Lex Europaei
“The Law of the Europeans”
“The Production of Transcendence”
Adaptation: Speed, Maneuver, Initiative, Adaptability, by Loyalty, Heroism, Excellence, Technology, Beauty, Truth, Reciprocity
Our People: Europeans
That group of West Eurasians, descended from Ancient North Eurasians, by first the Early Neolithic Farmer expansion, their monolith civilization replacing the european hunter gatherers, then by the Western Indo European (Aryan) Expansion and Replacement of The Early Neolithic Farmers, The West Indo European (Aryan) Cultural and Technological Revolution, that together evolved into the Finnic, Baltic, Slavic, Germanic, Celtic, Italic (now Romance), and Hellenic(Now Greek) Languages, and the shared experiences of The Indo European (Aryan) religion of The Father of the Daylight Sky, The Beaker People and their Sacrifice, The Greek Intellectual Revolution, The Roman Administrative and Legal Revolution, The Germanic Religion, The Christian Religion, The Mediterranean Collapse, The Semitic Dark Age and Wars against Islam, The Holy Roman Empire of the Germanic Peoples, The Rule of Law Revolution, The Renaissance, The Aristotelian Restoration, The Empirical Revolution, The Reformation, The Agrarian and Financial Evolution, The Age of Exploration, The Industrial Revolution, The Scientific Revolution, The Darwinian Revolution, The Technological Revolution, and the Informational Revolution, Residing between the Iberian Peninsula and the Urals, the artic and the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian seas, and during the Age of sail, Domesticating, and Settling the American and Australian continents and their various islands, currently classified as Haplogroups R1b, R1a, N, I1, and I2 and and no other. With political if not genetic inclusion of early neolithic farmers and anatolians in sardinia, sicily, the italian boot, greece, and those remaining Old Europeans in the Balkans. And specifically excluding those competing west eurasians of the indo-iranian, and indian genetic spectra, and the ancestral anatolians and caucasians that are now extinct.
Our Law: Lex Europaei. Or, The Law of The European People, The Natural Law of the European People, The Natural Law, The Law of Sovereignty, Sovereigntarianism.
Our Ancient, Ancestral, And Traditional rules of display word and deed, by which we agree to refrain from: eradication, predation, and parasitism, by: war, genocide, conquest, destruction, plunder, pillage, killing, violence, enslavement, enserfment, and tax farming, and instead to cooperate by: exchange of, and reciprocal insurance of, sovereignty, and reciprocity, truth and duty, regardless of cost so that together we may profit from our domestication of ourselves, others, and nature as we transcend the universe into heavens, and ourselves into the gods we imagined.
Our Order
The production of status by heroic sacrifice to the commons.
He who can destroy a thing controls a thing. He who can defend a thing, owns a thing. The men who can defend or destroy, always own and control things. The question is only whether they act to control things they own. This is why a universal militia is required to produce rule of law. And this is why only western man has rule of law – individual sovereignty. The purpose of the militia is to create the power to deny power, so that no one else has the power to control things or destroy things – leaving only sovereignty and reciprocity under the natural law as means of survival. Therefore the host of men must exercise control of things in order to prevent control of things, leaving only the natural law, and the markets for reciprocity within them.
The Rise
The Ancient Greek Way
The Ancient Roman Way
The Medieval Holy Roman Empire Way
The North Sea (Scandinavian) Way
The Modern (British, American) Way
The Fall
The European peoples are able to evolve genetically, culturally, economically, technologically and scientifically faster than all other peoples because of our traditions of self determination, sovereignty, reciprocity, truth, duty, excellence, heroism, rule of law and jury, and markets in all aspects of life, where the market for suppression of parasitism we call the law, and the market for reciprocity in the production of goods, services, and information, evolve as rapidly as possible, thereby advancing productive innovations in each other’s interests, and suppression innovations in parasitism against others interests, in exchange for softly suppresses the rates of reproduction of the underclasses, thereby allowing us to divert proceeds from our production to the commons, and the higher returns for all from those commons, the most important of which are truth before face, trust, artistic, scientific, technological, economic adaptive and and innovative velocity, and the prosperity, joy, and peace of mind that results from it.
