Existence: The Origin of Universal Laws
(~1500 words)
Existence (+,-,=) (Premises)
Existence > Relations > Ternary Logic > Organization > Evolutionary Computation
The Possibility of Existence Requires Relations: Existence cannot be understood without the concept of relations. To have ‘something,’ there must be a contrast with ‘nothing’; this difference forms the basis of all relations.
Existence Consists of Relations: As such, all existence consists of relations. This fundamental principle implies that all of existence is composed of relationships between one state of something and another state of something.
Process of Producing Existence: All of existence, results from the universe’s (energy) attempt to release (decrease) pressure through increasing dissipation (disorder) as entropy or increasing density as negentropy (order, organization) using its only energy supply, the quantum background (aether).
The first stable relation we know of is the quantum background. Despite being existential and in constant turmoil (boiling and unstable), under certain conditions, waves and protoparticles can obtain enough energy from this background to form stable relations.
Existence consists of these properties:
- Discreetness: All differences are discrete (not continuous)
- Computational Reducibility: All discrete differences can be described computationally and operationally.
- Mathematical Reducibility: Only some differences can be described continuously whether mathematically and verbally.
- Differentiation: The Universe is under pressure. (we don’t know why)
- This pressure produces discrete differences accumulating in continuous differences (universe, background, ‘aether’).
Note: differences are concrete and discrete (computation), and information is abstract and continuous (math, calculation). - Conservation: Entropy is limited: given the conservation of energy means energy cannot “unexist” because the background is always under a minimum pressure, so there is a maximum tolerance in the background for absorbing dissipation of energy (decay).
- Symmetry: The Universe can only resolve this difference in pressure through an increase in energy density – accumulating in the creation of matter, or an increase in volume – accumulating in the creation of space.
- This pressure produces discrete differences accumulating in continuous differences (universe, background, ‘aether’).
- Relation: All differentiation creates a relation, and all existence consists of Relations – even if a relation consists of nothing but the difference itself. Disambiguation (identity) of all entities, whether physical objects, energy, or abstract concepts derive their identity and properties through their relations to other entities. Meaning that the identity, properties, and even the existence of entities are contingent upon their non-interactions, interactions, and properties shared or not shared with other entities.
- Unrelated: The only relation is differentiation (!=).
- Causal Relations
- Direct Causation: One entity directly causes a change in another.
- Indirect Causation: The relationship between entities is mediated through one or more intermediary entities or processes.
- Spatial and Temporal Relations
- Proximity: Entities are in close spatial relation to each other.
- Temporal Succession: Entities relate to each other in a sequence over time.
- Simultaneity: Entities exist or occur at the same time.
- Functional Relations
- Complementary: Entities perform functions that complement each other, contributing to a larger system or goal.
- Antagonistic: Entities interact in opposition, possibly inhibiting or negating each other’s effects.
- Structural Relations
- Hierarchical: Entities are organized in a tiered structure, where some entities are subordinate to others.
- Networked: Entities are connected in a non-hierarchical, network structure, allowing for complex interconnections.
- Dynamic Relations
- Cooperative (Symbiotic), Persistent Relations,Constant Relations ($) Entities engage in mutually beneficial interactions.
- Competitive: Entities compete for resources or influence.
- Predatory, Parasitic: One entity benefits at the expense of another.
- Disequilibrium: The universe must be in a state of disequilibrium for entropy to increase towards equilibrium. This disequilibrium drives the continuous processes observed throughout the cosmos, from the scale of galaxies down to the quantum level.
- Equilibration: Conservation must produce equilibration to produce symmetry.
- Spin: (vibration > motion > spin > counter-spin) An increase in energy density can only be accumulated as spin (charge), by the decrease in volume and therefore pressure, and the conversion of pressure into organized motion over time, in opposing spins. (ask him? is charge a net, or an absolute?)
- Equilibration: Any decrease in differences in pressure by an increase in energy density by spin can only persist (survive) by an increase in opposite spin (equilibrium)
- Stable Relation: The combination of entropy(-) vs negative entropy(+) > into polarization (+,-,=) as creating the opportunity (potential) of accumulation into a stable relation. Polarization produces instrumentation (potential operations) as the first process, means, method, of organization.
- Permittivity: The ability of the organization(material) to store energy
- Permeability: The ability of the organization(material) to organize that energy into a magnetic field(inverse of resistance)
- Polarization: The density of energy in motion(frequency) in a direction.
- Electromagnetism: The forces produced in proximity to the organization by the organization of energy into polarities (densities in motion).
- Polarity: These oppositions in energy density we call polarity.(+),(-).
- Persistence(Existence) by Combination as a Stable Relation
- Persistent Stable Relations or Temporary Unstable Relations: Resulting in either a stable relation (quanta, steppe function, marginal difference) (=), or in an unstable relation that will decay (collapse) (-), back into the background (!=).
