HumanBiodiversity Bibliography

Someone recently said, “Assertions about the importance of HBD [human biodiversity] are rife on the internet among high-IQ bloggers.” We thus created the following bibliography to aid those interested in human biodiversity. The bibliography is eclectic and a work in progress. Its creators do not necessarily agree with all the ideas presented in the following articles and books. Please send corrections and suggestions for additions to: hbdbibliography AT Click on links to view articles and books. See HBD lexicon at the bottom of page. Follow us on Twitter at @RealScienceNow or at @Science. Please make a donation to keep site running.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell

New to HBD? Requisite materials for novices:

Ready to take the red pill?

Cochran, Gregory and Henry Harpending. 10,000 Year Explosion. New York: Basic Books, 2010. [Overview] [Wiki] [PDF]

Frost, Peter. “The emerging synthesis in human biodiversity.” Evo & Proud, Jan. 3, 2015.

Fuerst, John. “The nature of race.” Open Behavioral Genetics, June, 2015.

McAuliffe, Kathleen. “They Don’t Make Homo Sapiens Like They Used To: Our species—and individual races—have recently made big evolutionary changes to adjust to new pressures.” Discover Magazine, Feb. 2, 2009.

Miller, Geoffrey. “The looming crisis in human genetics.” The Economist, Nov 13, 2009.

Outside In. “Five Stages of HBD.” Outside In, Oct. 21, 2013.

Sailer, Steve. “The Race FAQ.” VDare, Dec. 16, 2007. [BU]

Salter, Frank. “Misunderstandings of Kin Selection and the Delay in Quantifying Ethnic Kinship.” Mankind Quarterly 48, no. 3 (2008).

School of the West: Human Racial Differences

Wade, Nicholas. “Humans Have Spread Globally, and Evolved Locally.” New York Times, June 26, 2007.

See: HBD Dictionary

Maps: Global Genetic Distances Map and Races of the World

Images: Faces of the World’s Races

(Important: See HBD lexicon at bottom of page.)

[Return to Main Index]

On the Biological Reality of Race:

Note: Darwin, Crick, Watson, WD Hamilton, EO Wilson, Dawkins and Pinker all accept the biological reality of race.

Altman, Andrew and Janaina Mourão-Miranda. “Evidence For Bias Of Genetic Ancestry In Resting State Functional MRI.” [You can determine someone’s race by an MRI scan.] IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019), 8-11 April 2019, Venice, Italy, Volume: 16.

Baker, John R. Race. Oxford University Press, 1974. [PDF]

Beckman, Mary. “The Race for Ancestral Genetics in Clinical Trials.” Journal of the National Cancer Institute 98 (2006).

Berezow, Alex & Razib Khan. “Contrary to much of the racial identity debate, race is far from a social construct.” USA Today, June 28, 2015.

Cochran, Gregory and Henry Harpending. 10,000 Year Explosion. New York: Basic Books, 2010. [Overview] [Wiki] [PDF]

Coyne, Jerry A. “Are There Human Races?” Why Evolution is True, Feb. 28, 2012.

Coyne, Jerry. “A sensible article on human race [Race is biologically real].” Why Evolution is True, Aug. 28, 2017.

Crow, James F. “Unequal by nature: a geneticist’s perspective on human differences.” Daedalus, Winter 2002.

Fuerst, John. “The nature of race.” Open Behavioral Genetics, June, 2015.

Garfield, Kathryn. “Is There a Genetic Basis to Race After All?” Discover Magazine, May 2007.

Haidt, Jonathan. “Faster Evolution Means More Racial Differences.” Edge, 2009.

Hsu, Steve. “Connect the Dots [The Reality of Race].” Information Processing, Aug. 24, 2010.

Hsu, Steve. “Rare variants and human genetic diversity.” Information Processing, July 8, 2012.

Hsu, Steve. “Learning Can Hurt.” Information Processing, May 1, 2013.

JayMan. “A black man defends human biodiversity.” JayMan’s Blog, June 8, 2012.

JayMan. “Race, Inheritance, and IQ F.A.Q. (F.R.B.).” JayMan’s Blog, May 4, 2014.

Khan, Razib. “The Race Question.” Discover Magazine, Feb. 23, 2012.

Khan, Razib. “Richard Dawkins accepts the usefulness of race.” Discover Magazine, May 4, 2012.

Khan, Razib. “Why race as a biological construct matters.” Discover Magazine, May 16, 2013.

Kierkegaard, Emil O.W. “Race Differences: A Very Brief Review.” Mankind Quarterly (2019).

Lahn, Bruce & Lanny Ebenstein. “Let’s celebrate human genetic diversity.” Nature 461, no. 35 (2009).

Leroi, Armand Marie. “A Family Tree in Every Gene.” New York Times, March 14, 2005.

Leroi, Armand. “On Human Diversity.” The Scientist, Oct. 24, 2005.

Mayr, Ernst, “The Biology of Race and the Concept of Equality.” Daedalus, Winter 2002.

McAuliffe, Kathleen. “They Don’t Make Homo Sapiens Like They Used To: Our species—and individual races—have recently made big evolutionary changes to adjust to new pressures.” Discover Magazine, Feb. 2, 2009.

Miller, Geoffrey. “The looming crisis in human genetics.” The Economist, Nov 13, 2009.

Mountain, Joanna L. & Neil Risch. “Assessing Genomic contributions to phenotypic differences among racial and ethnic groups.” Nature Genetics 36, no. 11 (2004).

Newsome, Melba. “A New DNA Test Can ID a Suspect’s Race, But Police Won’t Touch It.” Wired, Dec. 20, 2007.

Race, Ethnicity, and Genetics Working Group. “The Use of Racial, Ethnic, and Ancestral Categories in Human Genetics Research.” The American Journal of Human Genetics 77 (2005).

Reich, David. “How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of ‘Race’.” New York Times, March 23, 2018.

Risch, Niel, et al. “Categorization of humans in biomedical research: genes, race and disease.” Genome Biology, July 1, 2002.

Risch, Niel, et al. “Genetic Structure, Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity, and Confounding in Case-Control Association Studies.” American Journal of Human Genetics 76 (2005).

Rosenberg, Noah A. et al. “Genetic Structure of Human Populations.” Science 298, no. 5602 (2002).

Rosenberg, Noah A. “Clines, Clusters, and the Effect of Study Design on the Inference of Human Population Structure.” PLOS Genetics, 2005.

Rushton, J. Philippe. Race, Evolution, and Behavior, 3rd Ed. Charles Darwin Research Institute, 2000. [PDF: 3rd Ed.] [PDF: 2nd Ed.]

Sailer, Steve. “A Race Is An Extremely Extended Family.” ISteve, 1998.

Sailer, Steve. “The Reality of Race.” VDare, May 25, 2000.

Sailer, Steve. “Seven Dumb Ideas about Race.” VDare, May 31, 2000.

Sailer, Steve. “Where Dawkins Fears To Tread: Ethnic Nepotism And The Reality Of Race.” VDare, Oct. 3, 2004. [BU]

Sailer, Steve. “Race Does Exist–New York Times.” VDare, March 20, 2005.

Sailer, Steve. “The Race FAQ.” VDare, Dec. 16, 2007. [BU]

Sesardic, Neven. “Race: a social destruction of a biological concept.” Biology and Philosophy, 2010.

Sesardic, Neven. “Confusions about race: A new installment.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 2013.

Sarich, Vincent & Frank Miele. Race: The Reality of Human Differences. Westview Press, 2005.

Sewell, Martin. “Race: An Introduction.” Martin Sewell Blog, March 4, 2010.

Tang, H. et al. “Genetic structure, self-identified race/ethnicity, and confounding in case-control association studies.” The American Journal of Human Genetics 76 (2005).

Thuletide. “The Genetic Validity of Race.” Dec. 29, 2020.

Wade, Nicholas. “Race Is Seen as Real Guide To Track Roots of Disease.” New York Times, July 30, 2002.

Wade, Nicholas. “Gene Study Identifies 5 Main Human Populations, Linking Them to Geography.” New York Times, Dec. 20, 2002.

Wade, Nicholas. “Humans Have Spread Globally, and Evolved Locally.” New York Times, June 26, 2007.

Wade, Nicholas. A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History. Penguin Press, 2014. [Reviews: 1234567]

Wade, Nicholas. “What Science Says About Race and Genetics.” Time Magazine, May 9, 2014.

Wade, Nicholas. “Did humans really stop evolving thousands of years ago?
DNA explains more than you think
.” Spectator, May 17, 2014.

Whitman, Douglas. “The Evolutionary and Biological Reality of Race.” Presentation at AmRen Conference, 2014.

Winegard, Bo with Ben Winegard & Brian Boutwell. “On the Reality of Race and the Abhorrence of Racism.” Quillette, June 23, 2016.

Whyte, Daniel. “The flipside of serendipity: human genetics rediscovers race.” Traffic (2007).

Woodley, Michael A. “Is Homo sapiens polytypic? Human taxonomic diversity and its implications.” Medical Hypotheses 74 (2010).

Xing, Jinchuan et al. “Fine-scaled human genetic structure revealed by SNP microarrays.” Genome Research 19 (2009).

Maps: Global Genetic Distances Map and Races of the World

Images: Faces of the World’s Races

[Return to Main Index]

On Fraudulent Science To Disprove Existence of Race:

Cochran, Gregory. “Lewontin’s argument.” West Hunter, Jan. 26, 2012.

Edwards, A.W.F. “Human genetic diversity: Lewontin’s fallacy.” BioEssays 25 (2003).

Francis, Samuel T. “Franz Boas – Liberal Icon, Scientific Fraud.” Syndicated Op-Ed, Oct. 14, 2002.

Frost, Peter. “Apples, oranges, and genes.” Evo and Proud, Nov. 5, 2011.

Frost, Peter. Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza: A bird in a gilded cage. Open Behavior Genetics, 2014. [PDF]

Hawks, John. “Gould’s ‘Unconscious Manipulation of Data’.” John Hawks Weblog, June 8, 2011.

Hsu, Steve. “Human genetic variation, Fst and Lewontin’s fallacy in pictures.” Information Processing, Nov. 29, 2008.

Lewis, J.E. et al. “The Mismeasure of Science: Stephen Jay Gould versus Samuel George Morton on Skulls and Bias.” PLoS Biology, June 7, 2011.

Lewontin’s 2nd fallacy.” Race, Genes, Disparity, Feb. 26, 2007.

MacDonald, Kevin. “The Boasian School of Anthropology and the Decline of Darwinism in the Social Sciences.” In Culture of Critique. First Book Library, 2002.

Michael, John S. “A New Look at Morton’s Craniological Research.” Current Anthropology 29, no. 2 (1988).

Mismeasure for mismeasure.” Nature 474 (2011).

Pontikos, Dienekes. “Stephen Jay Gould: incompetent or biased?” Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog, June 8 2011.

Salter, Frank. “Race and the Nation in the Universities.” Quadrant 56, no. 11 (2012).

Sparks, Corey S and Richard L. Jantz. “A reassessment of human cranial plasticity: Boas revisited.” Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences 99, no. 23 (2002).

Wade, Nicholas. “A New Look at Old Data May Discredit a Theory on Race.” New York Times, Oct. 8, 2002.

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Ethnocentrism & Ethnic Genetic Interests (EGI):

Alvarez, Kimberly et al. “Health Advantages of Ethnic Density for African American and Mexican American Elderly Individuals.” American Journal of Public Health (2012).

Axelrod, Robert, & R. A. Hammond. “The Evolution of Ethnocentric Behavior.” Midwest Political Science Convention, April 16, 2003.

Axelrod, Robert, R. A. Hammond & A. Grafen. “Altruism via kin-selection strategies that rely on arbitrary tags with which they coevolve.” Evolution 58, no. 8 (2004).

Avenanti, Alessio. “Racial Bias Reduces Empathic Sensorimotor Resonance with Other-Race Pain.” Current Biology 20 (2010).

Babies develop racist traits aged nine months, before coming into contact with other races.” Daily Mail, May 4, 2012.

van den Berghe, Pierre L. The Ethnic Phenomenon. Praeger Paperback, 1987.

van den Berghe, Pierre L. “Review of Frank Salter’s On Genetic Interests.” Nations & Nationalism 11, no. 1 (2005).

Clark, Alfred W. “Benefits of Hybrid Vigor Overstated.” Occam’s Razor, Dec. 29, 2013.

Das-Munshi, Jayati et al. “Ethnic density as a buffer for psychotic experiences: findings from a national survey.” British Journal of Psychiatry, July 26, 2012.

van der Dennen, Johan M.G. “The Politics of Peace in Primitive Societies.” In Indoctrinability, ideology, and warfare: evolutionary perspectives,” eds. Irenaüs Eibl-Eibesfeldt and Frank Salter. Berghahn Books, 1998.

de Dreu, Carsten K. W., et al. “Oxytocin promotes human ethnocentrism.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jan. 10, 2011.