Western civilization is not the first, but it is the fastest, in the prehistoric, ancient, and modern worlds, sovereignty expands human ability most rapidly for the simple reason that market rule, limited by natural law. creates both the most incentive to innovate and change, and the least resistance to innovation and change, that are possible at any given moment.
Our Purpose
Our Group Strategy Is Adaptive Velocity
Graceful Ascent in success, Graceful Failure To Success
A via=negativa not via-positiva strategy eliminate the false, evil, and bad, and all else is true, good, or excellen
The law is more important than government.
Capturing energy creates the ability to defeat the dark forces of entropy and time.
Acting creates the ability to obtain the difference between our expenditure and capture of energy.
Memory creates the possibility of acting to alter the course of regular events to defeat the dark forces of ignorance.
Reason creates the possibility of inventing increasingly complex means of acting.
(Adaptation …)
And Whereas;
Agency is necessary for Self Determination
Self Determination is Necessary for Transcendence
Transcendence is necessary to evolve into the gods we imagine.
And Whereas;
Godhood is only possible under Omniscience and Omnipotence
Omniscience and Omnipotence are only possible by Transcendence
Transcendence is only possible by Self Determination
Self Determination is only possible by Agency
Agency is only possible Under Sovereignty
Sovereignty is Only Possible Under Natural Law (Reciprocity).
Natural Law of Reciprocity is Only Possible Under Market (Adversarial) Law.
Market Law is only Possible Under Common (Empirical) Law.
Common Law is only possible under Testimonial Truth.
Testimonial Truth is only Possible Under Physical Law (Laws of Nature).
Physical Law is Possible only under Determinism.
Determinism is Possible only if the universe demonstrates Regularity.
Regularity is possible to know only if we possess Memory and Reason.
Memory and Reason are necessary for Agency
And Whereas
Self Determination is only possible by Sovereignty
Sovereignty is only possible by the force to deny alternatives.
Sufficient Force under Sovereignty is only possible for a Universal Militia
A Universal Militia under … is only possible
Our Way:
—“Liberalism [Rule of Law] works for the English because they are essentially Viking pirates —“England did away with the principle of the organized state, and put in its place the notion of the free private citizen. The citizen demands permission to ?ght alone in the ruthless struggle for existence, for this is the only way he can satisfy his Viking instincts. Buckle, Malthus, and Darwin later postulated that the basic essence of “society” was the naked struggle for existence. And they were absolutely right, at least as far as their own country and people were concerned. To be sure, in modern England this principle operates in a highly re?ned and perfected fashion. But evidence of a more rudimentary adherence to it can be found in the Icelandic sagas, where such behavior is obviously spontaneous and not borrowed from another culture. The forces with which William the Conqueror took England in 1066 could be called a “society” of knightly adventurers, and English trading companies have subdued and expropriated entire countries—most recently, since 1390, the inland regions of South Africa. Gradually the entire English nation assumed the characteristics of a “society.” The Old Norse instinct for piracy and clever trading has, in the end. in?uenced the Englishman’s attitude toward all of reality, including property, work, foreign peoples, and the weaker individuals and classes among his own people. The same instinct has also yielded political techniques that are extremely effective weapons in the struggle for mastery of the globe. A concept complementary to that of “society” is the “private citizen.” He represents the sum of certain positive ethical qualities which like all great. ethical virtues are not acquired through training or education, but are borne in the blood and perfected after “passing through generation after generation. The peculiarly English style of politics is essentially one that involves private citizens or groups of such individuals. This, and only this, is the very meaning of parliamentary government. Cecil Rhodes was a private citizen who conquered foreign countries. The American billionaires are private citizens who rule foreign countries by means of an inferior class of professional politicians. German liberalism, on the other hand, is ethically valueless. It merely says “No!” to the state, and is unable to justify its opposition by offering equally high-minded and vigorous positive- suggestions.”— Spengler
Competitive Excellence
Maneuver, Adaptability
Agency, Initiative
Reciprocity (regardless of cost)
Consisting of:
Productive, Fully Informed,, Voluntary Transfer of Demonstrated Interests, Free of Imposition upon the Demonstrated interests of others by Externality, Warrantied within the limits of possible restitution.
