1) Yes there is a classical explanation of quantum mechanics using fluid dynamics.
2) Yes an ‘aether’ exists as the quantum background with fluidic properties.
3) The variables aren’t hidden. They were deducible. They weren’t deduced because of a failure permute upon classical explanations in favor of continuing mathematical (non causal) explanations.
4) Yes this ‘mathiness’ set us back because math is only descriptive not causal, and as such, einstein/bohr’s descriptive but non causal adventure with ‘mathiness’ (platonism) was easier to solve than maxwell, lorentz, and hilbert’s ‘physics’ (realism, naturalism, empiricism).
5) No, there is no evidence of non classical existence. We simply do not know if information can be transmitted by other than waves through the background at whatever lower level of resolution that exists that the background evolves from.
6) So we face two problems (a) a set of models rather than a mathematics from which to produce experiments (b) the means of testing the even-smaller to perform these experiments.
Why? If we study the instinctual means of human igorance, error, bias, wishful thinking, magical thinking, fictionalisms, deceits and denials, we can catalogue them, and test hypotheses and theories for engaging in those means of ‘error’ (or lying). (And it’s humiliating to study human lying, and then gaining awareness of how much of our speech consists of lies whether by intent or not.
If we search through the history of western systems of thought, we find the conflict between the observable and the imaginary in the empiricism of aristotle(epicurus, the stoics et all), and the magical thinking in plato’s idealism as well as in other civilizations as confucian wisdom, supernatural abrahamism, hinduism, and buddhism.
If we catalogue the sophistries of suggestion (deceit) and overloading by loading, framing, obscuring, fabrication, and the fictionalisms of Emotional: Supernatural->Theology, Verbal: Idealism->Philosophy(Idealism), and Physical:Magic->Pseudoscience and Pseudomathematics, we find man is naturally predisposed to ‘lie’ whenever possible if for no other reason than psychological comfort or satisfaction at having some sort of answer, and that man lies by overloading each of the three human faculties of measurement: emotion, langauge, and the physical world.
And if we catalog the evolution of the history of thought from instinct to cusality as:
|Cognitive Evolution|: Embodiment > Anthropomorphism(Projection) > Mythology(Explanation) > Theology(authoritarian idealism) > Philosophy(Rational Idealism) > Natural Philosophy(Empiricism, Measurement) > Science(Calculus, Correspondence) > Operationalism(Computation, Causality).
The purpose of the scientific method is to produce testimony. The purpose of the market for science is to produce evolutionary survival (or death) of testimony. Over time we reduce surviving testimony, by versimilitude (market competition) toward parsimony (first principles) from which we no longer need to imagine, hypothesize, theorize, but only describe as a sequence of causal operations in time in a hierarchy of first principles. If we can do so, then it’s testifiable. If we can’t it’s not.
My work in large part is in this ‘via negativa’ completion of the logic of falsification, recognizing that there is no proof, only survival from falsification. Because the sequence of certainty is:
|Certainty|: incomprehensible > comprehensible but undecidable > possibly true but undecidable > decidably false.
It’s not just physics and behavioral science that are lost. It most everything other than technology. Why? The marxists, the left, and yes, especially jewish thought leaders, reintroduced non-european thinking into our sciences, that depended upon their ancestral cultural ‘logic’ that includes the above methods of self and other deception (lying) and as such we have the crisis of the age – while we try to preserve european truth in the face of a world trying to assert it’s ancestral thought that is everything but true.
(ed note: Like I said, that revolution is in progress and about to start, but as we’ve discovered, science advances with tombstones, and we have to purge these generations from the academy before we will find new blood with incentive for status seeking by outperforming their previous generations with new and better solutions.)
Curt Doolittle
The Natural Law Institute
The Science of Cooperation