Category: Thoughts

  • Why Do I Bother (Rant)

    Nov 23, 2021 RANT ON: Why do I bother? Seriously. The right manifests conspiracy (assuming deception) and the left manifests conspiracy (assuming oppression). There are masses of idiots on both sides. These idiots are convinced that they are competent, informed on the subject, understand the subject, and right in their assessment and judgment of the…

  • You Make a Choice. Choose.

    CHOOSE: The Direction of Dominance Expression (Mating Signals) to the production of commons – or the destruction of commons? Female: Beauty Pageants, Arts vs Onlyfans, Tinder, etc.ANDMale: Sports, Business vs Gangs, Crime, etc. Eugenic vs Dysgenic Dominance Expression

  • Political Movements Need Executive Teams Too

    Nov 23, 2021· POLITICAL MOVEMENTS NEED EXECUTIVE TEAMS TOO (Wisdom) Like raising a family, it takes years to cook an executive management team, and want of, and taking of, responsibility creates agency in peerage without hierarchy, leaving the top execuitive as a judge of last resort, rather than font of everything and infantilizing all. ……

  • On Social Media, the Right Is Just as Sinful as The Left.

    Nov 23, 2021· — “We are using an unhealthy/incompetent polity as a baseline. It is not a viable baseline long term. So, both need to happen – better personalities and improving the fundamental health/competence of the polity. Polity meeting personally somewhere in the middle.” — The problem is very difficult to solve, because social media…

  • The state cannot win the battle of rebellion if the demands are moral.

     It means absolutely nothing you or anyone else does other than paying the high cost of showing up in numbers to win. Thereby eliminating the enemy’s ability to pick you (us) off one at a time. The state cannot win the battle of rebellion if the demands are moral. Most of you are not competent…

  • Showing Up Is 90% of Everything – Including Reform

    Nov 23, 2021 SHOWING UP IS 90% OF EVERYTHING – INCLUDING REFORM Absolutely nothing you or anyone else does matters – other than paying the high cost of showing up in numbers to win. Thereby eliminating the enemy’s ability to pick you (us) off one at a time. The state cannot win the battle of…

  • The Only Long Term Solution Is Equally Regulating Their Crimes.

    Nov 23, 2021· THE ONLY LONG TERM SOLUTION IS EQUALLY REGULATING THEIR CRIMES. The Right > Conservative > Classical Liberal >Libertarians cannot defeat the left, because the left is selling a false promise (freebies) and you’re selling a cost. It’s that simple. period. End of story. There is only one solution. Equally regulating their crimes. Show…

  • You can’t win the social media battle.

    Nov 23, 2021· AGAIN: the Enemy practices the female method of undermining institutions of cultural production (harmony, cooperation) while seducing the margins into the false promise of freedom from the self-regulation that makes that harmony and cooperation possible in a natural meritocracy. So if you want to play social media games for dopamine hits, then…

  • Generations of The Diaspora and The Political Economics of Judaism vs Europeanism

    Nov 23, 2021· GENERATIONS OF THE DIASPORA AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMICS OF JUDAISM VS EUROPEANISM Gen 1: Middle eastern macro group: Mizrahim > Gen 2: Iberian Diasporic: Sephardim > Gen 3: Germanic and Slavic diasporic: Ashkenazim. There are names for groups in most of the countries that produce a ghetto (city region) or community (informal)…

  • The Basis of The Need for Faith and Why It Works (and Why It only Works for Some)

    Nov 23, 2021· THE BASIS OF THE NEED FOR FAITH AND WHY IT WORKS (AND WHY IT ONLY WORKS FOR SOME) All religious myths are desirable, intuitionistic, sell and distribute becasue they appeal to animal instincts we can’t rationally inspect. They are just stories. Those stories are useful if you suspend disbelief to further prevent…

  • Yes It’s a Bit of Work to Learn…

    Nov 25, 2021· YES IT”S A BIT OF WORK TO LEARN… –“Curt, You skip a lot of steps in your logical chain”– 1of4 Our legs are of different lengths so our gaits are of different lengths. Likewise, our cognitive networks are of different lengths so our steps in a chain of reasoning are of different…

  • Learning P-Method, Logic, Science, and Law

    LEARNING P-METHOD, LOGIC, SCIENCE, AND LAW — “Curt; What steps would you suggest I take towards sculpting myself into a proper representative of this science?” — I’ve asked around again, because asking how to master this science is something that’s asked frequently. And I always get the same answer. We are working on the constitution,…

  • Dear Mother England….