Cochran, Gregory. “Inbreeding.” West Hunter, July 3, 2015. Great quote: “Some retards (British papers) have been spinning this as saying that there are big benefits to mixed-race marriage. Untrue…”

Corbulo, Domitius. “Ethnocentrism is normal and rational.” Occidental Observer, Nov. 7, 2012.

Daily Mail Reporter. “Babies just 15 months old show racial bias when picking playmates.” Daily Mail, April 15, 2014.

Dinesen, Peter Thiste and Kim Mannemar Sønderskov. “Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust: Evidence from the Micro-Context.” American Sociological Review 80 (2015).

Duchesne, Ricardo. “The Greek-Roman Invention of Civic Identity Versus the Current Demotion of European Ethnicity.” Occidental Quarterly 15, no. 3 (2015). [BU]

Dunbar, Robin. “Kinship in Biological Perspective.” In Early Human Kinship: From Sex to Social Reproduction, eds. Nicholas J. Allen et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

Dutton, Edward. Race Differences in Ethnocentrism. Arktos, 2019. [Review]

Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenaüs and Frank Salter, eds. Indoctrinability, ideology, and warfare: evolutionary perspectives. Berghahn Books, 1998. [Online copy]

Fischer, Peter et al. “The ancestor effect: Thinking about our genetic origin enhances intellectual performance.” European Journal of Social Psychology 41 (2011).

Fisher, A. J. “Problems with Mixed-Race Families, Marriages, Relationships and Adoptions.” Sociobiological Musings, Jan. 14, 2011. [BU]

Florida, Richard. “The Paradox of Diverse Communities.” The Atlantic Cities, Nov. 19, 2013.

Fu, Genyue et al. “Adults Scan Own- and Other-Race Faces Differently.” PLoS ONE, June 1, 2012.

Grewal, Daisy. “The Evolution of Prejudice.” Scientific American, April 5, 2011.

Grossbard, Shoshana Amyra et al. “Racial Intermarriage and Household Production.” ISER Seminar Series, June 20, 2012.

Hamilton, W.D. “Selection of selfish and altruistic behavior in some extreme models.” In Man and beast: Comparative social behavior, eds. J. F. Eisenberg and W. S. Dillon. Smithsonian Institute Press, 1971.

Hamilton, W.D. Narrow Roads of Gene Land: The Collected Papers of W. D. Hamilton Volume 1: Evolution of Social Behaviour. Oxford University Press, 1998.

Harpending, Henry. “Kinship and Population Subdivision.” Population and Environment 24, no. 2 (2002).

Harpending, Henry. “Giving Bigotry a Chance.” West Hunter, March 1, 2012.

Hartshorn, Max. “How ethnocentrism evolves: a simulation of evolutionary dynamics.” Theory, Evolution, Games Group, June 30, 2013.

Hartshorn, Max et al. “The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation.” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16 (2013)

HBD Chick. “The ‘happiest, healthiest’ community in the U.S.” HBD Chick, Jan. 18, 2012.

Holiday, JW. “Genetic Patterns, Endogamy, Exogamy and Genetic Interests.” Majority Rights, March 29, 2005.

James, Patrick and David Goetze, eds. Evolutionary Theory and Ethnic Conflict. Praeger, 2001.

Krupp, D.B. et al. “Kin recognition: evidence that humans can perceive both positive and negative relatedness.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (2012).

Krupp, D. B. & P. D. Taylor. “Social evolution in the shadow of asymmetrical relatedness.” Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 282 (2015). [Overview]

MacDonald, Kevin. “An Integrative Evolutionary Perspective on Ethnicity.” Politics and the Life Sciences 20, no. 1 (2001).

MacDonald, Kevin. The Culture of Critique. Praeger Publishers, Rev. Ed., 2002.

MacDonald, Kevin. “Psychology and White Ethnocentrism.” Occidental Quarterly 6, no. 4 (2006).

MacDonald, Kevin. “The Utter Normality Of Ethnonationalism—Except For Whites.” VDare, March 27, 2008.

MacDonald, Kevin. “White Ethnocentrism: Can Americans Really Be Brainwashed?” VDare, Nov. 25, 2008.

MacDonald, Kevin. “Evolution, Psychology, and a Conflict Theory of Culture.” Evolutionary Psychology 7 (2009).

Mann, Denise. “Skin color affects ability to empathize with pain.” CNN, May 27, 2010.

McPherson, Miller et al. “Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks.” Annual Review of Sociology 27 (2001).

McVeigh, Tracy. “UK: Children of mixed race are at greater risk of suffering from mental health problems than same-race children.” The Observer, Feb. 22, 2014.

Meisenberg, Gerhard. “How Does Racial Diversity Raise Income Inequality.” The Journal of social, political, and economic studies 33 (2008).

Mikulak, Anna. “Implicit Race Bias Increases the Differences in the Neural Representations of Black and White Faces.” Association for Psychological Science, Jan. 17, 2013.

Morin, Monte. “Married couples have more DNA in common than random pairs of people.” LA Times, May 19, 2014.

Munro, Neil. “Diversity may be fatal, says new government health study.” Daily Caller, Oct. 27, 2012.

Navarette, Carlos D. et al. “Race Bias Tracks Conception Risk Across the Menstrual Cycle.” Psychological Science 20, no. 6 (2009).

Neal, Zachary P. et al. “The (In)compatibility of Diversity and Sense of Community.” Am J Community Psychol (2014).

Oakley, Barbara A. ed. Pathological Altruism. Oxford University Press, 2011. [Review]

Pearson, Roger. Ecology and Evolution. Institute for the Study of Man. 1981.

Physics arXiv Blog. “First Genetic Evidence That Humans Choose Friends With Similar DNA.” Physics arXiv Blog, Sept. 6, 2013.

Putnam, Robert D. “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century — The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize.” Scandinavian Political Studies 30, no. 2 (2007).

Roissy. “Another Study Confirms Diversity + Proximity = War.” Chateau Heartiste, March 28, 2014.

Rushton, J. Phillipe. “Genetic similarity, human altruism, and group selection.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1989).

Rushton, J. Phillipe. “Ethnic nationalism, evolutionary psychology and Genetic Similarity Theory.” Nations and Nationalism 11, no. 4 (2005).

Rushton, J. Phillipe. “Inclusive fitness in human relationships.” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 96 (2009).

Rushton, J. Phillipe. “Shared Genes: The Evolution of Ethnonationalism.” VDare, Aug. 20, 2009.

Rutherford, Alex et al. “Good Fences: The Importance of Setting Boundaries for Peaceful Coexistence.” New England Complex Systems Institute, Oct. 6, 2011.

Sailer, Steve. “Where Dawkins Fears To Tread: Ethnic Nepotism And The Reality Of Race.” VDare, Oct. 3, 2004. [BU]

Sailer, Steve. “Rushton on ethnic nepotism.” ISteve, Oct. 31, 2005.

Sailer, Steve. “Fragmented Future.” American Conservative, Jan. 15, 2007.

Sallis, Ted. “Why Was the Understanding of Ethnic Genetic Interests Delayed for 30 Years?” Occidental Observer, June 17, 2009

Salter, Frank.”Urban begging and ethnic nepotism in Russia.” Human Nature 11 (2000).

Salter, Frank. “A defense and an extension of Pierre van den Berghe’s theory of ethnic nepotism.” In P. James & D. Goetze (Eds.), Evolutionary Theory and Ethnic Conflict, Praeger, 2001.

Salter, Frank. Risky Transactions: Trust, Kinship and Ethnicity. Berghahn Books, 2002.

Salter, Frank. “Estimating Ethnic Genetic Interests: Is It Adaptive to Resist Replacement Migration?” Population & Environment 24, no. 2 (2002).

Salter, Frank. “Is Ethnic Globalism Adaptive for Americans?” Population and Environment 25, no. 5 (2004).

Salter, Frank. Welfare, Ethnicity and Altruism: New Data and Evolutionary Theory. Routledge, 2005.

Salter, Frank. On Genetic Interests. Transaction Publishers, 2006.

Salter, Frank. “Ethnicity and Indoctrination for Violence: The Efficiency of Producing Terrorists.” In Ibrahim A. Karawan (ed.), Values and Violence: Intangible Aspects of Terrorism. Springer, 2008.

Salter, Frank. “Evolutionary Analyses of Ethnic Solidarity: An Overview.” People and Places 16, no. 2 (2008).

Salter, Frank. “Genes and homogeneous trading groups.” Journal of BioEconomics 10, no. 3 (2008).

Salter, Frank. “Misunderstandings of Kin Selection and the Delay in Quantifying Ethnic Kinship.” Mankind Quarterly 48, no. 3 (2008).

Salter, Frank. “The War Against Human Nature: Race and the Nation in the Media.” Quadrant 56, no. 10 (2012).

Salter, Frank and Henry Harpending. “Rushton’s theory of ethnic nepotism.” Personality and Individual Differences (2012).

Samarrai, Fariss. “Racial bias in pain perception appears among children as young as 7.” MexicalXpress, Feb. 28, 2014.

Stafford, Tom. “Is race perception automatic?” BBC, April 23, 2013.

Sullivan, Andrew. “How Racism Was Made.” Daily Dish, March 11, 2013.

Taylor, Jared. “What Science Says About Diversity, Pt. I.” American Renaissance 18, no. 11 (2007).

Taylor, Jared. “What Science Says About Diversity, Pt. II.” American Renaissance 18, no. 12 (2007).

Taylor, Jared. “Pathological Altruism.” American Renaissance, July 6, 2012.

Thuletide. “Animal Tribalism: Studies prove that in-group preference (“racism”) is a natural phenomenon found throughout the animal kingdom.” Oct. 1, 2021.

Turner, Lowri. “English woman confesses difficulties in having mixed-race baby with man from India.” Daily Mail, July 13, 2007.

Unamusement Park. “Perils of Miscegenation.” Unamusement Park, July 1, 2012.

Vanhanen, Tatu.”Domestic Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Nepotism: A Comparative Analysis.” Journal of Peace Research 36 (1999).

Vanhanen, Tatu. Ethnic Conflicts Explained by Ethnic Nepotism. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 1999.

Wade, Nicholas. “Depth of the Kindness Hormone Appears to Know Some Bounds.” New York Times, Jan. 10, 2011.

Watson, Jeremy. “Alan M. Dershowitz and Elliott Abrams Oppose Ashkenazi Miscegenation.” CHT, Oct. 20, 2010.

Waugh, Rob. “Racism is ‘hardwired’ into the human brain – and people can be prejudiced without knowing it.” Daily Mail, June 26, 2012.

Wilson, E.O. “Man: From Sociobiology to Sociology.” In Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Harvard University Press, 1975.

Xenophobia Upside: Ethnic And Religious Diversity Correlated To Less Environmental Action.” Science 2.0, Dec. 20, 2012.

Xu, Xiaojing, et al. “Do You Feel My Pain? Racial Group Membership Modulates Empathic Neural Responses.” The Journal of Neuroscience 29 (2009).

[Return to Main Index]


Alibi, Idang. “Black IQ – Nigeria: Black Man Agrees With Dr. Watson.” All Africa, Oct. 25, 2007.

Alibi, Idang. “Nigeria: I Agree With DR Watson(2).” All Africa, Nov. 1, 2007.

Anad, Geeta. “India Graduates Millions, but Too Few Are Fit to Hire.” Wall Street Journal, April 5, 2011.

Beaver, Kevin. M, and John Paul Wright. “School-level genetic variation predicts school-level verbal IQ scores.” Intelligence (2011).

Behavior: The Return of Arthur Jensen.” Time, Sept. 24, 1979.

Blech, Rabbi Benjamin. “Endangered: Jewish Genius.” Flermuzzle, Jan. 8, 2013.

Brand, Christopher. The g Factor – General Intelligence and its Implications. Douance, 1996. [PDF]

Brown, Eryn. “Intelligence is in the genes, researchers report.” Los Angeles Times, Aug. 10, 2011.

Carter, Thomas. “Hispanics: Race & IQ.” Sociobiological Musings, July 15, 2011. [BU]

Christainsen, Gregory B. “IQ and the wealth of nations: How much reverse causality?” Intelligence 41 (2013)

Clerkin, Ben. “Why blue-eyed boys (and girls) are so brilliant.” Daily Mail, Aug. 20, 2007.

Cochran, Gregory, Jason Hardy and Henry Harpending. “Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence.” Journal of Biosocial Science 38 (2006).