( … )
Martial Reporting and Warranty (Testimony regardless of cost)
Oath(promise) and Contract(regardless of cost)
Natural Law of Tort and Restitution (regardless of cost)
Jury of Peers (thang, jury, house, senate) and Judge of Last Resort (king)
Demand for Productivity and Meritocracy (non-parasitism regardless of cost)
Demand for Incremental Suppression (defense regardless of cost)
Markets in Everything:
… Exercise of Demonstrated Due Diligence
… … Beast
… … Slave
… … Serf
… … Freeman (Freedom)
… … Citizen (Liberty)
… … Sovereign (Peer) (insurance of All)
… Limiting ourselves to reciprocity in:
… Markets for:
… … association,
… … cooperation,
… … production,
… … reproduction,
… … commons,
… … polities,
… … and war
Natural Eugenics,
With the direction of surplus proceeds of production
To the production of Commons
And the asymmetric returns on investments in commons
The optimum human organization
With the fastest innovation
With the least resistance
With the greatest competitive advantage
With the maximum quality of life,
With the Maximum adaptation,
With maximum evolution,
In the shortest possible time.
The limitations of man,
The vicissitudes of nature,
And a universe hostile,
To the evolution of man,
Into the gods we imagine.
Every man taking the oath is,
… a son (daughter)
… a brother (sister)
… a father (mother)
… a laborer
… a craftsman,
… an artist
… a warrior,
… a soldier,
… a sheriff,
… a judge,
… a legislator,
… and a sovereign,
… warranties the demonstrated interests of his peers,
… in the distributed dictatorship
… of sovereign men.
And every woman taking the oath is.
… a daughter
… a sister
… a mother
… a laborer
… a craftsman,
… an artist
… a caretaker,
… a protector,
… a sheriff,
… warranties the demonstrated interests of her peers,
… in the distributed dictatorship
… of sovereign women.
The Transcendence of man (into gods)
Agency: The Transcendence of Man
omniscience, omnipotence, excellence, truth, beauty
Using The Industrialization of Agency.
Truth and Oath
Duty and Commons
Excellence and Heroism
Sovereignty and Reciprocity
The Natural Law, Judge, and Jury
Markets in
… association,
… cooperation,
… production,
… reproduction,
… commons,
… polities, and
… war.
Our Way of Sovereigns, From Individuals, to States to Empires to Civilizations
Our Law of Sovereign Peoples
Our People
( … ) define
Our genetics are our common capital, an inheritance from our ancestors, a competitive advantage for each of us and all of our people. You have no right to harm or dilute asset this advantage for personal gain or preference. Other peoples have no right to purchase or steal it from us.
–“Not One Drop”–
Our Oath:
–“(I shall not lie, deceive, cheat, bait, steal, harm, conspire, … submit, or show cowardice in battle. I shall …. hinder not, assist when possible, help when called, defend the commons, safeguard the weak, punish the wicked, .. and kill the evil ).”—
Our Debts:
–“( … ) Christian, Heathen Pagan, Aryan, Aristotelian”–
Our Law of Sovereigns:
—“One-against-one, the Spartans are as good as anyone in the world. But when they fight in a body, they are the best of all the world. For though they are free men, they are not entirely free. They accept Law as their master. And they respect this master more than your subjects respect you. Whatever he commands, they do. And his command never changes: It forbids them to flee in battle, whatever the number of their foes. He requires them to stand firm — to conquer or die.”—Damaratus to Xerxes.
Sovereignty. ( … definition … )
Every man shall act, and none shall prevent him from acting, as his own nation, army, state, judiciary, monarchy, legislature, economy, and joins with allies to create polities, or exits from them to join another of his own accord.
There is no reciprocity, morality, or law between nations other than violence. As such, man need never submit – he can always resort to war – and defeat if he chooses.
No Authority Only Markets : Survival by Competition
Our Duty of Care :
1. Reciprocity in Transcendence
Self Determination is only possible by Agency
Agency is only possible Under Sovereignty
Sovereignty is Only Possible Under Natural Law (Reciprocity).
2. Reciprocity in Non-imposition
Thou shalt not, by display, word, or deed, or absence of display, word or deed, impose costs upon the demonstrated Interests of others (property-in-toto), either directly or indirectly, where those Interests were obtained by Settlement (conversion, or first use) or productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary exchange in the absence of such imposition of costs upon the demonstrated interests of others.
