I’m Not Anti Christian


I’m anti-abrahamism (lying), not anti christian (Jesus).

If you want fundamentalism, you need to learn to lie to justify it. Learning the very simple lesson Jesus teaches takes not rationalization, justification, mysticism, supernaturalism, fiction, fraud, or lying. Jesus solve the problem of the prisoner’s dilemma of cooperation by demanding the counter intuitive: seduction non aggression and by forgiveness into cooperation for mutual benefit: the extension of kinship love to all.

This made it possible for the primitive people of the middle east and the lower classes in the west, to find status, self image, self respect, and mindfulness without the wealth, power, ability of the upper classes of aristocratic warriors.

The Jeffersonian bible is sufficient, and doesn’t require lying to your self, others, or social construction of falsehoods.

It may be that some percentage of the people require the supernatural to sedate their neuroticism enough to obtain mindfulness. However the vast majority will not reject Christianity or natural law or Western philosophy, or Western science once they understand that Jesus’ solution was the only possible answer to achieving cooperation between the underclasses at the scale and under the technology of Greco Roman Civilization and the rate of change it imposed on the civilizations that had been static for three thousand years.

Affections all.

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