Cochran, Gregory. “Zones of Thought.” West Hunter, March 28, 2012.

Davies, Gail. “Genome-wide association studies establish that human intelligence is highly heritable and polygenic.” Molecular Psychiatry (2011).

Derbyshire, John. “Mind the Gaps.” Alternative Right, April 10, 2010.

Devlin, F. Roger. “Elite & Underclass: Review of Charles Murray’s Coming Apart.” Occidental Quarterly, Jan. 9, 2012.

Dutton, Edward. How to Judge People by What They Look Like. Independent, 2018.

Dutton, Edward and Michael A. Woodley. At Our Wits’ End: Why We’re Becoming Less Intelligent and What it Means for the Future. Societas, 2018. [Review: Devlin, Roger F. “The Rise and Decline of the West: Review At Our Wit’s End by Edward Dutton and Michael A. Woodley of Menie.” Occidental Observer, Feb. 12, 2019.]

Education Realist. “Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud.” Education Realist, Oct. 8, 2013.

Fischer, Peter et al. “The ancestor effect: Thinking about our genetic origin enhances intellectual performance.” European Journal of Social Psychology 41 (2011).

Goldammer, C. “Racial Gaps in Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills: The Asian Exception.” University of Chicago (2012).

Gottfredson, Linda S. “Egalitarian Fiction and Collective Fraud.” Society 31, no. 3 (1994).

Gottfredson, Linda S. “Why g matters: The Complexity of Everyday Life.” Intelligence 24 (1997).

Gottfredson, Linda S. “Skills gaps, not tests, make racial proportionality impossible.” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 6, no. 1 (2000).

Gottfredson, Linda S. “Implications of cognitive differences for schooling within diverse societies,” in Comprehensive Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology. Wiley, 2005.

Gottfredson, Linda S. “Shattering Logic to Explain the Flynn Effect.” Cato Unbound, Nov. 8, 2007.

Herrnstein, Richard and Charles Murray. Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. Free Press, 1994. [PDF]

Hunt, Earl. “The Role of Intelligence in Modern Society.” American Scientist, July-August 1995.

Jackson, Christopher. “What is it Like to Teach Black Students?” Marty Nemko Blog, June 16, 2009.

Kelland, Kate. “It’s Dim Up North, So People Need Bigger Brains.” Scientific American, July 27, 2011.

JayMan. “Race, Inheritance, and IQ F.A.Q. (F.R.B.).” JayMan’s Blog, May 4, 2014.

Jensen, Authur R. “How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?” Harvard Educational Review 39 (1969).

Jensen, Authur R. The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability. Praeger Publishers, 1998.

Jensen, Authur R. Clocking the Mind: Mental Chronometry and Individual Differences. Elsevier Science, 2006.

Kenrick, Douglas T. “Is Idiocracy Looming?” Edge, Jan. 14, 2013.

Kling, Arnold. “The Decline of Jewish Genius?” AskBlog, Dec. 5, 2012.

Lahn, Bruce T. et al. “Microcephalin, a Gene Regulating Brain Size, Continues to Evolve Adaptively in Humans.” Science 309, no. 5741 (2005).

Lynn, Richard. Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations. Praeger Publishers, 1996.

Lynn, Richard. Eugenics: A Reassessment. Praeger Publishers, 2001.

Lynn, Richard. Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis. Washington Summit Publishers, 2006. [Online edition] [PDF]

Lynn, Richard. The Global Bell Curve. Washington Summit Publishers, 2008.

Lynn Richard. The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement. Washington Summit Publishers, 2011.

Lynn Richard. “IQ and the Wealth of Nations: Richard Lynn Replies to Ron Unz.” VDare, August 2, 2012.

Lynn, Richard & Tatu Vanhanen. IQ and the Wealth of Nations. Praeger Publishers, 2002. [Numbers online]

Lynn, Richard & Tatu Vanhanen. Intelligence: A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences. Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2011. [PDF] [New version coming out 2013.]

Malloy, Jason. “James Watson Tells the Inconvenient Truth: Faces the Consequences.” Gene Expression, Oct. 31, 2007.

Miele, Frank. Intelligence, Race, And Genetics: Conversations With Arthur R. Jensen. Westview Press, 2008.

Miller, David. “Statistics on race and welfare for the USA.” SocioBiological Musings, Dec. 5, 2012.

Miller, Geoffrey. “Chinese Eugenics.” Edge, Jan. 14, 2013.

Murray, Charles. Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. Crown Forum, 2012. [Review]

Murray, Charles and Richard J. Herrnstein. The Bell Curve. Free Press, 1996.

News Medical. “Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.” News Medical, April 26, 2005.

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Map: Race and IQ

[Return to Main Index]

HBD & Crime:

“Between 1976 and 2005, blacks averaged 13 percent of the US population but committed 59 percent of felony homicides.” Source: DOJ

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Interracial rape in the USA: Statistics

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Stix, Nicholas. “The Knoxville Horror: The Crime and the Cover-Up.” American Renaissance, May 14, 2007.

Stuyvesant, Peter. “Black immigration in Holland: Antilleans and Somalis compared.” Occidental Observer, Dec. 19, 2011.

Templer, Donald I. & J. Philippe Rushton. “IQ, skin color, crime, HIV/AIDS, and income in 50 U.S. states.” Intelligence 39 (2011).

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History and Economics:

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Kemp, Arthur. Folk and Nation – Ethnonationalism Explained. Blurb, 2019.

Kopff, E. Christian. “History and Science in Tenney Frank’s Scholarship.” Occidental Quarterly 5, no. 4 (2005).

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LeBlanc, Steven A. Prehistoric Warfare in the American Southwest. University of Utah Press, 2007.

Levin, Sam. “Artificial Intelligence finds white women prettier than women of color.” Guardian, Sept. 8, 2016.

MacDonald, Kevin. “The Indo-European Genetic and Cultural Legacy in Europe.” The Occidental Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017).

MacDonald, Kevin. Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. IP, 2019.

Mangan, Dennis. “Clark on the History of the Ruling Class.” Mangan’s, Aug. 30, 2011.

Mangan, Dennis. “Tribal Societies and War.” Mangan’s, Feb. 4, 2013.

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Pinker, Steven, Richard Wrangham, Daniel C. Dennet et al. “Interview with Napoleon Chagnon: Blood is their Argument.” Edge, June 8, 2013.

Sailer, Steve. “Where Dawkins Fears To Tread: Ethnic Nepotism And The Reality Of Race.” VDare, Oct. 3, 2004. [BU]

Sailer, Steve. “It’s Official: British (a.k.a. America’s Founders) Not Diverse At All.” Vdare, April 15, 2007.

Sarich, Vincent & Frank Miele. “[The Ancient Concept of Race].” In Race: The Reality of Human Differences. Westview Press, 2005.

Sims, John Harrison. “What Race Were the Greeks and Romans?” American Renaissance 21, no. 10 (2010).

Da Soller, Claudio. “The beautiful woman in medieval Iberia: Rhetoric, cosmetics, and evolution.” Dissertation, Univ. of Missouri, 2005. [Summary.]

Sykes, Bryan. Saxons, Vikings, and Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland. W. W. Norton & Company, 2007. [Review]

Taylor, Jared. “Miscegenation at Monticello?” Taki’s Magazine, Dec. 6, 2012.

Tenney Frank’s ‘Orientalization’ Refuted.” Italian Anthropology Blog, Jan. 17, 2011.

Turchin, Peter. “War Before Civilization.” The Social Evolution Forum, Oct. 31, 2013.

Turner, Christy G et al. Man Corn: Cannibalism and Violence in the Prehistoric American Southwest. University of Utah Press, 2011.

Unz, Ron. “How Social Darwinism Made Modern China.” The American Conservative, March 11, 2013.

Vanhanen, Tatu. Global Inequality as a Consequence of Human Diversity. Ulster Institute, 2014. [Review]

Wade, Nicholas. “In Dusty Archives, a Theory of Affluence.” New York Times, August 7, 2007.

Weiss, Volkmar. “The Population Cycle Drives Human History — from a Eugenic Phase into a Dysgenic Phase and Eventual Collapse.” The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 32 (2007).

White, Tim D. Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5Mtumr-2346. Princeton University Press, 1992

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HBD Classics:

Aristotle. Politics. Trans., H. Rackham. Harvard University Press, 1932. [PDF.]

Bareth, Karl & Alfred Vogel. Erblehre und Rassenkunde für die Grund-und Hauptschule. Verlag Konkordia, 1937. [PDF in English]

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. Die Grundlagen. 1899. [PDF in EnglishIn German.] [Review by Theodore Roosevelt.]

Coon, Carleton S. Races of Europe. Greenwood Press, 1939. [PDF.]

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Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species by means of natural selection,: Or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. John Murray, 1859.

Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. John Murray, 1871.

Devlin, F. Roger. “Madison Grant: Preserving Buffaloes, Redwoods—And Founding-Stock Americans.” VDare, Jan. 22, 2009.

Durocher, Guillaume. “Aristotle: The Biopolitics of the Citizen-State, Part 1,” Occidental Observer, April 24, 2019 [Part 2Part 3Part 4].

Durocher, Guillaume. “Homer’s Odyssey: The Return of the Father; Part 1 of 2.” Occidental Observer, June 22, 2019. [Part 2]

Durocher, Guillaume. The Ancient Ethnostate: Biopolitical Thought in Ancient Greece. IP, 2021. [Review]

Evola, Julius. “The Mystique of Race in Ancient Rome,” La Difesa della Razza. Trans. by Cologero, Gornahoor, Jan. 13, 2015.

Galton, David J. “Greek Theories on Eugenics.” Journal of Medical Ethics (1998).

Galton, Francis. Hereditary genius: an inquiry into its laws and consequences. Macmillan, 1869. [PDF]

Galton, Francis. Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development. Macmillan, 1883. [PDF.]

Geggel, Laura. “Philistines, Biblical Enemies of the Israelites, Were European, DNA Reveals,” Live Science, July 3, 2019.

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Grant, Madison. The passing of the great race; or, The racial basis of European history. Scribner’s Sons, 1916. [Free PDF.]

Gunther, Hans F.K. The Racial Elements of European History. Methuen And Company, 1927.

Haeckel, Ernst. Die Welträthsel. 1895. [PDF in GermanIn English.]

Harm, Marie & Hermann Wiehle. Lebenskunde für Mittelschulen. Fünfter Teil. Klasse 5 für Mädchen. Hermann Schroedel Verlag, 1942. [Excerpt in English]

Hart, Mitchell B. Jews and Race: Writings on Identity and Difference, 1880 – 1940. Brandeis University Press, 2011. [Review]

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Sanger, Margaret. The Pivot of Civilization. Brentanos, 1922. [PDF.]

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Woodruff, Jerry. “The Use and Abuse of Friedrich Nietzsche.” Occidental Quarterly 6, no. 2 (2006).

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Roman DNA Project

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J. Phillipe Rushton

Sagat Says

Sarah Maid of Albion

Scientific American

School of the West: Human Racial Differences

Secular Blood

Secular Right

Slate: William Saletan

Social Contract Press

Social Technologies (Frank Salter)

Society for Nordish Physical Anthropology


Staffan’s Personality Blog

Stalking the Wild Taboo


Steve Sailer

Nicholas Stix

Stuff Black People Don’t Like

Stuff White People Like

Andrew Sullivan



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Washington Summit Publishers

West Hunter (Cochran & Harpending)

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White Girl Bleed A Lot

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Matthew Yglesias

Youth for Western Civilization

Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie

The Z Man

Websites for Racial Advocacy:

The 80-20 Initiative (Asian advocacy)

American Third Position (European-American advocacy)

NAACP (African-American advocacy)

National Policy Institute (European-American advocacy)

La Raza (mestizo advocacy)

USINPAC (Indian advocacy)

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HBD General:

Allen, Arthur. “Race matters when a patient needs a stem cell or marrow transplant.” Washington Post, Aug. 5, 2013.

Anitei, Stefan. “12 % of the DNA Differs Amongst Human Races and Populations.” Soptpedia, Nov. 23, 2006.

Barbassa, Juliana. “Mixed-race patients struggle to find marrow donors.” Seattle Times, May 27, 2009.

Barras, Colin. “Stone Age toe could redraw human family tree.” New Scientist, Aug. 10, 2011.

Barras, Colin. “Out of Asia: Our surprising origins.” New Scientist, May 15, 2013.

Bower, Bruce. “Ancient human DNA suggests minimal interbreeding.” Science News, Jan. 21, 2013.

Boyle, Alan. “African-American’s Y chromosome sparks shift in evolutionary timetable.” NBC News, March 5, 2013.

Brown, Eryn. “[Europeans and Asians] got immunity boost from Neanderthals, study finds.” Los Angeles Times, Aug. 25, 2011.