- Survival: Persistence defeats entropy that in turn defeats time.
- Time: is the measure of the relative rate of defeat of entropy.
- Expansion (Volume): Increases in spin beyond the universe’s maximum rate of spin, can be resolved only through expansion by the sequence of vibration, and increases in maximum vibration only resolved by transfer (waves).
- Contraction (Matter): Increases in the energy density of waves through combination then recursively by combination into stable relations we call matter.
- Organization: (Information) As such, Under Pressure (Positive Pressure), The Universe only has the following four choices of organizing to release that pressure:
- Vibrate (emit waves) (Wave, Frequency, Movement)
- Rotate (externalize) (Polarity, Velocity)
- Accumulate (increase) (Charge, Space)
… Or - to Dissipate into an available vacuum (Negative Pressure)
- Emergence (Evolution): And as such, Accumulation is an emergent order from pressure, vibration is an emergent order from accumulation, spin a subsequent emergent order from vibration. As such all fundamental processes evolve toward organization by the capture of energy by the defeat of entropy, through recombination.
- Persistent Stable Relations or Temporary Unstable Relations: Resulting in either a stable relation (quanta, steppe function, marginal difference) (=), or in an unstable relation that will decay (collapse) (-), back into the background (!=).
- Nothing, Nothingness: Can refer either to (a) the absence of persistent entities within the quantum background (Aether) in the ‘soft’ version, or (b) additionally, the absence of the quantum background (Aether) itself in the ‘hard’ version. As far as we know, space itself is a product of that background, and a state of ‘hard’ nothingness is existentially impossible.
- Finiteness: ( … )
- Space: ( … )
- |Existence|: Energy > Disequilibrium > Pressure > Discreetness > Differentiation > Equilibration > Persistence.
- Existence = Persistence.
- The Universe and all in it demonstrably Exist because it persists.
Causality: The Properties of Universal Laws
Causality: The set of forces in time that produce the set of discrete changes in time, and continuous changes over time, where all forces derive from the first principle of pressure producing the release of pressure through entropy or negative entropy.
- Sequence: Causality in physics implies a sequence where the cause precedes the effect. Causality is necessary for the consistency and predictability of physical laws.
- Determinism: Causality requires determinism. This means that given a set of initial conditions, the laws, first principles, and axioms can predict the future state of a system to from fine to loose precision whether from deterministic to probabilistic to categorical.
- Conservation Laws and Symmetries (Equilibration): Both causality and determinism are produced by the laws of conservation (like the conservation of mass, energy, charge, or momentum). The universe is a closed system wherein differences can only be equilibrated by dissipation into volume (entropy) or concentration into mass (negentropy). As such “everything has to go somewhere” whether into dispersal or into density. As such all quantities are conserved in isolated systems, providing causal consistency across physical processes.
- Conservation (Noun, Resource): the total of the quantities remain unchanged over the course of time (Energy, Mass, Internal), and follow causal principles.
- Symmetry (Verb, Transformations): That the laws, principles, and axioms are independent of the orientation, location, time, the properties, principles, and laws of the set of stable relations remain unchanged over time despite conditions and operations that perform transformations. (Organization, Operations, External).
- Limits: Conservation Laws and Symmetries provide limits to the possible behaviors within physical systems, by describing predictability and uniformity across the universe. These principles define the boundaries of physical possibility.
Time: The Dimension of Change
Time: The first principle (law) of the universe that measures differences (rates) of changes in the constant relations between sequences of events, the duration between them, influenced by local conditions.
- Difference Between States, Continuous Difference between States: the continuous difference between states that produces potential for the perception and measurement of time.
- Limit: We are uncertain whether time has a zero point or not (minimum). Yet we can find no conditions under which it does not or would not. We are uncertain whether time has a maximum point, though given the current evidence and knowledge of black holes(maximum). As such time is persistent, pervasive, and potentially infinite, even though conditionally variant.
- First Principle: the measure of the rate of change in stable relations within the universe, driven by the interplay between entropy (disorder, expansion) and negative entropy (order, concentration). This interplay results in the release of pressure and the transformation of energy, which are fundamental to the evolution of physical systems.
- Consequence: Entropy is dominant (as far as we know) so time is the relative rate of change of state (stable relations) given the local conditions that affect the rate of change within the quantum background and it’s constant entropy: mass and velocity.
- |Causality and Time|: Forces > Causality > Conservation > Symmetry > Determinism > Time.
- Causality and Time = Universe’s Means of Organization.
- Consistency and Determinism: The predictability and structure of the Universe are maintained through the interplay of causality, conservation laws, symmetry, and determinism, culminating in the measurement and perception of time, illustrating how the Universe evolves and persists.
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