People Want to Define the Work by What’s Important to Them

Everyone wants to define The Work by what they find important in it. What’s important in the work is universal commensurable, value netural, decidability. The rest is application of that decidability to the scope of human knowledge and experience. The most present and urgent application is the resolution of the conflict stared by the second abrahamic revolution, this time by pseudoscience instead of supernaturalism. Unfortunately given the introduction of women in to economy and polity, and given women are biased to magical thinking and hyperconsumption and evasion of responsibility for the commons, then between the left and the pool of easily captured women, this speudoscience is as hard to stop as christian religion was hard to stop, because women both want it and there is a population of beta males desirous of the following of those women.


–“I observe a slightly different course occurring. Everyone wants to define the work by what they want to be important in it. But this is a conceptual frame, not an empirical frame. Once they begin to apply the work, to change their behavior and experience the resulting changes in their interactions, their context quickly clarifies the definition.”–Luke Weinhagen

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