Caldwell, Emily. “Different Races Have Different Oral Bacteria.” MexicalXpress, Oct. 23, 2013.

Callaway, Ewen. “Neanderthal genome reveals interbreeding with [non-Africans].” New Scentist, May 6, 2010. [Are Africans and non-Africans in part different species?]

Campbell, Claudia M. et al. “Ethnic differences in responses to multiple experimental pain stimuli.” Pain 113 (2005).

Carter, Thomas. “What Race Are Hispanics?” Sociobiological Musings, July 15, 2011. [BU]

Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca. The History and Geography of Human Genes. Princeton University Press, 1994.

Chow, Kat. “Study Says Your Race Determines Your Earwax Scent.” NPR, March 20, 2014.

Clark, Alfred W. “Genetics: 95% of White Americans have no African or Amerindian Ancestry.” Occam’s Razor, Jan. 16, 2015.

Cochran, Gregory. “SNPs don’t lie.” Gene Expression, April 12, 2008.

Cochran, Gregory et al. “Infectious Causation of Disease: An Evolutionary Perspective.” Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 43, no. 3 (2000).

Cochran, Gregory and Henry Harpending. 10,000 Year Explosion. New York: Basic Books, 2010. [Overview] [Wiki] [PDF]

Cochran, Gregory, Henry Harpending and John Hawks. “Overdominance and rapid adaptation.” Unpublished, July 30, 2011.

Coghlan, Andy. “Genetic clue to high heart risk of black Americans.” New Scientist, Nov. 10, 2013.

Coutts, Katrina. “Scientists discover racial differences in immune response to TB bacterium.” University of London, July 4, 2013

Daily Mail. “Why did European DNA suddenly change 4,000 years ago?” Daily Mail, April 23, 2013.

Diamond, Jared M. “Ethnic differences: Variation in human testis size.” Nature 320 (1986).

Dutton, Edward. How to Judge People by What They Look Like. Independent, 2018. [Review]

Epstein, David. The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance. Current Hardcover, 2013. [Review]

Estrada, Karol. “Is the Amerindian ancestry of Mexicans to blame for their record-high levels of diabetes and obesity?” Genomes Unzipped, June 11, 2014.

Fan, Chun Chieh, et al. “Modeling the 3D Geometry of the Brain by an Individual’s Race.” Current Biology 25, no. 15 (2015).

Field, Yair, et al. “Detection of human adaptation during the past 2,000 years.” bioRxiv, May 7, 2016. (Gregory Clark-style selection?)

Fischman, Josh. “The Chosen Genes.” Chonicle of Higher Education, April 15, 2012.

Fisher, A. J. “Problems with Mixed-Race Families, Marriages, Relationships and Adoptions.” Sociobiological Musings, Jan. 14, 2011. [BU]

Frost, Peter. “European hair and eye color : A case of frequency-dependent sexual selection?” Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006).

Frost, Peter. “Human nature or human natures?” Future of Evolutionary Pschology 43 (2011).

Frost, Peter. “Encounters between modern humans and archaics in Africa.” Evo and Proud, Feb. 4, 2012.

Frost, Peter. “The Monkey People We Once Knew.” Evo and Proud, March 24, 2012.

Frost, Peter. “The emerging synthesis in human biodiversity.” Evo & Proud, Jan. 3, 2015.

Frost, Peter & Henry Harpending. “Western Europe, state formation, and genetic pacification.” Evolutionary Psychology 13 (2015).

Fryer, Roland G. et al. “The Plight of Mixed Race Kids.” Freakonomics, Aug. 12, 2008.

Fuerst, John. “The nature of race.” Open Behavioral Genetics, June, 2015.

George, Rose. “The Intersection of Race and Blood: Blood can be racially or ethnically specific….” New York Times, May 14, 2019.

Gray, Richard. “Fingerprints reveal one’s race.” Daily Mail, Sept. 29, 2015.

Grens, Kerry. “Study: Even with similar cancer treatment, African Americans don’t live as long as other patients.” Med City News, July 9, 2013.

Haidt, Jonathan. “Faster Evolution Means More Racial Differences.” Edge, 2009.

Hamilton, W.D. Narrow Roads of Gene Land: The Collected Papers of W. D. Hamilton Volume 1: Evolution of Social Behaviour. Oxford University Press, 1998.

Hamzelou, Jessica. “Vitamin D may increase IVF success – depending on race.” New Scientist, Aug. 31, 2012.

Hanson, Scott. “Genetics, Puberty and African American Girls.” 23andMe Blog, June 17, 2013.

Harpending, Henry. “The population genetics of interactions.” American Naturalist 113, no. 4 (1979).

Harpending, Henry. “Kinship and Population Subdivision.” Population and Environment 24, no. 2 (2002).

Harpending, Henry and Gregory Cochran. “In our genes.” Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences 99, no. 1 (2002).

Hart, Michael H. Understanding Human History. Washington Summit Publishers, 2007. [PDF]

Harvey, John. Race and Equality: The Nature Of The Debate. Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2012.

Hawks, John. “Neanderthals Live!” JH Weblog, May 6, 2010.

Hawks, John. “Europe and China have different Neandertal genes.” JH Weblog, March 22, 2011.

Hawks, John and Gregory Cochran. “Dynamics of Adaptive Introgression from Archaic to Modern Humans.” PaleoAnthropology, 2006.

Hawks, John et al. “Recent acceleration of human adaptive evolution.” Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences 104, no. 52 (2007).

Healy, Melissa. “Exercise benefits black girls less than whites, study shows.” Los Angeles Times, June 5, 2012.

Health News. “A Few Extra Pounds May Harm Lung Function in Black, Hispanic Kids.” Health, Feb. 22, 2013.

Heflin, Julie. “Genetic discovery found to influence obesity in people of African ancestry.” EurekAlert, April 14, 2013.

Hsu, Steve. “Ashkenazis and Race.” Information Processing, Jan. 21, 2008.

Hsu, Steve. “Demography and fast evolution.” Information Processing, Aug. 9, 2011.

Khan, Razib. “The Genetic Origins of Indians.” Sepia Mutiny, April 22, 2011.

Kierkegaard, Emil O.W. “Race Differences: A Very Brief Review.” Mankind Quarterly (2019).

Klyosov, Anatole A. et al. “Re-Examining the “Out of Africa” Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy.”Advances in Anthropology 2, no. 2 (2012).

Leroi, Armand. “On Human Diversity.” The Scientist, Oct. 24, 2005.

Levin, Michael. Why Race Matters. Praeger Publishers, 1997.

Lisker, Rubén, et al. “Racial admixture in a Mestizo population from Mexico City.” American Journal of Human Biology 7 (1995).

Lundman, Bertil. “Race Mixture and Facial Elongation.” Mankind Quarterly (1972).

Lynn, Richard. “Ethnic and Racial Differences on the Standard Progressive Matrices in Mexico.” Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (2005).

Lynn, Richard. “Pigmentocracy: Racial Hierarchies in the Caribbean and Latin America.” Occidental Quarterly 8, no. 2 (2008).

Lynn, Richard. “John Harvey’s Race And Equality: The “Standard Social Science Model” is W-R-O-N-G.” VDare, April 3, 2012.

Richard Lynn. “Researchers Find Whites More Altruistic Than Other Races.” American Renaissance, Oct. 18, 2013.

MacDonald, Kevin. “The Indo-European Genetic and Cultural Legacy in Europe.” The Occidental Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017).

MacDonald, Kevin. Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. IP, 2019.

Macrae, Fiona. “How the Europeans are one big family.” Daily Mail, May 7, 2013.

Martínez-Abadías, Neus et al. “Phenotypic evolution of human craniofacial morphology after admixture: a geometric morphometrics approach.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129, no. 3 (2006).

Maugh, Thomas H. “Genes set Jews apart, study finds.” Los Angeles Times, June 3, 2010.

McNeill, William H. Plagues and Peoples. Anchor, 1977.

McVeigh, Tracy. “UK: Children of mixed race are at greater risk of suffering from mental health problems than same-race children.” The Observer, Feb. 22, 2014.

Medical News Today. “High Hormone Levels Put Young Black Males At Risk For Cardiovascular Disease.” Medical News Today, Dec. 12, 2012.

MedicalXpress. “Link between low vitamin D blood levels and heart disease varies by race.” MedicalXpress, July 11, 1013.

Miele, Frank. “Darwin’s Dangerous Disciple: An Interview with Richard Dawkins.” Skeptic 3, no. 4.

Miller, Geoffrey. “Chinese Eugenics.” Edge, Jan. 14, 2013.

Morelli, Laura et al. “A Comparison of Y-Chromosome Variation in Sardinia and Anatolia Is More Consistent with Cultural Rather than Demic Diffusion of Agriculture.” PLoS ONE 5 (2011).

Nyborg, Helmuth. “The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection.” Personality and Individual Differences (2011).

O’Callaghan, Jonathan. “Europeans More Closely Related to Neanderthals Than Africans.” Daily Mail, April 29, 2014.

Ostrer, Harry. Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People. Oxford University Press, 2012.

Pääbo, Svante, et al. “A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal Genome.” Science 328, no. 5979 (2010).

Pearce, Eiluned & Robin Dunbar. “Latitudinal variation in light levels drives human visual system size.” Biology Letters, July 27, 2011.

Pontikos, Dienekes. “23&Me: Less than 5% of European Americans have more than 2% either African or Native American ancestry.” Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog, Sept. 18, 2014.

Pravda. “Ten Percent of Europeans May Be Immune to HIV.” Pravda, March 15, 2005.

Prüfer, Kay, et al. “The bonobo genome compared with the chimpanzee and human genomes.” Nature 486 (2012). [Data suggests that black Africans are more closely related to bonobo ape than are Europeans.]

Reich, David, et al. “Denisova Admixture and the First Modern Human Dispersals into Southeast Asia and Oceania.” American Journal of Human Genetics 89 (2011).

RHE. “More data on racial mixing.” Race/History/Evolution Notes, April 19, 2009.

Rushton, J. Philippe. Race, Evolution, and Behavior, 3rd Ed. Charles Darwin Research Institute, 2000. [PDF: 3rd Ed.] [PDF: 2nd Ed.]

Rushton, J. Philippe & Arthur R. Jensen. “Wanted: More Race Realism, Less Moralistic Fallacy.” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 11, no. 2 (2005).

Rushton, J. Philippe. “Color May Be More than Skin Deep.” VDare, July 17, 2012.

Rushton, J. Philippe and Donald I Templer. “Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?” Personality and Individual Differences 53 (2012).

Ruddy, John. “India & Racial Admixture.” AnthroScape, Sept. 23, 2009.

Sagat Says. “The Other Humans.” Jan. 26, 2011.

Sailer, Steve. “Importing Mexico’s Worsening Racial Inequality.” VDare, May 12, 2000.

Sailer, Steve. “How White Are Hispanics?” VDare, May 25, 2001.

Sailer, Steve. “Putting Race in Its Proper Perspective.” Vdare, Aug. 2, 2002.

Sailer, Steve. “On Dawkins on Race.” VDare, Sept. 26, 2004.

Sailer, Steve. “Where Dawkins Fears To Tread: Ethnic Nepotism And The Reality Of Race.” VDare, Oct. 3, 2004. [BU]

Sailer, Steve. “It’s Official: British (a.k.a. America’s Founders) Not Diverse At All.” Vdare, April 15, 2007.

Salter, Frank. “Estimating Ethnic Genetic Interests: Is It Adaptive to Resist Replacement Migration?” Population & Environment 24, no. 2 (2002).

Salter, Frank. “Misunderstandings of Kin Selection and the Delay in Quantifying Ethnic Kinship.” Mankind Quarterly 48, no. 3 (2008).

Salter, Frank and Henry Harpending. “Rushton’s theory of ethnic nepotism.” Personality and Individual Differences (2012).

Sarich, Vincent & Frank Miele. Race: The Reality of Human Differences. Westview Press, 2005.

Science News. “White Americans’ heads are getting bigger.” Science Daily, May 30, 2012.

Science News. “Gene Linked to Nearly Twice Alzheimer’s Risk in African-Americans.” Science Daily, April 9, 2013.

Science News. “Genetic Risk for Obesity Found in Many Mexican Young Adults.” Science Daily, May 21, 2013.

Science News. “Chinese People May Be at Higher Risk for Stroke Than Caucasians.” Science Daily, July 15, 2013.

Science News “Genes show one big European family.” Science Daily, May 7, 2013.

Sesardic, Neven. “Confusions about race: A new installment.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 2013.

Sewell, Martin. “Race: An Introduction.” Martin Sewell Blog, March 4, 2010.

