Unite Behind Reforms Not Complaints


—“Curt, can you elaborate on what “man up, shut up, show up” means? What are the different forms that can take? You’ve previously described how in the Ukrainian revolution there those who fought, those who cooked, those who protected, those who supplied, those who marched, etc. What are the equivalent roles today? Also outside of the 100k men showing up.”—Moritz Bierling

Unite behind demands. Demands are the reforms, and nothing else. No nazi power symbols, white power symbols, no Christian symbols or demands, no hatred. Just be the adults in the room, and force discourse on policy and settlement on policy.

—“The thing that really irks me I guess about all the pissing and moaning from the Nazi and White Nationalist Right with regards to Propertarianism is that the system you propose for reforming the United States Curt creates not just one, but an entire series of de facto White/European-American nation states with the freedom to discriminate at their pleasure. You’re really onto something I think when you say that Propertarianism is an IQ test, cuz it’s not very hard at all to come to that conclusion.
Non-Whites vote majority Left. Where do the majority of non-Whites live? In big urban areas. Who do we want to separate from? The Left. Where is the Left? In big urban areas, for the most part. Derp-dee derp-dee derp! It’s easy enough for a little kid to understand, really. You’d have to be high on your own farts not to be able to connect the dots.”—Nathan Borup

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