Your Demonstrated Interests Include:
1. Natural Interests:
(1) Self: Life, Body, Genes, Memories, Mind, Attention Time, Action, Consumption of air, water, food, space, shelter;
(2) Privacy: (Exit from the Commons) That which is not ‘of or in the commons’: body, bodily functions, sexual functions, mind, memories, and external records thereof – the mind is not action.
(3) Opportunity for Action, Stimulation, Experience, Acquisition.
(4) Status and Class (reputation, honor): Self-Image, Status, Reputation Social, Sexual, Economic, Political, and Military Market Value
(5) Kith and Kin and Interpersonal (Relationship) Interests: Mates (access to sex/reproduction), and Marriage Children (genetic reproduction)
Consanguineous Relations (family, kin, clan, tribal and national relations)
(6) Association and Dissociation: Association for, and Disassociation and Exit from: Cooperation, Insurance, Reproduction, Production, Distribution, and Trade: Friends, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Cooperative Relations, Commercial Relations, Political Relations, and Military Relations
2. Several (Personal) Interests:
(1) Personal property: “Things an individual has a Monopoly Of Control over the use of.” Several-Property: Those things we claim a monopoly of control over.
(2) Shareholder (Fractional) Interests: Shares in property: Recorded And Quantified Shareholder Property (claims for partial ownership)
(3) Title Interests (Weights and Measures) Trademarks and Brands (prohibitions on fraudulent transfers within a geography).
(4) Artificial Interests (Privileges): Letters of Marque, Patents, Copyrights, Grants of License.
3. Common Interests, or “Commons” (Community Property)
Physical Capital
(1) Resources: natural resources.
(2) Formal (Physical) Commons: waterways, parks, buildings, improvements, and infrastructure.
(3) Monuments: arts and artifacts.
Formal Institutional Capital
(4) Formal (Procedural) Institutions: Our institutions: Government, Laws, Courts, Banking, Treasury, Education
(5) Cooperative Institutions: Family, Neighborhood, Polity,
(6) Opportunity Interests: Un-homesteaded Opportunities, Markets
Informal Institutional Capital
(7) Informal (Traditional) Institutions : Religion, Mythology, History, Tradition
(8) Informal (Normative Tacit) Institutions: Our norms: habits, manners, ethics, and morals, Trust, Truthful Speech
(10) Informational (Explicit) Commons: Knowledge. Information.
Human Capital
(11) Skills (Training, General Knowledge, Explicit Knowledge)
(12) Population and Distribution: The distribution of our classes
(13) Genetic Interests: Our Genome
Civilizational Capital
( … )
Definition: We may refer to the complete set of ‘demonstrated interests’, including the Personal, Several, and Common, as “Property-in-Toto”
3. Reciprocity in Deed
Thou shalt not, by absence of display, word or deed, allow the the imposition of, costs upon the demonstrated Interests of others (property-in-toto), either directly or indirectly, where those Interests were obtained by Settlement (conversion, or first use) or productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary exchange in the absence of such imposition of costs upon the demonstrated interests of others.
4. Reciprocity in Speech
in western natural law, one can propose a superior, reciprocal and truthful solution, but one cannot undermining the current solution without providing one that is better.
5. Reciprocity in Display
( .. )
6. Reciprocity in Defense
Thou shalt not, by display, word, or deed, or absence of display, word or deed, tolerate the imposition of costs upon the demonstrated Interests of others (property-in-toto), either directly or indirectly, where those Interests were obtained by Settlement (conversion, or first use) or productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary exchange in the absence of such imposition of costs upon the demonstrated interests of others.
Our People shall be Sovereign Individually and Collectively
Self Determination
Self Defense
Self Rule
Self Government
Self Sufficient
Self Development
(Treason to submit)
Every Man A Deputy, Every Man A Sheriff, Every Man a Warrior
( … )
The Natural Law’s Absence of Need For Letter of Marque
( … and profit fro having done so)
7. Reciprocity in Restitution, Punishment and Prevention
Limitless Restitution, punishment prevention
( … ) our people shall be free of harm anywhere they tread.
