Category: P06-Mastery

  • A Lesson In Natural Law

    FOR SALON: A LESSON IN NATURAL LAW As one of the principle philosophers of what liberals refer to as “reactionary fascism”…. … I’d like to add that the problem with both neo-liberalism and movement-conservatism has been the assumption that the other side would eventually ‘catch on’ rather than pursue their own interests. Liberal(socialist) strategy reflects…

  • Very Short Introduction to the Epistemology of Testimonialism

    [B]RIEF DISCUSSION OF THE EPISTEMOLOGY OF TESTIMONIALISM 1) All non-tautological statements are incomplete, and as such no non-trivial premises are complete. Therefore all statements consist of nothing more than theoretical promises contingent upon their survival of criticism. 2) We can systematically criticize each dimension of every statement for identity, internal consistency, existential possibility, external correspondence,…

  • What Neo-Reaction Consists In? Three Points: The Cathedral Criticism, NeoCameralism, and “Formalism”

    (RE: ) ( Hoppe is a german rationalist cum cosmopolitan, yarvin/mencius is a cosmopolitan, and I am an anglo empiricist. This is not an opinion, but a statement of the method of argument employed. And the differences in our approaches demonstrate the weaknesses of the hermeneutic cosmopolitan, and german rationalist methods compared to the anglo…

  • North Sea Truth vs Levantine Critique

    (profound)(group evolutionary strategies)(macro-sociology) [O]nce you grasp that Cosmopolitan (Marxist-Socialist, Libertine, Neoconservative) Critique is an attempt at exclusionary authoritarianism – a modern restatement of the technique applied in Jewish argument and law – it becomes fairly obvious why the combination of (a) desire for obscurant arguments to be true, (b) emotional and intellectual investment in the…

  • Neo-Reaction in a Nutshell: We Are Ruled By A Theocracy – An Evil One.

    (worth repeating) [T]he central proposition of neo-reaction is that the enlightenment was dangerously optimistic about humans, human nature, and the state; and that as a consequence, society is just as religious as ever it was, with an official state religion of progressivism: the promise of an aristocracy of everyone. It is another “good-news” religion, telling…

  • An Propertarian Interpretation Of The Timeline Of Philosophy

    The history of philosophy can be reduced to the five struggles: 1) First, between man’s primary desire to retreat into the limits of his senses in the face of evolving complexity, and his reluctant acknowledgement that he must learn and employ the tools of reason and calculation in order to extend those limited senses, despite…