The Jewish Specialization in Pseudosciences

As we see in evidence by their specialization in the production of authoritarian religion, pseudoscience, sophistries, deceits, and frauds that falsely and unaccountably promise freedom from physical. natural. and evolutionary laws. again. profiting from the destruction of our high-trust commons under the pretense of plausible deniability:

  • Cantor-Bohr in mathematical re-platonization (sophistry or ‘mathiness’).
  • Gould-Boaz-Freud in behavioral sciences (pseudoscience and historical revisionism).
  • Marx-Lenin in political economy (the possibility of authoritarian underclass rule and violation of evolutionary law).
  • Trotsky-Strauss-Kristol in neoconservatism to convert the USA to advance Jewish globalism.
  • Adorno-Marcuse~Fromm (Frankfurt school) in cultural marxism to undermine European aesthetics and values.
  • Gramsci-Derrida in postmodernism to undermine truth itself.
  • Friedan-Steinem in anti-male, anti-familial feminism.
  • Rand-Rothbard in anti-rule of law anti-nationalist libertarianism.
  • and perhaps the most insidious in Raz-Kelsen-Dworkin-llartt in positive or pseudoscientific law. in order to make European evolutionary, scientific, and neutral law devolve into Jewish pilpul (sophistry) law. relativism. and interpretation and kritarchy (rule by judges).
  • And that’s before we address their intentional destruction of the architectural, monumental, visual, literary. and entertainment arts.

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