“Q: Curt: What are your refutations of the arguments against operationalism?”

–“Q: Curt: What are your refutations of the arguments against operationalism?”–
Great question. Thanks for asking. I should write a full article addressing the old issues with the various operational schools and intuitionism et al.
Simple answer, if you understand the debate:
(a) falsification vs justification
(b) testifiability vs meaning
(c) decidability vs undecidability
(c) performative vs ideal truth
(d) constructive vs descriptive
(e) analogy to experience vs fictionalism
(f) first principles vs measurements
(g) relative completeness vs previous era ignorance
(h) explicit incompleteness vs implicit or fictional
(i) near impossibility of lying vs ease of lying
(j) Bridgman/Brouwer vs interpretations
1) Operationalism/Intuitionism were influential in causing reform in physics, psychology, and linguistics.
2) Utility in proportion to questions of human scale (this requires explanation) and highest in law because it is at human scale. (May require some understanding of my wok on the spectrum of grammars).
3) Current challenge in ai revolution b/c of brute forcing via language, and subsequent awareness of embodiment and recursive falsification as necessary to solve the problem.
Bridgman was early. Did not and could not complete the project. He could not overcome association with positivism rather than darwinian survival (falsification).
AFAIK I have. And no criticism has yet survived.

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