Shay, Christopher. “Bone Marrow Transplants: When Race Is an Issue.” Time, June 3, 2010.

Shockley, William. The Application of Science to the Solution of Human Problems. Scott-Townsend Publishers, 1992.

Sygo, Jennifer. “Why one waist-size guide doesn’t fit all ethnic backgrounds.” National Post, Aug. 9, 2011.

Tate, Nick. “Exercise’s Anti-Cancer Benefits Vary by Race.” NewsMax, Feb. 12, 2013.

Troost, Cornelius J. Apes or Angels?: Darwin, Dover, Human Nature, and Race. AuthorHouse, 2007.

Turner, Lowri. “English woman confesses difficulties in having mixed-race baby with man from India.” Daily Mail, July 13, 2007.

Udry, J. Richard et al. “Health and Behavior Risks of Adolescents with Mixed-Race Identity.” Am J Public Health 93, 2003.

Vanhanen, Tatu. Global Inequality as a Consequence of Human Diversity. Ulster Institute, 2014. [Review]

Wade, Nicholas. “The Twists and Turns of History, and of DNA.” New York Times, March 12, 2006.

Wade, Nicholas. “Study Detects Recent Instance of Human Evolution.” New York Times, Dec. 10, 2006.

Wade, Nicholas. Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors. Penguin, 2007.

Wade, Nicholas. “Humans Have Spread Globally, and Evolved Locally.” New York Times, June 26, 2007.

Wade, Nicholas. “Human Culture, an Evolutionary Force.” New York Times, March 1, 2010.

Wade, Nicholas. “Signs of Neanderthals Mating With [Non-Africans] .” New York Times, May 6, 2010.

Wade, Nicholas. “Roots of Disease Found to Vary by Continent.” New York Times, July 4, 2011.

Wade, Nicholas. “East Asian Physical Traits Linked to 35,000-Year-Old Mutation.” New York Times, Feb. 14, 2013.

Wade, Nicholas. “Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree.” New York Times, Oct. 8, 2013.

Wade, Nicholas. A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History. Penguin Press, 2014. [Reviews: 1234567]

Wade, Nicholas. “What Science Says About Race and Genetics.” Time Magazine, May 9, 2014.

Wade, Nicholas. “Did humans really stop evolving thousands of years ago?
DNA explains more than you think
.” Spectator, May 17, 2014.

Ward, Peter. “The Future of Man–How Will Evolution Change Humans?.” Scientific American, Dec. 17, 2008.

Watson, Corey. “Scientists find ethnicity linked to antibodies.” Medical Xpress, April 13, 2013.

Williamson, David. “Students of mixed races report suffering more health problems.” UNC News Services, Oct. 30, 2003.

Wilson, E.O. “Man: From Sociobiology to Sociology.” In Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Harvard University Press, 1975.

Wilson, E.O. (ed.). Biodiversity. National Academy of Sciences, 1996.

Wilson, E.O. The Diversity of Life. Harvard University Press, 2010.

Yap, Stevie C.Y. “Racial Identity Tied to Happiness.” Science News, March 7, 2011.

Zeigler-Hill, Virgil et al. “Racial differences in narcissistic tendencies.” Journal of Research in Personality 45 (2011).

Zimmer, Carl. “Risk for gestational diabetes varies by race.” National Geographic, May 1, 2013.

Maps: Races of the World

Images: Faces of the Races of the World

Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, Anthropology & Darwinism:

Alexander, Richard D. “The Evolution of the Human Psyche.” In The Human Revolution, eds. Paul Meellars and Chris Stringer. Edinburgh University Press, 1989.

Axelrod, Robert, & R. A. Hammond. “The Evolution of Ethnocentric Behavior.” Midwest Political Science Convention, April 16, 2003.

Bolhuis, Johan J. et al. “Darwin in Mind: New Opportunities for Evolutionary Psychology.” PLoS Biology, July 2011.

Choi, Charles. “New Primate Fossil Points to ‘Out of Asia’ Theory.” Live Science, June 4, 2012.

Clark, Gregory. “Genetically Capitalist? The Malthusian Era, Institutions and the Formation of Modern Preferences.” March 3, 2007.

Clark, Gregory. “The Domestication of Man: The Social Implications of Darwin.” ArtefaCToS 2 (2009).

Cochran, Gregory and Henry Harpending. 10,000 Year Explosion. New York: Basic Books, 2010. [Overview] [Wiki] [PDF]

Cochran, Gregory. “Epigenetics.” West Hunter, Oct. 26, 2012.

Cochran, Gregory. “The Long and the Short of It.” West Hunter, Nov. 4, 2012.

Cochran, Gregory. “Hunter-Gatherers Are Dumber.” West Hunter, Nov. 12, 2012.

Comfort, Nathaniel. “The Eugenic Impulse.” Chronicle of Higher Education, Nov. 12, 2012.

Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species by means of natural selection,: Or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. John Murray, 1859.

Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. John Murray, 1871.

Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene. Oxford University Press, 1976.

de Duve, Christian and E.O. Wilson. Genetics of Original Sin: The Impact of Natural Selection on the Future of Humanity. Yale University Press, 2010.

Dennett, Daniel C. Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life. Simon & Schuster, 1996.

Frost, Peter. “Human nature or human natures?” Future of Evolutionary Pschology 43 (2011).

Frost, Peter. “Can evolutionary psychology evolve?” Evo and Proud, Aug. 20, 2011.

Frost, Peter. “Was evolutionary psychology inevitable?” Evo and Proud, Aug. 27, 2011.

Frost, Peter. “Whither evolutionary psychology?” Evo and Proud, Sept. 3, 2011.

Frost, Peter. Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza: A bird in a gilded cage. Open Behavior Genetics, 2014. [PDF]

Frost, Peter. “The emerging synthesis in human biodiversity.” Evo & Proud, Jan. 3, 2015.

Haidt, Jonathan. “Faster Evolution Means More Racial Differences.” Edge, 2009.

Hamilton, W.D. Narrow Roads of Gene Land: The Collected Papers of W. D. Hamilton Volume 1: Evolution of Social Behaviour. Oxford University Press, 1998.

Hamilton, W.D. Narrow Roads of Gene Land: The Collected Papers of W. D. Hamilton Volume 2: Evolution of Sex. Oxford University Press, 2002.

Harpending, Henry. “Clark/Frost Domestication.” West Hunter, May 14, 2013.

Harris, Judith Rich. The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do. Free Press, 1998.

HBD Chick. “A Primer on Inclusive Fitness.” Dark Matter 1 (2014).

Jackson, Thomas. “Science Versus Ideology [The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study].” American Renaissance, July 27, 2012.

Keeley, Lawrence H. War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage. Oxford University Press, 1997.

MacDonald, Kevin. “The Boasian School of Anthropology and the Decline of Darwinism in the Social Sciences.” In Culture of Critique. First Book Library, 2002.

MadDonald, Kevin. “Effortful Control, Explicit Processing, and the Regulation of Human Evolved Predispositions.” Psychological Review 115 (2008).

MadDonald, Kevin. “Evolution, Psychology, and a Conflict Theory of Culture.” Evolutionary Psychology 7 (2009).

MacDonald, Kevin. “Napoleon Chagnon and the Struggle for a Scientific Anthropology.” Occidental Observer, March 7, 2013.

McInnes, Gavin. “Anthropologists Gone Wild.” TakiMag, Feb. 22, 2013.

Miller, Geoffrey F. “Are pleiotropic mutations and Holocene selective sweeps the only evolutionary-genetic processes left for explaining heritable variation in human psychological traits?” In The Evolution of Personality and Individual Differences, eds. David M. Buss & Patricia H. Hawley. Oxford University Press, 2010.

Miller, Geoffrey. “Chinese Eugenics.” Edge, Jan. 14, 2013.

Mueller, Sophia et al. “Individual Variability in Functional Connectivity Architecture of the Human Brain.” Neoron 77 (2013).

Oakley, Barbara A. ed. Pathological Altruism. Oxford University Press, 2011. [Review]

Pinker, Steven. The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature. Penguin, 2003.

Pinker, Steven, Richard Wrangham, Daniel C. Dennet et al. “Interview with Napoleon Chagnon: Blood is their Argument.” Edge, June 8, 2013.

Richerson, Peter J. and Robert Boyd. Not By Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution. University Of Chicago Press, 2004.

Rushton, J. Phillipe. “Ethnic nationalism, evolutionary psychology and Genetic Similarity Theory.” Nations and Nationalism 11, no. 4 (2005).

Salter, Frank. “Misunderstandings of Kin Selection and the Delay in Quantifying Ethnic Kinship.” Mankind Quarterly 48, no. 3 (2008).

Segal, Nancy. Born Together—Reared Apart: The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study. Harvard University Press, 2012. [Review]

Sesardic, Neven. Making Sense of Heritability. Cambridge University Press, 2005. [PDF]

Salter, Frank. “Evolutionary Analyses of Ethnic Solidarity: An Overview.” People and Places 16, no. 2 (2008).

Science News. “Do High-Risk Taker / Low-Impulse-Control People Prefer Spicy Food?” Science Daily, July 17, 2013.

Stromberg, Joseph, “Your Race Determines the Species of Bacteria That Live in Your Mouth.” Smithsonian Magazine, Oct. 23, 2013

Thornhill, Randy. “Darwinian Aesthetics Informs Traditional Aesthetics.” In K. Grammer and E. Voland, Evolutionary Aesthetics, Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Wade, Nicholas. “Steven Pinker; In Nature vs. Nurture, a Voice for Nature.” New York Times, Sept. 17, 2002.

Wade, Nicholas. Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors. Penguin, 2007.

Wade, Nicholas. “An Anthropologist’s War Stories.” New York Times, Feb. 18, 2013.

Wilson, David Sloan and Elliott Sober. “Reintroducing group selection to the human behavioral sciences.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1994).

Wilson, David Sloan. Darwin’s Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society. University Of Chicago Press, 2003.

Wilson, David Sloan and E.O. Wilson. “Evolution: Survival of the selfless.” New Scientist, Nov. 2007.

Wilson, E.O. “Man: From Sociobiology to Sociology.” In Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Harvard University Press, 1975.

Wilson, E.O. On Human Nature. Harvard University Press, 1979.

Zhu, Qi et al. “Heritability of the Specific Cognitive Ability of Face Perception.” Current Biology (2009).

Plants & Animals:

Alter, Charlotte. “The Problem With Pit Bulls.” Time, June 20, 2014.

Axelsson, Erik et al. “The genomic signature of dog domestication reveals adaptation to a starch-rich diet.” Nature, Jan. 23, 2013.

Dudley, Susan A. and Amanda L. File. “Kin recognition in an annual plant.” Biol. Lett. 3 (2007).

Eccles, Louise & Harry Mount. “Cross-breed Dogs Have More Health Problems than Purebred Dogs.” Daily Mail, Feb. 20, 2014.

Gough, Zoe, “Monkeys’ faces evolved to avoid crossbreeding.” BBC Nature, June 26, 2014.

Miller, David. “Dog IQ: How Smart is your Dog?” Sociobiological Musings, Sept. 26, 2011.

Mitani, John C. “Lethal intergroup aggression leads to territorial expansion in wild chimpanzees.” Current Biology 20 (2010).

Ratliff, Even. “Taming the Wild.” National Geographic Magazine, March 2011.

Selective breeding of foxes reveals why beauty rules with humans.” University of Chicago Press, Sept. 25, 2013.

Snyder-Mackler, Noah et al. “Concessions of an alpha male? Cooperative defence and shared reproduction in multi-male primate groups.” Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biologial Sciences, July 4, 2012.

Wilson, Michael L. & Richard W. Wrangham. “Intergroup Relations in Chimpanzees.” Annual Review of Anthropology 32 (2003).

Wrangham, Richard W. Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence. Mariner Books, 1997.

Gender, Sex & Game:

Andrews, Emily. “Women overtake men in IQ tests for the first time in 100 years.” Daily Mail, July 15, 2012.

Arnhard, Larry. “Aristotle’s Darwinian Ethics (7): Friendship & Sympathy.” Darwinian Conservatism, Oct. 12010.

Auster, Lawrence. “The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States.” FrontPageMagazine, May 03, 2007. [BU]

Babies develop racist traits aged nine months, before coming into contact with other races.” Daily Mail, May 4, 2012.

Bergner, Daniel. “What Do Women Want?” New York Times, Jan. 22, 2009.

Chateau Heartiste. “The Truth About Mixed-Race Couples.” Chateau Heartiste, June 24, 2013.

Clark, Alfred W. “Benefits of Hybrid Vigor Overstated.” Occam’s Razor, Dec. 29, 2013.

Cochran, Gregory. “Depths of Madness.” West Hunter, Feb. 16, 2012.

