Falsifying Hoffman is relatively simple: 1) What we see, feel, taste, smell, and most importantly disambiguation and organization into a ‘model’ of objects, spaces, and backgrounds in which we can at – what we consider perception – that we save as episodic memories, are disturbingly accurate (as photos demonstrate). Our tastes attribute value (gain, loss), that’s all. 2) The evolutionary origin of all neural organization, is sortition in competition with every other nerve and neuron for predictive accuracy in time (milliseconds). In other words, the evolutionary mechanism is trivially simple, because it must reflect reality in order to evolve – this is why even our color senses are universal within marginal differences. 3) However, we can only perceive what we can test by this internal competition for prediction.. 4) So between accurate sensation of the world, disambiguation of that world, and limited perception of that world into the actionable, and value of those reference, we accurately represent the world so precisely that we can both act and physical and logically develop instrumentation that extends our perception into that which we cannot naturally perceive. And what do we find? There is no ‘illusion’. There is no ‘truth’. There are minor differences in sensitivity, disambiguation, organization, and valence. FWIW: people who speak (preach) in storytelling mode are using suggesting, loading, and framing to compensate for a lack of demonstrated capacity to produce a testable argument. The brain is a simple thing. There is just a whole lot of it.