Q: Why are governments tolerating immigration over the objections of the populations?
Governments often tolerate immigration despite public opposition due to a variety of reasons, including economic, demographic, and humanitarian considerations. Here are some factors that might explain this phenomenon:
- Economic
- Prices+taxes: Economic Benefits: Immigrants often fill labor shortages in certain sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, construction, and healthcare. They also contribute to the economy through taxes and consumption.
- Welfare, Retirement, Medical Care: Demographic Factors: Many countries are facing aging populations and declining birth rates. Immigration can help to offset these trends by bringing in younger workers and increasing the population.
- Political
- Power Seeking – Political Considerations: Immigration can be a politically divisive issue, and governments may feel that it is politically advantageous to maintain a certain level of immigration.
- Psychological, Status and Power Seeking – (Making other bureaucrats and diplomats (peers) customers rather than citizens. Humanitarian Considerations: Many immigrants are fleeing war, persecution, or extreme poverty in their home countries. Governments may feel a moral obligation to provide refuge to these individuals.
- Institutional
- Holdover Ideological Statutes – Legal Challenges: Governments may face legal challenges if they attempt to reduce immigration levels significantly. Courts may rule that such measures violate human rights or other legal protections.
- Holdover Ideological Treaties – International Agreements: Countries may be bound by international agreements, such as the 1951 Refugee Convention, which require them to accept certain categories of immigrants.
Q: What is the population and the percent of the population that is non-native minority or immigrant in those countries that have experienced revolts over immigration?
Answer: This is a list of European countries that have experienced public disapproval, demonstrations, riots, or threats of civil war over the issue of immigration:
- Sweden: Sweden has experienced significant public unrest related to immigration, including protests, riots, and even threats of civil war. In 2022, 10.4% of Sweden’s population consisted of immigrants, and 20.1% were foreign-born.
- England: England has also experienced public disapproval, demonstrations, riots, and threats of civil war over the issue of immigration. In 2021, 14.4% of England’s population was foreign-born.
- Belgium: Belgium has experienced public demonstrations and riots related to immigration. In 2022, 12.4% of Belgium’s population was foreign-born.
- Netherlands: The Netherlands has experienced public demonstrations and riots related to immigration. In 2022, 13.1% of the Netherlands’ population was foreign-born.
- Germany: Germany has experienced significant public unrest related to immigration, including protests, riots, and even threats of civil war. In 2022, 18.9% of Germany’s population was foreign-born.
- France: France has experienced significant public unrest related to immigration, including protests, riots, and even threats of civil war. In 2022, 10.3% of France’s population was foreign-born.
- Spain: Spain has experienced public demonstrations and riots related to immigration. In 2022, 11.4% of Spain’s population was foreign-born.
- Portugal: Portugal has experienced public demonstrations and riots related to immigration. In 2022, 5.4% of Portugal’s population was foreign-born.
- Greece: Greece has experienced public demonstrations and riots related to immigration. In 2022, 11.2% of Greece’s population was foreign-born.
These countries have taken political stances against immigration, either through legislation, opposition to EU policies, or public demonstrations and unrest. The correlation coefficient between the total population and the percentage of foreign-born individuals across the listed countries is approximately 0.267.
Meaning that anything approaching .3 at any scale will cause conflict.
Q: Why do citizens revolt against immigration beyond single digits?
- All personal, social, economic, and political gains are the result of discounts on cooperation on the production, transformation, and consumption of energy, per moment of time.
- All cultural normative religious and legal rules serve as weights and measures that assist in producing discounts on cooperation in a given territorial developmental demographic and institutional
- All western civilizational difference result from three and a half millennia of increasing demand for individual responsibility for display, word, deed whether personal, private, common, or formal. The only peers are the Japanese, and differences are limited only to tolerance for competition and conflict given eastern in face before truth vs western truth before face, and the resulting consequences.
- All human differences originate in the ability and willingness to bear responsibility for the personal, private, common, and institutional. 5. All demographic groups differ in genetic, institutional, religious, and cultural, demand for individual responsibility for personal, private, common, and institutional.
- All Civilizational groups reflect genetic commonality in capacity for responsibility. All civilizational groups demonstrate variations in class size with lower classes less able to bear responsibility and upper classes more. Even as such, some less neotenous groups remain less able regardless of class, and more neotenous groups more able regardless of class.
7. Reasons Immigrants and especially different ethnicities drive up costs.
- The Responsibility Gradient Density vs Lower vs Lowest
(is This Person up To Something.) Urban responsibility is not only impossible but demand for authority increases because of it. - The Feminine Mind Because of The Responsibility Gradient – women are the core of the west’s problem and single women the worst drivers of it.
- Race differences in Neoteny and Maturity, Aggression, Intelligence, Self Regulation: African, South Eurasian, East Asian, European.
- Culture (Stage of Development) Matters Even More – so does inbreeding.
- Religion Matters Much More than You’d Think – especially judaism and islam both of which are internal and external means of warfare not religions.
- Hot Take – the Problem Is Less Race than Islam- Confidence in Falsehoods. In other words, the world would be able to advance other than for islam, and perhaps judaism.
– Inflation … all that debt had to result in inflation.
– War Risk and Trade – long term
– Housing Shortage
– Big Sort Consequence
– Collapse of production wages via offshoring (wage arbitrage)
– Overproduction of White Collar (legal, Finance, Government)
– Generational Transition Issues (The pet generations)
– Age of surplus capital ending at the same time workers are decreasing
– Intersexual market collapse and reproductive collapse.
– Nonsense – Degree education and debt instead of iq/personality test etc. and general collapse of education system including much of ‘higher ed’.
– Resulting collapse of minimum general knowledge in the population necessary for political participation.
– Repatriation of Industry – time required, and blue collar not white collar jobs
– Conversion back to military industrial complex (cultural, economic, political change)
– Ai’s not anywhere close and we’re already seeing low level labor cuts
– Millions of white collar post 1980 expansion will vaporize.
– End of low end web dev and demand for higher level ML and LLM (math)
– Apple b/c of I Phone Vulnerability to overseas production and assembly.
– N Vidia’s temporary monopoly vs Other Chip Makers building their own – and it hasn’t any moat.
– All Ai Chip Makers vs Neuromorphic Chips – neuromorphic chips will solve the pre-training, constant update, speed, and energy problems.
That’s enough for now. You should get the idea. Immigrants are costly. Their costs are only invisible during periods of growth – and we aren’t having one and haven’t since the seventies.
Curt Doolittle