Costa, Rui Miguel, Geoffrey F. Miller and Stuart Brody. “Women Who Prefer Longer Penises Are More Likely to Have Vaginal Orgasms (but Not Clitoral Orgasms): Implications for an Evolutionary Theory of Vaginal Orgasm.” Journal of Sexual Medicine (2012).

Faye, Guillaume. Sex & Deviance. Arktos, 2014. [review]

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Affirmative Action, Education, Political Correctness, Etc.:

Conservative Swede. “America as the birthplace of Multiculturalism and Political Correctness.” Conservative Swede, Aug. 13, 2009.

Education Realist. “Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud.” Education Realist, Oct. 8, 2013.

Fischer, Peter et al. “The ancestor effect: Thinking about our genetic origin enhances intellectual performance.” European Journal of Social Psychology 41 (2011).

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Graham, Hugh Davis. Collision Course: The Strange Convergence of Affirmative Action and Immigration Policy in America. Oxford University Press, 2003.

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Pearson, Roger. Race, Intelligence and Bias in Academe. Scott Townsend Publishers, 1997.

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Richwine, Jason. “The Myth of Racial Disparities in Public School Funding.” Heritage Foundation, April 20, 2011.

Salter, Frank. “Race and the Nation in the Universities.” Quadrant 56, no. 11 (2012).

Taylor, Jared. “Racial Quotas In Malaysia: Grim Warning For America.” VDare, Sept. 29, 2008.

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Weissberg, Robert. Bad Students, Not Bad Schools. Transaction Publishers, 2010.

Young, Toby. “Progressive Creationism: A Review of ‘A Dangerous Idea’.” Quillette, Dec. 11, 2018

Darwinian Controversy, Politics, Racism, Literature, & Misc.:

Arnhard, Larry. “Aristotle’s Darwinian Ethics (5): Animal Psychology and Pleasure.” Darwinian Conservatism, Sept. 24, 2010.

Avdeyev, Vladimir. Raciology. Lulu, 2011.

Bailey, Ronald. “Origin of the Specious: Why do neoconservatives doubt Darwin?” Reason, July 1997.

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Bodeker, Craig. “A Conversation About Race.” CreateSpace, 2009. (Video)

Clark, Alfred. W. “Racial Admixture in USA and Why Mulattoes Identify as Black.” Occam’s Razor, March 23, 2013.

Cochran, Sophia. “What is Cultural Marxism?” Destroy Cultural Marxism, Jan. 8, 2013.

Court, Marian van. “Ask a Eugenicist: Interview with Robert Klark Graham.” Counter Currents, Sept. 3, 2014.

Derbyshire, John. “What’s So Scary about Darwin?” VDare, June 28, 2012.

Derbyshire, John. “On The Roots of (White) Ethnomasochism.” VDare, Sept. 6, 2012.

Faye, Guillaume. Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age. Arktos Media, 2010. [Review]

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Fjordman. “When Treason Becomes The Norm: Why The Proposition Nation, Not Islam, Is Our Primary Enemy.” Gates of Vienna, June 9, 2011.

Fransis, Samuel T. “When The State Is The Enemy Of The Nation.” VDare, July 19, 2004.

Francis, Samuel T. Essential Writings on Race. New Century Foundation, 2007.

Frost, Peter. “Blonde jokes aren’t funny.” Evo and Proud, June 25, 2010.

Glad, John. Jewish Eugenics. Wooden Shore, 2011. [Reviews: 12]

Hood, Gregory. “Race: The Central Question.” American Renaissance, April 5, 2013.

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Land, Nick. “Dark Enlightenment Series.” That’s Mag, 2012.

Lindsay, Robert. “Liberal Race Realism – A Brief Definition.” Beyond Highbrow, May 22, 2013.

Lutton, Wayne. The Southern Poverty Law Center – A Special ReportSocial Contract Press, Spring 2010.

MacDonald, Kevin. “The Boasian School of Anthropology and the Decline of Darwinism in the Social Sciences.” In Culture of Critique. First Book Library, 2002.

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Malcom X. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Grove Press, 1965.

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Perdue, Tito. The Node. Nine-Banded Books, 2011.

Pinker, Steven. “Why They Kill Their Newborns.” New York Times, Nov. 2, 1997.

Roth, Byron M. The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature. Washington Summit Publishers, 2010.

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Sailer, Steve. “The Left Doesn’t Like Darwin Either.” VDare, August 07, 2005

Sailer, Steve. “The Diversity Recession.” TakiMag, June 22, 2008.

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Sailer, Steve. “Population Paradoxes—A Post-Anglo America Might Vote For Big Government, But Couldn’t Afford It. What then?” VDare, March 6, 2011.

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Salter, Frank. “Misunderstandings of Kin Selection and the Delay in Quantifying Ethnic Kinship.” Mankind Quarterly 48, no. 3 (2008).

Salter, Frank. “The War Against Human Nature in the Social Sciences.” Quadrant 56, no. 6 (2012).

Salter, Frank. “The War Against Human Nature: Race and the Nation in the Media.” Quadrant 56, no. 10 (2012).

Salter, Frank. “Race and the Nation in the Universities.” Quadrant 56, no. 11 (2012).

Sperry, Paul. “Smoking-Gun Document Ties Policy to Housing Crisis.” Investors Business Daily, Oct. 31, 2011.

Sumner, William Graham. Folkways: A Study of Mores, Manners, Customs and Morals. Ginn and Co., 1906.

Taylor, Jared. Paved with Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America. New Century Books, 2004.

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Taylor, Jared. White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century. New Century Books, 2011.

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Winegard, Bo with Ben Winegard & Brian Boutwell. “On the Reality of Race and the Abhorrence of Racism.” Quillette, June 23, 2016.

[Return to Main Index]

Population Cycles:

Abernethy, Virginia Deane. “Fertility decline; no mystery.” Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, May 24, 2002.

Bodissey, Baron. “Geronticide Revisited.” Gates of Vienna, Oct. 18, 2011.

Clark, Gregory and Gillian Hamilton. “Survival of the Richest: The Malthusian Mechanism in Pre-Industrial England.” The Journal of Economic History 66, no. 3 (2006).

Collins, Jason. “Crime, Abortion and Genes.” Evolving Economics, Jan. 16, 2012. [BU]

Derbyshire, John. “A Frigid and Pitiless Dogma.” New English Review, June 2006.

Half Sigma. “HBD, abortion, and Malthus.” Half Sigma, March 7, 2011.

Hill, Terrence. “The problematic white birthrate is probably overstated.” Occidental Observer, Nov. 19, 2014.

Mangan, Dennis. “Is the Demographic Shift Permanent?” Mangan’s, July 29, 2011.

Mangan, Dennis. “Japan’s low birthrate is not a real problem.” Mangan’s, Jan. 2, 2015.

Nyborg, Helmuth. “The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection.” Personality and Individual Differences (2011).

Raspail, Jean. The Camp of the Saints. Social Contract Press, 1994. [PDF]

Sailer, Steve. “Where Dawkins Fears To Tread: Ethnic Nepotism And The Reality Of Race.” VDare, Oct. 3, 2004. [BU]

Salter, Frank. “Estimating Ethnic Genetic Interests: Is It Adaptive to Resist Replacement Migration?” Population & Environment 24, no. 2 (2002).

Tanton, John. “The Durable Rev. Malthus.” Social Contract Press 8, no. 3 (1998).

Wade, Nicholas. “In Dusty Archives, a Theory of Affluence.” New York Times, August 7, 2007.

Weiss, Volkmar. “The Population Cycle Drives Human History — from a Eugenic Phase into a Dysgenic Phase and Eventual Collapse.” The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 32 (2007).

[Return to Main Index]


Abbey, Edward. “Immigration and Liberal Taboos.” Compass Rose Books, 1988.

Borjas, George J. “The New Economics of Immigration: Affluent Americans gain; poor Americans lose.” The Atlantic, Nov. 1996.

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Brimelow, Peter. “Time to Rethink Immigration?” National Review, June 22, 1992.

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Buchanan, Patrick J. State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America. Thomas Dunne Books, 2006.

Camarota, Steven A. “Immigration’s Impact on U.S. Workers.” Center for Immigration Studies,Nov. 2009.

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Christainsen, Gregory B. “Biology, Immigration, and Public Policy.” Kyklos 65, no. 2 (2012).

Clark, Alfred W. “Primer on immigration and human biodiversity.” Occam’s Razor, May 29, 2013.

Collins, Jason. “Immigration Externalities.” Evolving Economics, March 5, 2012.

Coulter, Ann. Audios, America! Van Varick, 2015.

Devlin, F. Roger. “Immigration and Human Nature: A comprehensive diagnosis of our current insanity.” American Renaissance 22, no. 1 (2011).

Education Realist. “Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud.” Education Realist, Oct. 8, 2013.

Fjordman. “Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden.” Fjordman Blog, Dec. 12, 2005.

Fjordman. “Sweden Tops European Rape League — But Why?” Europe News, August 31, 2009.

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Frost, Peter. “The emerging synthesis in human biodiversity.” Evo & Proud, Jan. 3, 2015.

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Kemp, Arthur. Invasion: How Third World Immigration is Destroying the First World and What Must be Done to Stop it. Lulu, 2011.

Kennan, George F. “U.S. Overpopulation Deprives Planet of Helpful Civilization.” In Around the Cragged Hill: A Personal and Political Philosophy. W.W. Norton, 1993.

Kopff, E. Christian. “History and Science in Tenney Frank’s Scholarship.” Occidental Quarterly 5, no. 4 (2005).

Krikorian, Mark. The New Case Against Immigration: Both Legal and Illegal. Sentinel HC, 2008.

Lamb, Kevin. “The Open Borders Network.” Middle American News, 2007.

Lichtmesz, Martin. “The Establishment Rebel: A German Patriot Gets ‘Abgeschafft’.” Alternative Right, Sept. 25, 2010.

Lisker, Rubén, et al. “Racial admixture in a Mestizo population from Mexico City.” American Journal of Human Biology 7 (1995).

Lynn, Richard. “A Whimper and A Bang.” Alternative Right, June 13, 2011.

Lynn, Richard. “Race Differences, Immigration, And The Twilight of the European Peoples.” VDare, May 20, 2009.

Mac Donald, Heather. “The Immigrant Gang Plague.” City Journal, Summer 2004.

MacDonald, Kevin. The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements. Rev. edition. 1st Books Library, 2002. [PDF]

MacDonald, Kevin. “Immigration And The Unmentionable Question Of Ethnic Interests.” VDare, Oct. 27, 2004.

Matloff, Norman. “On the Need for Reform of the H-1B Nonimmigrant Work Visa in Computer-Related Occupations.” University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 36, no. 4 (2003).

Matloff, Norman. “H-1Bs: Still Not the Best and the Brightest.” Center for Immigration Studies, May 2008.

Martin, Jack and Eric A. Ruark. “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Aliens on United States Taxpayers.” FAIR, July 2010.

Meisenberg, Gerhard. “How Does Racial Diversity Raise Income Inequality.” The Journal of social, political, and economic studies 33 (2008).

Nyborg, Helmuth. “The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection.” Personality and Individual Differences (2011).

Raspail, Jean. The Camp of the Saints. Social Contract Press, 1994. [PDF]

Raspail, Jean. “Fatherland Betrayed by the Republic.” Social Contract Press 14, no. 4 (2004).

Rather, Dan. “Thanks for Everything.” Dan Rather Reports, Dec. 2011.

Rector, Robert. “Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion.” Heritage Foundation, June 6, 2007.

Richwine, Jason. “IQ and Immigration Policy.” Dissertation, Harvard University, May 2009.

Roth, Byron M. The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature. Washington Summit Publishers, 2010.

Ruark, Eric A. “Immigration, Poverty and Low-Wage Earners: the Harmful Effect of Unskilled Immigrants on American Workers.” FAIR, May 2011.

Rubenstein, Edwin S. “Legal Immigration—The Bigger Problem.” VDare, July 31, 2007.

Rubenstein, Edwin S. “The Economic Case for a Moratorium.” Social Contract Press 20, no. 2 (2009).

Sailer, Steve. “Importing Mexico’s Worsening Racial Inequality.” VDare, May 12, 2000.

Sailer, Steve. “How White Are Hispanics?” VDare, May 25, 2001.

Sailer, Steve. “Where Dawkins Fears To Tread: Ethnic Nepotism And The Reality Of Race.” VDare, Oct. 3, 2004. [BU]

Sailer, Steve. “Fragmented Future.” American Conservative, Jan. 15, 2007.

Sailer, Steve. “Byron Roth’s The Perils Of Diversity: Apologies To The Grandchildren.” VDare, Feb. 13, 2011.

