Q: “Is P-Law Synonymous With Evolutionary Computation?”

Q: “So it sounds like P-Law can be synonymous with Evolutionary Computation?”

Bingo. Instead, P-Method to P-Law is the logic of evolutionary computation, because it is built from the ternary logic of evolutionary computation – and no other premises. It’s the logic of first principles and the only first principles.

I’m not sure why it’s hard to understand the difference between how ‘computation from first principles’ defeats ‘mathematics and sets’ because computational reducibility is greater than mathematical reducibility, and computational is casual where mathematical is only descriptive of observations.

We talk mostly in terms of behavior ethics and politics in public, but the foundation of our work in Natural Law is the irreducible first principle of the universe: the ternary logic of evolutionary computation. It’s the completion of the unification of the four sciences

Curt Doolittle
The Natural Law Institute
The Science of Cooperation

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