If given entry into a domain, he shall be constrained under our laws, and no other, and he remains insured by our people, under our law,
8. Reciprocity in Inalienation
(Treason to submit)
Our Scope of Duty of Care (rights and obligations)
( … display ) sacred behavior in commons
( … word ) non interference, non-interruption
( …. deed ) service, assistance, help, charity (duty to help solve question, problem, etc)
( … duel ) (‘niggering’ – right of kill)
(… intolerance )
( Human life is not intrinsically valuable. either reciprocal and transcendent or harmful as such reciprocity is the minimum standard for circumvention of conquest, deprivation, rule, serfdom, enslavement, and death.)
The Crimes
solutions not complaints
Our Limit To Duty of Care
( … ) rationality. three threes….
The first question is why not to suicide? This choice is that of personal philosophy.
The Three Choices avoidance, cooperation, predation.
The second question one must answer is why engage in cooperation rather than free riding, parasitism, and predation? This question is that of ethics.
The first question of politics (cooperation) is why don’t I kill you and take your stuff?
If we cooperate for mutual gain then I agree not to kill you and take your stuff.
If you want to conduct a positive trade with me I will not kill you and take your stuff.
If you try to blackmail me or cheat me or my friends and allies, then I will kill you and take your stuff.
It is only rational not to kill you and take your stuff if you engage in mutually beneficial exchange.
The third question, and one that a group must answer, is why engage in cooperation rather than free-riding, parasitism, and predation? This question is that of politics.
3. ???????
A Challenge to Duty of Care
(challenge someone) opportunity
3. Accusation
4. Prosecution
5. Conviction
6. Judgment
7. Restitution
8. Punishment
9. Prevention
3. Insurance
Our Failure of Duty of Care.
And should you fail in your Duty of Care, and bound by Duty of Care will be accused, brought before the court to be judged by a jury of your peers.
And should others fail their duty of care, you shall accuse them, bring them, even against their will, before the court to be judged by a jury of his peers.
Our Jurisprudence
And the court shall determine whether a harm has been done – and whether the accused possessed sufficient intent, means, motive, and opportunity for performance of the harm, or failure to prevent the harm.
If the court cannot determine if a harm has been done, ……
One may claim guilt or innocence, and trial before his peers, or trial by combat (suicide).
If the accused claims innocence or partial innocence, he may ask to argue his case before the court, or before the jury referee’d by the court.
And the court shall apportion a jury in number according to the severity of the harm, whether harmed by the individual, group, organization, cult, family, clan, tribe, nation, or civilization, by his judgment and his judgment alone.
After arguments, made before the referee of the court, and upon demand of the court, the jury shall deliver judgment, of innocent with nullification, prejudice for the accuser for dishonest accusation, innocent of the charge, innocent by uncertainty, guilty as charged, with prejudice for the accused of dishonest defense, or guilty, which shall be recorded by the court;
If innocent he shall go free. If wrongly accused in error, sue for restitution. If wrongly accused with intent harm, sue for restitution and punishment.
If guilty the court shall decide upon the demand for restitution, punishment, and punishment sufficient for the prevention of others from the same;
Whereupon the accused may appeal to a higher court if one exists, whereupon the higher court will determine and take the appeal, only if the judicial process failed.
The guilty party shall pay the costs of the court, stayed until denial of appeal.
And every Man under the defense of the law and bound by that law, having given the oath to that law, to his peers, is bound to enforce it – or likewise fail his duty of care, and shall be prosecuted as a conspirator in the crimes adjudged.
And every able-bodied man, having taken The Oath in exchange for reciprocal defense under the law, and thereby bearing Duty of Care, under the law, for self, mate, family, kin, kith, commons and polity, shall keep and bear arms sufficient for the enforcement of The Law, whether in defense of self, as sheriff in defense of the commons, or as a warrior in defense of the polity, people, nation, and civilization.
Organization of Sovereigns
Ternary Law of Cooperation
( … )
Ternary Law of Coercions
- Physical Coercive Power – The use of “armies and weapons” in order to coerce people to behave in a way under the threat of physical violence (physical costs).