Sailer, Steve. “White v. Hispanic cognitive gap across 39 studies with 5,696,529 sample size.” ISteve, May 9, 2013.

Sailer, Steve. “How do Hispanics score on grad school admissions tests?” ISteve, May 12, 2013.

Sallis, Ted. “What the Immigration Debate Should Really Be About.” Occidental Observer, May 26, 2013.

Salter, Frank. “Estimating Ethnic Genetic Interests: Is It Adaptive to Resist Replacement Migration?” Population & Environment 24, no. 2 (2002).

Salter, Frank. “Misunderstandings of Kin Selection and the Delay in Quantifying Ethnic Kinship.” Mankind Quarterly 48, no. 3 (2008).

Salter, Frank. “The Misguided Advocates of Open Borders.” Quadrant LIV, no. 6 (2010).

Salter, Frank. “The War Against Human Nature: Race and the Nation in the Media.” Quadrant 56, no. 10 (2012).

Sanchez, Rob. “Pledge of Allegiance — to India.” Social Contract Press 14, no. 4 (2004).

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Walker, Brenda. “Illegal Aliens From India Surge the Arizona Border.” VDare, Sept. 8, 2013.

[Return to Main Index]

Religion and Evolution / HBD:

Armah, Kwame Kwei. “Mestizo Christianity.” [Video]

de Benoist, Alain. On Being A Pagan. Ultra, 2005. [English translation of French original.]

Cattell, Raymond B. Beyondism: Religion from Science. Praeger, 1987. [PDF]

Charlton, Bruce G. “Is the Christian evolutionist an oxymoron?” The Christian Evolutionist, March 20, 2013.

Clark, Alfred W. “Why the Religious Should Reject Intelligent Design.” Occam’s Razor, March 10, 2013.

Clark, Alfred. “Tolkien, HBD and German Romanticism.” Occam’s Razor, Feb. 9, 2013.

Coghlan, Andy. “Vatican backs Darwin, dumps creationism.” New Scientist, Feb. 11, 2009.

Collins, Francis S. The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. Free Press, 2007.

Conservative Youth. “Is Christianity Gay?” The Inklings, Jan. 2023.

Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion. Mariner Books, 2008.

von Ditfurth, Hoimar. The Origins of Life : Evolution As Creation. Harper Collins, 1982.

Fleming, Thomas. Morality of Everyday LifeUniversity of Missouri, 2004.

Francis, Samuel T. “The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity.” Occidental Quarterly 1, no. 1 (2004).

Generation5. “Defending Christian HBD.” Gereration5’s Blog, July 19, 2010.

Generation5. “Reconsidering Interracial Adoption.” Faith and Heritage, Aug. 22, 2011.

Hagerty, Barbara Bradley. “A Closer Look at Black Liberation Theology.” All Things Considered, March 18, 2008.

Jackson, Thomas. “Christianity Turns Brown.” American Renaissance 13, no. 10 (2002).

Klinghoffer, David. “Why Black Theology Makes Sense.” BeliefNet, Jan. 1, 2007.

Kopff, E. Christian. “On the Christian-Classical-Germanic tradition.” TakiMag, Oct. 8, 2009.

Leherman, Sally. “The Christian Man’s Evolution: How Darwinism and Faith Can Coexist.” Scientific American, Oct. 21, 2008.

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McNallen, Stephen A. “Metagenetics.” RuneStone, 1985.

McNallen, Stephen A. “Metagenetics – An Update.” RuneStone, 1999.

Meisenberg, Gerhard, Heiner Rindermann, Hardik Patel & Michael A. Woodley. “Is it smart to believe in God? The relationship of religiosity with education and intelligence.” Temas em Psicologia 20, no 1 (2012).

Miller, Keith B., ed. Perspectives on an Evolving Creation. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2003.

Russell, James C. The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity. Oxford University Press, 1996.

Salter, Frank. “Ethnicity and Indoctrination for Violence: The Efficiency of Producing Terrorists.” In Ibrahim A. Karawan (ed.), Values and Violence: Intangible Aspects of Terrorism. Springer, 2008.

Sarich, Vincent & Frank Miele. “[The Ancient Concept of Race].” In Race: The Reality of Human Differences. Westview Press, 2005.

Sumner, William Graham. Folkways: A Study of Mores, Manners, Customs and Morals. Ginn and Co., 1906.

Trifkovic, Srdja. The Sword of the Prophet. Regina Orthodox Press, 2007.

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Venner, Dominique. “They’re All Rotten!” Counter Currents, April 15, 2013.

Wade, Nicholas. The Faith Instinct: How Religion Evolved and Why It Endures. Penguin Press, 2009.

Wilson, David Sloan. Darwin’s Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society. University Of Chicago Press, 2003.

West & Christ. “A Defense of Pro-Western Christianity.” Pro-Western Christianity, Feb. 1, 2013.

West & Christ. “What is Christian Cultural Marxism?” Pro-Western Christianity, Nov. 28, 2012.

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Armah, Kwame Kwei. “Mestizo Christianity.”

Famous Russian Fox Experiment (Belyaev’s foxes)

Bodeker, Craig. A Conversation About Race. CreateSpace, 2009. [Entire video]

Brimlowe, Peter: European and Israeli Responses to Illegal Immigration

Jean-Pierre Dutilleux: “New Guinea: Tribe meets the white man for the first time” (original footage).

Edward Dutton interviews Kevin MacDonald on Jewish Ethnocentrism

Edward Dutton: Why Are We Getting Less Intelligent with Michael Woodley of Menie

Edward Dutton: The Evolution of Circumcision and Female Genital Mutilation

Edward Dutton: Mixed Race Individuals and Personality

Edward Dutton: Understanding Differences in Ethnocentrism

Ryan Faluk: “European Pathological Altruism

Dan Freedman: Racial differences in newborn behavior (1974)

Génération Identitaire: Déclaration de guerre (Declaration of War)

Harpending, Henry: Interview (2010)

WD Hamilton explains the origin of altruism

Idiocracy & Dysgenics [Entire movie]

Jensen, Authur: On Intelligence (1988)

Lord of the Rings & Enoch Powell

MacDonald, Hugh: Group Polarization and the Fad of Ethnomasochism (2012)

MacDonald, Kevin: Immigration & Diversity (2012)

MacDonald, Kevin: The End of White People

MacDonald, Kevin: The Origins of the White Man (2015)

MacDonald, Kevin: The Psychological Mechanism of White Dispossession (2015)

Norwegian Human Sciences: Race Is Real (“Brainwashed“, 2012)

NOVA: “Decoding Neanderthals” (2013)

Nyborg, Helmuth: Race, Genetics and Intelligence

Nyborg, Helmuth: Interview (2011)

Nyborg, Helmuth: IQ, immigration and Europe’s future (2011)

Rushton, Philippe: The Latest Research on Race (2000)

Sailer, Steve: Interview: What is HBD? (2010)

Shockley, William: On Race & IQ (1974)

Taylor, Jared: The Color of Crime

Taylor, Jared: Race Differences in Intelligence

Taylor, Jared: What is Race Realism?

Wade, Nicholas: Interview with Stefan Molyneux

van der Walt, Rian: Genocide with farm killings in South-Africa (2012)

White Girls Fed Up With Political Correctness

Whitman, Douglas. “The Evolutionary and Biological Reality of Race.” Presentation at AmRen Conference, 2014.

Yamnaya – Faces of the Indo-Europeans

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Languages of the World

Global Genetic Distances Map

Races of the World

Faces of the Races of the World

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Common HBD abbreviations and terms: HBD (Human BioDiversity) Dictionary

N.B. Please send corrections and suggestions to: hbdbibliography AT

Images: Faces of the World’s Races

Maps: Global Genetic Distances Map and Races of the World

Aggression: Human aggression seems to be adaptive in hunter-gatherer societies, as the most aggressive males sire the most offspring. However, in agricultural or post-agricultural societies (e.g. Europe or North Asia) human aggression is probably maladaptive. It has been surmised that Sub-Sahara blacks have a genetic disposition toward aggression.

Allele(s): The alternative forms of a gene that can exist at a particular locus. Thus, A, B, and O are the alleles of the ABO blood group system; positive and negative are the alleles of the Rh system.

Alphas: Alpha males, the dominate male in the pack. Most females attracted to alphas, who are the leaders of men and women. Alpha males typically reproduce, passing on their DNA.

Aristocracy: Historically, aristocrats originated as a military caste and have tended to be fairer-skinned and taller than commoners (e.g. the “fair princess”), both in Europe and North Asia. Aristocrats also have reproduced at a higher rate than commoners. According to Guillaume Faye, aristocrats are those who defend their people before their own interests. An aristocracy has a sense of history and blood lineage, seeing itself as biologically representative of the people it serves.

Betas: Beta males, subservient to alphas, often providers or conciliators, sometimes former or future alphas. Beta males often do not reproduce, do not pass on their DNA, and often will raise the spawn of another man. Very low-status beta males will sometimes engage in transracial adoption.

Biopolitics: A political project oriented to a people’s biological and demographic imperatives. It includes family and population policy, restricting types of or all immigration, and addressing issues of public health and genetic well-being.

Blue Blood: The fair-skinned upper-class / aristocracy (e.g. a fair princess). During the Medieval period in Southern Europe, one’s skin was supposed to be fair enough to see the blue veins (hence “blue blood”), thus distinguishing fair-skinned Europeans from the duskier Moors and others.

Bottleneck Effect: An evolutionary event in which a significant percentage of a population or species is killed or otherwise prevented from reproducing.

Celto-Germanic: A person with ancestry from the British Isles (e.g. England, Ireland, Scotland, etc.) and a Germanic country (Germany, Sweden, etc.). The majority of white Americans could be classified as Celto-Germanic.

Chain migration: The endless and often-snowballing chains of foreign nationals who are allowed to immigrate because the law allows citizens and lawful permanent residents to bring in their extended, non-nuclear family members.

Clark Thesis: During Medieval England the upper-classes reproduced at a 2:1 rate over the lower classes, which resulted in a downward drift of people and their genes and which might explain the general decline in violence and the increase in average IQ. Other researchers have found similar phenomena in other European countries.

Class division: Class distinctions are often more pronounced in racially homogenous societies. However, in racially diverse societies, ethnic, racial or racial-caste distinctions most often trump class distinctions. In diverse societies, class / caste divisions may also represent underlying racial divisions. See India, Latin America, or “blue blood” in Southern Europe.

Culturalism: The view, contra the hereditarian view, that most human behaviors can be attributed to culture. Popularized in the early 20th century by Boasian anthropology / Cultural Marxism.

Cultural Marxism: An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness, multiculturalism and “anti-racism.” Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism focuses on culture and maintains that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity / race) and thus malleable. Cultural Marxists absurdly deny the biological reality of gender and race and argue that gender and race are “social constructs”. Nonetheless, Cultural Marxists support the race-based identity politics of non-whites. Cultural Marxists typically support race-based affirmative action, the proposition state (as opposed to a nation rooted in common ancestry), elevating non-Western religions above Western religions, speech codes and censorship, multiculturalism, diversity training, anti-Western education curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism, the dispossession of white people, and mass Third World immigration into Western countries. Cultural Marxists have promoted idea that white people, instead of birthing white babies, should interracially marry or adopt non-white children. Samuel P. Huntington maintained that Cultural Marxism is an anti-white ideology.

Devirilisation: Declining values of courage and virility for the sake of political correctness.

Diaspora Europeans: Whites living outside Europe (e.g. in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States).

Donohue-Levitt hypothesis: A controversial theory that legal abortion reduces crime on the grounds that unwanted children are more likely to become criminals and that an inverse correlation is observed between the availability of abortion and subsequent crime.

Dysgenics: A term describing the progressive evolutionary “weakening” or genetic deterioration of a population of organisms relative to their environment, often due to relaxation of natural selection or the occurrence of negative selection.

Ethnic Nepotism: A concept in sociobiology to explain why people prefer other people of the same ethnicity or race. The more genes that X shares with Y the more likely X will act altruistically towad Y, since by showing altruisim toward a co-ethnic (vs. a non-co-ethnic) an individual hopes to pass on more copies of his own genes.

Ethnicity: A sociobiological subdivision of a race (i.e. a race broken into smaller units of biologically closely related people).

Ethnomasochism: Hatred of one’s own race.

Ethnopluralism: Popularized by Alain de Benoist. A view stressing the “right of difference,” which asserts that each ethnic / racial group has the right to its own lands over which it can exercise complete sovereignty. This view envisions the world as a mosaic with a multiplicity of diverse races clearly delimited and with strict boundaries between them.

Ethno-Religion: The phenomenon of race and religion overlapping and reinforcing each other. Prior to the rise of religious universalism in past couple centuries, ethno-religion has been the norm throughout human history, resulting in very strong group identities.

