1) Changes happen because mutation (fragility) has not been eradicated from the replication process for reasons too technical to go into here. What we don’t yet know is why some organisms are so good at controling limited mutation and some are not (cancer cells) or why some cells are within the norm of mutation and some are extrme outliers with 100M times as many mutations in the same generational series.
2) Evolution isn’t the paradigm of evolution it’s the paradigm of existence itself. In other words, evolution is the first principle of the universe. I cover in normie prose in this interview:
These three sections explain the evolution as the function of the universe, and my position on Christianity and comparative religion.
0:11:00 – Evolution: Explaining Continous Recursive Disambiguation of Disorder into Order – A Hierarchy of Stable Relations: Existence.
0:25:47 – Curt’s understanding of god. Christianity and Religion and General
0:37:16 – European Evolution of Trifunctionalism vs Everyone Else’s Failure into Monopoly.
3) So why it happens is that the universe is under pressure either by an inability to expand or a pressure to contract. This results in the energy content of the quantum background (which is terrifyingly huge in every single cubic centimeter, and every single Planck unit). So the universe can only use entropy to dissipate energy or use evolution to capture energy in a higher stable relation (state). All existence (mass) is the result of the capture of energy in complex combinations of electromagnetic bonds, where each bond assists in producing the stability of the related bonds. In other words the universe will never run out of evolutionary pressure until it ends – if it ever ends.
4) As for one species evolving into another, I’m not sure I understand that statement, since a ‘species’ is just a taxonomy we use to represent a stable relation of a genome expressed in a life form, for some stable period of time. For example, humans are still evolving, and have evolved rapidly over the past ten thousand years, and we speciating into at least four new species before the agrarian revolution. Humans are sexually opportunistic, and sexually hyperadaptive, so we are less likely at least in the norm, to limit homogenization by hybridization. So a stable state of any organism just means it’s adapted to its environment such that limited change occurs and only slowly. Yet under duress, we see punctuated equilibriums created by the opportunity for adaptation given the potential to express adaptive mutation that was previously limited by competitors. And this allows for increase in mass by capturing those new niches. So a ‘spiecies’ is a ‘photograph’ of a common state of a related genome at a point in time so that we can measure (perceive) differences, and from those differences, learn something.