and the plan’s has been constant for almost ten years. The team knows most of the ‘revolutionary plan of action’. So that plan exists. So There is a plan, a solution, and it will work.

But the right is so broken I don’t think it’s possible to make it happen. The right is loud, demanding, and aggressive – just to mask their true panic and cowardice.

—“It’s my ball and if we don’t play my rules I’m going home”—Everyone on the right

Let me clue the right: it’s the left’s ball. And they’re playing, and you’re on the bench.

All I see is fear. Demand for certainty. But what if, but what if, but what if? Cowardice. It’s just demand for other better men to do the work of men. Nothing but manbois with pride they haven’t earned, demanding respect they aren’t due, with courage they don’t have, with the promise of effort they never demonstrate.

The left shows up. My guys show up for the plan. They sign a document exposing themselves for the plan.

I don’t see anyone else with a plan, or anyone else showing up. And even if you do they want you to be ‘stupid’ rather than strategic.

Mostly Boys. Not men. Hiding. As if prepping is bravery rather than admission they’re unlikable, untrustworthy, borderline schizophrenic from the feeling of powerlessness.

Everyone gives up on the right as trailer trash. I”m not giving up yet. But man it’s difficult to keep pressing on, when really, the right is largely cowering medieval peasantry waving internet white flags of Christian simpering, and micro-penis nazi flags, waiting for the Vikings to show up and lead the crusades.

Mostly they make me sick.
But someone’s gotta care for the kids on the slow bus.
I think anyway.

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