Backhanded Compliment:


— “Curt, who is the unironic embodiment of western civilization: sick, immuno-compromised, survived a couple of cancers, possibly still has cancer, high functioning autist, proceeded to alienate every potential ally faction under the sun because he can’t lie, will be crucified by every normie and the ruling oligarchy if he ever becomes publically known, has an audience of about a handful of people.

Also Curt, who says: Alright, we got 5 years to fix western civilization, restore truth, reciprocity and monarchy. We got science backing us this time. Now, if we can only get 2 mil guys together… Hahah, gotta love it. We need to meme you into existence,

Curt. You need more exposure. You would be the biggest “fuck you” in the history if all of this came to fruition.” — anon

Yeah well, they killed Socrates, tried to kill Aristotle, prosecuted Galileo, and invented marxism-pomo-woke to counter Darwin. So I see myself in that tradition, and completing the Aristotelian-Epicurian, Baconian-Newtonian, Smith-Hume, Darwin-Spencer, Nietzche project.

Truth is enough. If you’re indeed master of yourself, and of a master culture, in a master civilization, and of a master race, then truth is enough.

If it isn’t then you’re admitting that you are not in fact master, but just another lying peasant or shaman like all the filth that came before you.

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