(a) Conservatism=Burke’s Reaction to the French Revolution that Empowered the Commoners. What we have in America is not conservatism, it’s the republican party, which is the weaker party, in a first-past-the-post democratic electoral system, that by First-past-the-post elections, results in a two-party system.
(b) This two-party system means that conservatism (empirical rather than theoretical or ideal decision making) will always be the minority influence, and a minority party, that must slowly shift to the left to maintain the ability to even RESIST the majority party. In other words, our electoral system can’t possibly conserve only slow the rate at which we fail to conserve.
(c) Worse, the combination of Christian utopianism, french enlightenment utopianism, Jewish-Marxist-pomo-woke utopianism – all of which are lies – created a Christian right that and a republican party dependent upon the fundraising by the Christian right, that maintains the utopianism, and ‘hopefulness as Christian cope’ that has prevented the right from using force as had the left to achieve its political goals of resistance.
(c) The only ‘cure’ for this problem is to end the presidency and prime minister roles, to restore the monarchy as a judge of last resort (last appeals), restore the professional cabinet, and restore criteria for voting for the upper(territorial), middle(commercial), and lower (married families) houses of government, thereby requiring classes to agree on policy rather than the majority, because majority always produces a race to the bottom.
(d) The only reason ‘conserve’ makes any difference in European civilization is because we are trying to conserve our group evolutionary strategy, and the accumulated cultural capital, from that strategy, all of which is produced by rule of law, of self-determination, by sovereignty in demonstrated interests, reciprocity in display, word, and deed, truth, duty and loyalty to the commons over self, together which produce merit, mindfulness, and responsibility as the natural consequence. And this combination was the reason for the rapid rate of European development in the bronze, iron, and steel ages – with Christian ignorance and superstition the only period of darkness in our history. Why? Because it is the fastest evolutionary system of human organization available to man: scientific government.
there is only one solution: revolution, restoration of the constitution, completing that constitution to include the foundations in the natural law and the European group evolutionary strategy under that law, and in particular the prohibition on the utopian false promises so that all frauds are criminalized – including the political frauds.