Ethnos: Greek for tribe, race or ethnicity.

Eugenics: A system, first popularized by Plato and Aristotle and practiced throughout nearly all European history (and probably other civilizations as well, such as in North Asia), aimed at improving the characteristics of a population through breeding practices. Positive eugenics aims at encouraging those with advantageous traits to reproduce, while negative eugenics aims at discouraging those with disadvantageous traits from reproducing. Eugenics prior to WWII was quite popular among both the left and the right (e.g. American presidents and British prime ministers belonged to eugenics clubs), but after WWII eugenics acquired a negative connotation.

European Americans: White people in the United States.

Explicit Processing: Regarding brain activity; the opposite of implicit processing. It is conscious, controllable, and takes effort.

Founder Effect: Occurs when a new colony is started by a few members of the original population. This small population size means that the colony may have: (1) reduced genetic variation from the original population or (2) a non-random sample of the genes in the original population.

Game: According to Heartiste, a systematized blueprint of male behavior for attracting, courting and seducing women in an efficient and powerful manner based on the practical application of theories of human, and particularly female, sexuality derived from the insights of evolutionary psychology, biology and real world experimentation.

Genetic Drift: The change in the frequency of a gene variant (allele) in a population due to random sampling. The alleles in the offspring are a sample of those in the parents, and chance has a role in determining whether a given individual survives and reproduces.

Genophilia: Love of one’s own race.

Genophiliast: Lover of one’s own race.

Gens: Latin for tribe, race or ethnicity.

Gentillesse: Medieval eugenics concept. Refinement and courtesy resulting from good breeding.

Germen: Popularized by Guillaume Faye. A people’s or civilization’s biological root. In Latin, germen means ‘germ’, ‘seed.’ If a culture is lost, recovery is possible. When the biological germen is destroyed, nothing is possible.

Green Beard Effect: A term coined by Dawkins for the situation in which a gene has two effects (pleiotropy), one of which produces a recognizable phenotypic trait (the hypothetical Green Beard) and the other produces the tendency to manifest altruistic behavior toward others who also manifest that trait. It occurs when a gene, or linked genes, produce three phenotypic effects: (1) a perceptible trait — the hypothetical “green beard”;
(2) recognition of this trait in others; and (3) preferential treatment to those recognized.

Group Selection: The theory that natural selection also operates at the level of the group and not just the individual organism.

Hamilton’s Rule: From the gene’s point of view, evolutionary success ultimately depends on leaving behind the maximum number of copies of itself in the population. W. D. Hamilton proved mathematically that, because close relatives of an organism share some identical genes, a gene can also increase its evolutionary success by promoting the reproduction and survival of these related or otherwise similar individuals. Hamilton claimed that this leads natural selection to favor organisms that would behave in ways that maximize their inclusive fitness.

HBD: Human Bio-Diversity.

Hereditarian: The view, contra culturalism, that many (although not all) human behaviors are hereditary. This view is ancient (present among the Greeks, Romans, ancient Germans, Chinese, Japanese, etc.) and was the dominant view until the rise of culturalism/Boasianism/Cultural Marxism in the early 20th century.

Identity: Etymologically, ‘that which makes singular’. A people’s identity is what makes it incomparable and irreplaceable.

Ignatiev Fallacy: The fallacious claim made by Cultural Marxists, trying to deflate the concept of race, that the Irish were once thought of as non-white, which is nonsensical when one considers peroid literature (e.g. Phineas Finn) or considers that there were never anti-miscegenation laws directed against the Irish (but there were anti-miscegenation laws directed against blacks and other non-Europeans). Regarding modern population genetics, Cavalli-Sforza’s genetic distance charts show that all Europeans are closely related. For instance, in terms of genetic distances, the English are over 100x more closely related to the Irish than to blacks. Bryan Sykes has found that the British Isles to be quite homogenous.

Implicit Processing: Involves most of the activities going in our brains in our daily life. It is unconscious, automatic, effortless, relatively fast, and involves parallel processing of large amounts of information.

Implicit whiteness: Tendency of white people to associate with other white people (e.g. at environmentalist clubs, conservative clubs, book clubs, classical music events, etc.) while often simultaneously denouncing “racism.”

Impulse control: Lack of human impulse control may be adaptive in hunter-gatherer societies, as most daring males seem to sire the most offspring. However, in agricultural or post-agricultural societies (e.g. Europe or North Asia) impulse control seems to be adaptive. It has been surmised that Sub-Sahara blacks have a genetic disposition making them lack impulse control.

Inclusive Fitness: An evolutionary theory, according to which an organism can improve its overall genetic succes by cooperative, social behavior. The theory holds that the total fitness of an organism is influenced both by its classical fitness (how many of its own offspring it produces and supports) but also by the number of equivalents of its own offspring it can add to the population by supporting others similar to itself (kin or co-ethnics).

Involution: According to Guillaume Faye, the regression of a civilization or species to maladaptive forms that lead to the diminishing of its vital forces. Cultural involution has been stimulated by the decline of education, the regression of knowledge, the collapse of social norms, the immersion of youth in a world of audio/visual play [and] the Africanization of European culture.

Kin Selection: The selection of genes so as to cause individuals to favor their close genetic relatives (or others of the same race) as they are statistically likely to share genes in common. Often invoked to provide a neo-Darwinian explanation of behaviors such as altruism.

Leukophobia: The fear of white people organizing racially.

Lewontin’s Fallacy: The fallacious (misleading, and irrelevant) claim that there is more genetic diversity within a population than between populations. Popularized by Marxist Richard Lewontin. See here and here.

Liberal Creationists: Those who profess to believe in Darwinism buy deny biological reality of race and seem to think that human evolution for past 50k years has occurred only from the neck down. In other words, they believe in miracles.

Low Mate Value: When a person lacks fitness indicators or has negative indicators (e.g. is overweight, asymmetrical, conventionally unattractive, unintelligent, etc.). For example, it has been observed that many white women who date black men have low mate value.

MAMBs: Non-white Hispanics. An acronym for “Mestizos, Amerindians, Mulattos, and Blacks” from Latin America. MAMBs consitute 90%+ of the population of Mexico.

Mangani: Term coined by Gregory Cochran to name the non-homosapien hominin that interbred with Sub-Sahara Africans (but not with Euroepans or Asians). (Cf. Neanderthals, Denisovans)

Meme(s): A term coined by Dawkins for units of cultural inheritance, analogous to genes (the units of genetic transmission), which are acted upon by natural selection.

Mental AIDS: A controversial term coined by Louis Pauwels signifying the collapse of a people’s immune system in the face of its decadence and its enemies. Guillaume Faye adds: With biological AIDS, T4 lymphocytes, which are supposed to defend the organism, fail to react to the HIV virus as a threat, and instead treat it as a ‘friend’, helping it to reproduce. European societies today are [similarly] menaced by the collapse of their immunological defenses. As civil violence, delinquency and insecurity explode everywhere, police and judicial measures that might curb them are being undermined. The more Third World colonization damages European peoples, the more measures are taken to continue it. Just as Europe is threatened with demographic collapse, policies which might increase the birth rate are denounced and homosexuality idealized. Catholic prelates argue with great conviction that ‘Islam is an enrichment’, even as it clearly threatens to destroy them.

Mestizo: A mixed-race person from Latin America. The CIA World Fact Book estimates that 60% of Mexicans are mestizos (and another 30% Amerindian). Looking at lower-income mestizos in Mexico City, Lisker (1995) found that the average mestizo admixture to be 59% Amerindian, 34% European (oft. Spaniard), and 6% Black.

Mitochondria: The cell organelles that are the site of energy-releasing biochemical reactions. Mitochondria have their own DNA, which is passed through the female line only and thus is often used in tracing genetic lineages.

Mulatto: A person born of one white and one black parent. Since white looks are recessive, mulattoes almost always appear and identify as black. Philosopher Nick Land has written, “White + Color = Color.” Mulattoes also seem to suffer from more health problems than single-race individuals.

Multilevel Selection Theory (MLS): A means to to evaluate the balance between group selection and individual selection. MLS compares the many layers of competition and evolution to the “Russian Matryoska Dolls” within one another. The lowest level is the genes, next come the cells, and then the organism level and finally the groups. The different levels function cohesively to maximize fitness, or reproductive success. Regarding the possibility of group selectio, MLS states that selection for the group level, which is competition between groups, must outweigh the individual level, which is individuals competing within a group, for a group-beneficiating trait to spread.

NAM: Lit., “non-Asian minority.” Common criticism: large difference between North Asians (e.g. average Chinese IQ, 100) and South Asians (e.g. average Indian IQ, 81), which has led some to propose:

NNAM: Lit., “Non-North-Asian Minority.”

Nation: In the traditional sense (from the Latin nasci), a tribe or group of people linked by common blood / ancestry.

Neanderthal DNA: Modern non-African homo sapiens possess Neanderthal DNA, around 4% in Europeans and 2% in North Asians, which might have proven adaptive in immunity and colder climate.

North Asian (or Northeast Asian): Person from or with ancestry from China, Japan or Korea.

Omegas: Omega males, the lowest of the low.

Pariah Dogs: Multiple-generation mutts that, perhaps due to reduced selection pressure, lose traits of domestication and become more “pariah like” (i.e. more wild, closer to wolves). (For example of selection pressure and domestication, see this.)

Pathological Altruism: A concept popularized by a recent book (review here) that demonstrates a maladaptive tendency in certain people to help others at the cost of harming themselves. For instance, one might sacrifice his own inclusive fitness to redirect resources to strangers (who are not kin or co-ethnics); e.g. foreign aid, or celebrities and religious fundamentalists adopting babies from around the globe at the expense of their own genetic continuity.

Phenotype: The observed trait, morphological or behavioral, manifested by an organism. It is the product of the organism’s genotype and the environment in which the organism has developed.

Pleiotropy: The condition in which one gene produces two (or more) different phenotypic traits.

Pluriversalism: The idea that each that each ethnic / racial group has the right to its own lands over which it can exercise complete sovereignty. This view envisions the world as a mosaic with a multiplicity of diverse races clearly delimited and with strict boundaries between them.

Political Correctness: An outgrowth of Cultural Marxism that seeks to stifle academic and scientific research and prohibit free speech in areas deemed contrary to values of Cultural Marxism (e.g. topics on racial differences). Political Correctness often seeks to silence truth in favor of the political dictates of Cultural Marxism / Boasian anthropology.

Prole: Working-class.

Proposition Nation: A concept from Cultural Marxism that maintains that a nation is merely a collection of ideas, as opposed to the traditional understanding of a nation rooted in blood and common ancestry (vide the Latin root nasci). (Propositional Nation, Creedal Nation, et al)

Race: A larger group of biologically related people, such as those grouped along the continental level (e.g. Europeans / Whites, Sub-Sahara Africans, Amerindians, Northeast Asians, etc.). Races can be thought of constituting a geographic subdivision of the species homo sapiens. Logical fallacies of race deniers: First, just because accounts of number of races vary, it doesn’t follow race doesn’t exist.  Accounts of number of planets in our solar system and even shapes also vary, but planets and shapes are real. Second, just because race is clinial in some areas of world (but not in all: mountain ranges, oceans, etc), it doesn’t mean individual races don’t exist. Races are not to be confused with ethnicities, which are sociobiological subdivisions of races. (See also: Lewontin’s Fallacy)

Racism & Racist: A racist is someone who values truth more than political correctness. Martin Sewell: “So-called racism is a perfectly natural in-group bias which has been stigmatized by the politically correct West.” Peter Brimelow: “The modern definition of ‘racist’ is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal.”

Rasse: German for race.

SWPL: Lit., “stuff white people like,” which implies a white college-educated politically-correct liberal.

Universalism (& Liberal Creationism): Terms used to capture dominant zeitgeist in the Western World where most people seem to believe on blind faith that there are no meaningful differences between racial groups. This creed seems to be be based more in a (secular?) religious desire rather than in reality; Nick Land writes that this view is “entirely lacking in critical self-reflection, is asserted not as a credible social-scientific thesis, or even as a spontaneous popular aspiration, but rather as a religious creed….” Gregory Cochran and others have quipped that many people today seem to think that evolutionary differences between racial groups only occurred from the neck down.

Vitalist Constructivism (Religion): A philosophical / religious movement in Europe (and among Diaspora Europeans) that seeks to combine elements from European paganism, Christianity and HBD to create a new pro-Western religion.

Westerner: A white person or, more specifically, an Ethnic European or Diaspora European.

White Hispanic: A non-mestizo, non-Amerindian Hispanic of purely or mostly Spanish ancestry. (Cf. MAMBs, Mestizo)

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