There no conflict between the sets of terms we use in different contexts, whether the long form for ordinary language or the formal short form we take from the logic of computation for the sake of brevity. We can use both for The Natural Law Project.
Ordinary Language Formal Language
Natural Method P-Method
Natural First Principles P-Science
Natural Logic. P-Logic
Natural Order(Hoppe, informal)
Natural Law P-Law (NLI Formal)
Natural Government P-Government
Natural Religion
Natural Aesthetics
We also use the following terms to address the traditional disciplines in philosophy:
Physics:……………………Physics: evolutionary computation of negative entropy.
Metaphysics:…………….Vitruvianism: Man is the measure of all things man (cog. sci.)
Psychology: ……………..Acquisitionism: Man acquires and defends.
Ethics and Morality:…..Propertarianism. (Reciprocity) The Ethics of Non Imposition, production, and investment.
Epistemology: ………….Testimonialism. The competition between imaginary associations and existential measurements in all dimensions of actionable reality.
Law: ………………………..(Algorithmic) Natural Law. The Natural Law of Reciprocity. Strictly constructed from the test of reciprocity.
Sociology: ………………..Compatibilism: Intertemporal division of perception, cognition, knowledge, labor, and advocacy wherein we combine information and calculate compatible means to the achievement of different ends through voluntary conflict, competition, cooperation, and boycott.
Politics: ……………………Markets in Everything.
Strategy:………………… Agency: Maximization of agency through Transcendence, Sovereignty, and Heroism
Spirituality:………………Transcendence: Masculine Stoicism, Feminine Epicureanism, Ritual Familialism, Feast Naturalism, Festival Nationalism.
Aesthetics:……………….,Truth(Testimonial), Excellence(Density), Goodness(Morality[‘the commons’]) and Beauty(Bounty).
Constitution …………….A Second American Constitution
Revolution………………..The Course and Conduct of a Revolution
Curt Doolittle
The Natural Law Institute
The Science of Cooperation