1. Existential Causality: All causality results from the universe‘s attempt to release pressure by increasing dissipation (entropy) or increasing organization (negentropy).
2. Evolutionary Causality (Evolutionary Computation) (MACRO BEFORE): ( … )
3. Physical Causality: All resulting phenomena, both organic and non can be described as evolutionary computation of acquisition of energy(mass), by the process of continuous recursive disambiguation.
4. Life’s Problem Statement: defeating entropy (negativa), and defeating the red queen (positiva).
4. Behavioral Causality: All all human perception, cognition, emotion, and demonstrated behavior can be described as the acquisition of, and loss aversion of life, time, material, cooperative, and common capital.
5. Cause of Valuative Variation (Before): All human differences in perception, cognition, emotion, and demonstrated behavior can be described as sex differences (biases) in the division of the labor of evolutionary computation of time and population: feminine empathic, short, continuous, low risk, interpersonal, social, and masculine systematizing, long peaks and valleys, high-risk material, political.
6. Cause of Performative Variation (During): (neural economy)
7. Cause of Cooperation: ( … ) (retuns on time) (list means of returns on time) (oppy/xaction/trust).
8. Cooperative Variation (After): All human organizational differences evolve from the three possible means of influence, coercion, and power: feminine undermining-seductive-caretaking, masculine forceful-defense-producing, or neutral, reciprocally beneficial exchange(trades).
9. Cause of Cooperative Organization? (Leadership/Elites)…
10. Cause of Cooperative Scale: (Institutions) All human political organizations evolve from the three methods of influence. coercion and power: Feminine Seductive Social Constriction and Religion, Neutral Trade and Contract Law, or Masculine Forceful State and Military.
11. Cause of Civilizational Specialization (Speciation): (because of the environment: (list dimensions here).
12. Cause of Civilizational Variation: (Path Dependence) All human civilizations produce institutions that are path-dependent upon the order of their development The first institution is strongest. the second less so and the third weakest or a failed institution.
13. Cause of Evolutionar Variation: ( … ) Of these institutions. Religion is negatively (Devolutionarily) computational. The State ls statically (Stagnatingly) computational, and Law is Positively (Evolutionarily) computational. (MAXRO DURING)
14. Cause of Rate of Evolutionary Velocity: The rate of evolutionary computation, the rate of innovation, adaptation, evolution, and the condition of the population during that devolution, stagnation, or evolution is determined by the order of, and path dependency of. founding institutions. (MACRO AFTER)
14. Cause of Outcome Variation? (energy statement), Energy Conversion by Scale or Velocity?
15. Fastest model is european model ( … )
16. The european model is (…)
17. Human nature drives to minimize costs, to seek the least work, to seek the least thought, to seek the least adaptation, and therefore, genetically, cognitively, socially, and politically, regress to the mean of the ability of the population.
19. It is contrary to human nature to seek to maximize costs of physical. behavioral cognitive, adaptationm duty to the commons before the self, truth before face to the self, family, or dominance hierarchy – despite that this produces the most commons. with the highest trust. highest risk tolerance, highest economic velocity, highest investment and fastest innovation, adaptation, and evolution.
18 .(It is costly to prohibit least costly behaviors, and demand the most costly behaviors.)
Yet that is What Europeans managed to do: The defeat of the evolutionary Red Queen, by the mass production of self~determination by reciprocal insurance of sovereignty in demonstrated interests. limiting us all to reciprocity in display, word, and deed, truth before face, duty before self, and markets in all aspects of life: association, cooperation, production, reproduction, commons, polities, and war.
We mastered the production of commons. We mastered ourselves. mankind. and the universe, by paying the high cost of producing commons. by the primary value of heroism: contribution to the commons from which we all gain.
Europeans developed Commons- ism (capitalization) not communism (consumption).
Every other civilization failed. And they all failed by 800ad. And if that doesn’t scare you. If that doesn‘t make you defend European Civilization regardless of cost. Then you might want to think harder about what’s ‘good‘ or ‘right’.
Because the universe is dark and full of terror without it.