Q: “What’s the logic of first principles of western civ?”

Q: The logic of first principles is your culture? 🙂
(tongue in cheek question) (western civ)

Western civilization in a nutshell: 😉

  1. The culture is the prohibition on authority for the purpose of the preservation of sovereignty, freedom and responsibility.
  2. The prohibition on authority requires an alternative means of decidability (decision making).
  3. The only means of decidability is correspondence with reality, meaning truth and reciprocity, duty and excellence.
  4. Sovereignty, decidability, and reciprocity will force us to discover the natural law of tort (demonstrated interests), rule of law, and participatory government.
  5. Extension of the use of truth reciprocity duty and excellence outside the thang, jury, and thang (parliament) will eventually discover the natural law and then the laws of nature, and finally the laws of the universe.
  6. In other words, everything is the result of the prohibition on authority and the preservation of responsibility.

And as you’ve noticed the desire for sovereignty and responsibility is limited in the human distribution with some of us preferring authority and subservience in lieu of responsibility despite that it deprives them of happiness and prosperity. :(.

Many people are happier in equalitarian poverty that they can blame on authorities and eschew responsibility than they are with the hierarchy and prosperity that results from responsibility.

Curt Doolittle
The Natural Law Institute
The Science of Cooperation

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