    DEAR MOTHER ENGLAND…. THE SCIENCE SAYS THE OPTIMUM GOVERNMENT CONSISTS IN THE ENGLISH INVENTION OF THE MODERN STATE: (1) Rule of Law by the Natural, Common Law of Self Determination by Sovereignty, Reciprocity, Truth, Duty, and Markets in association, reproduction, production, commons and polities at the cost of suppression of the reproduction of those unfit…

  • Why Christian Fundamentalists Are the Enemy of Our People

    Nov 26, 2021· WHY CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS ARE THE ENEMY OF OUR PEOPLE The Difference between Christian Classical Liberal Nationalists (CCLN) and Christian Fundamentalist Globalists(CFG) is that we CCLNs put our people, our law, our constitution, our nation, and our faith on equal ground. We DON’T, like the CFGs put our faith and globalism first at…


    This is part of my longer work on the jewish institutionalization of the female means of anti-social behavior and cultural warfare.

  • A Little History

  • Globalist Fascists? or Fascists Resisting the New Globalists?

    GLOBALIST FASCISTS? OR FASCISTS RESISTING THE NEW GLOBALISTS? Well, the US Government is the primary vehicle by which the globalists have obtained sufficient economic power to buy the government, academy, and media, to advance the globalist agenda at the cost of the working and middle classes. Now, it’s important to realize that the globalist agenda…

  • It’s a War on The Harmony of Loyalty in A Hierarchy

    IT”S A WAR ON THE HARMONY OF LOYALTY IN A HIERARCHY The female instinct doesn’t have to ‘sense’ anything more complicated than loyalty in order to undermine that loyalty by reputation undermining and destruction in order for her to maximize her hyperconsumption at the expense of the common good. That’s the left’s ‘instinct’.

  • The only Possible Equality Is Egalitarianism in Loyalty and Hierarchy

    THE ONLY POSSIBLE EQUALITY IS EGALITARIANISM IN LOYALTY AND HIERARCHY – OR WE PRODUCE TOP AND BOTTOM IN POVERTYMarx et al (the entire anti-western sequence of movements) are causally feminine in that their selfishness is reduced to a universal counter-revolution against loyalty and the EQUALITY that results from loyalty. Like everything the enemy does, it’s…

  • The Spectrum of Governments

    THE SPECTRUM OF GOVERNMENTS The purpose of democracy is to spend economic windfalls. The purpose of oligarchy is to expand economies. The purpose of authoritarianism is to ‘catch up’ to more advanced economies. It’s really that simple. A Military Create Rule of Law Use the Govt that you need

  • Natural Law’s Judgement of The Vaccine Question

    Dec 3, 2021· NATURAL LAW JUDGEMENT OF THE VACCINE QUESTION I avoided the ‘vax’ controversy because I said nothing could be said without empirical evidence and a crime created by the denial of that evidence. So as far as I know, the empirical evidence has spoken: Unless a dramatic difference in contagion between vaccinated and…

  • The End of The Need for The Federal Government

    THE END OF THE NEED FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Well, my broader point is that (a) american prosperity is due to the combination of english law and selling off a continent and putting it to productive work. (b) american technology is largely english and german in origin, (c) and like Rome vs Athens, superior military…

  • Backhanded Compliment:

    BACKHANDED COMPLIMENT: — “Curt, who is the unironic embodiment of western civilization: sick, immuno-compromised, survived a couple of cancers, possibly still has cancer, high functioning autist, proceeded to alienate every potential ally faction under the sun because he can’t lie, will be crucified by every normie and the ruling oligarchy if he ever becomes publically…

  • Western Group Evolutionary Strategy

    Dec 7, 2021· “An army of all kin, consisting of a universal militia, of universal entrepreneurs; – self-governed by the Natural Law of self-determination, by self-determined means, by the reciprocal grant of, the defense of, the inalienability of, and insurance of, individual sovereignty in all demonstrated interests, and reciprocity in all display, word, and deed;…

  • God Spoke One Word

    UNFORTUNATELY FOR THE FAITHFUL GOD SPOKE ONE WORD “EVOLVE!” – EVOLUTION IS GODS FIRST LAW — “I think the key point of natural law is that there is a God who ordered the world and human affairs and that we ought to follow that order. The main problem of the west now is they no…