- Economic Coercive Power – The use of “money and assets” in order to compel people to behave in a way by the promise of material rewards (goods and services).
- Moral Coercive Power – The use of “words and signals” in order to influence people to behave in a way by the threat of imposition of social costs (opportunity costs).
North – Physical: Military, Law, Sheriff, Limits (Limits)
West – Persistence: Family, Generations, Consumption (Demand)
East – Economic: Trade, Production, Science (Supply)
South – Moral: Fitness, Faith, Education (Ambitions)
Cooperation between the classes
Such that:
Within Markets, we Cooperate on similar means despite differing ends.
And Compatibility and Hierarchy Despite Differences
(tripartism > quadripartite-ism )
1. Force and Order
“Those Who Fight” > (Generation of Limits: Order)
… … Those Who Enforce The Natural Law; (Military, Judiciary, Sheriffs)
2. Remuneration and Production
“Those Who Discover” > (Generation of Opportunity)
… … Those who discover resources, science, technology, information
“Those Who Organize” > (Generation of Supply)
… … Those Who Organize: Those Who Labor Under the Natural and Physical laws
… … (Middle Class);
“Those Who Labor” > (Generation of Transformation)
… … Those Who Labor Under The Natural and Physical Laws;
… … (Lower middle, Working, Laboring):
3. Exclusion, Inclusion and Care
“Those Who Reproduce” > (Generation of Generations)
… … Mothers and their Offspring
“Those Who Depend” > (Generation of Insurance)
… … The Aged, The Unable, Disabled, and Infirmed.
“Those Who Pray” > (Generation of Demand)
… … Those Who Teach The Natural and Physical Laws (Academy);
Our Organization of Sovereign States
States serve as a Market for Polities that produce Suitable Commons.
Organization of States
The only form of organization (order) possible under Sovereignty is:
The Military: The Monopoly Production of Order
A Military Consisting of:
… A Universal Militia of Every Able Sovereign Man
… A Set of Regiments for every Region
… A Standing Military of Professional Warriors.
The Judiciary: Rule: Market for Resolution of Differences
Rule of Law of Reciprocity by the Juris Europaei
An Independent Judiciary
A Constitution as a Contract of Terms Between Sovereigns.
The Government: Market for Commons
The Production of Organization
A Corporation called The State
… A Set of Assets of the State
… A Treasury for the State
… An Insurer of Last Resort
A Hereditary Monarchy as the Judge of Last Resort
A Cabinet of Professional Executives
… The Military, The State (Trade), The Treasury, The Insurer of Last Resort
A Market for the Commons Consisting of:
… A House of Territories called the Senate
… A House of Commerce
… A House of Commons
… A House of Family
The Economy: Market for Consumption
The Market for Goods, Services, Information.
The Trades, Arts and Sciences
The People
The Family: Market for Generations
A Church a Religion
The School, Trades, Academy
The Families
The Markets for Failure:
The Court to punish individuals and groups for failure under our Law
The Vote To Punish Government and Cabinet for failure under our Law
The Militia to Punish Monarchy for failure under our Law
Our Organization of Sovereign Empires
Empires serve for the Federation of States
Rule of Law of Reciprocity by the Juris Europaei
An Independent Judiciary
A Constitution as a Contract of Terms Between States.
A Corporation called The Empire
… A Set of Assets of the Empire
… A Treasury for the Empire
… An Insurer of Last Resort
A Hereditary Emperor as the Judge of Last Resort
A Cabinet of Professional Executives
… The Military, The State (Trade), The Treasury, The Insurer of Last Resort
A Market for the Commons Consisting of:
… A House of Territories called the Senate
The Benefit of Empire is :
Discounts on Scale of the Military
Discounts on Trade Negotiations
Discounts on Borrowing(Debt) Capacity
Discounts on Resolution of Disputes between States
Our Success in Transcendence
The European peoples are able to evolve genetically, culturally, economically, technologically and scientifically faster than all other peoples because of our traditions of self determination, sovereignty, reciprocity, truth, duty, excellence, heroism, rule of law and jury, and markets in all aspects of life, where the market for suppression of parasitism we call the law, and the market for reciprocity in the production of goods, services, and information, evolve as rapidly as possible, thereby advancing productive innovations in each other’s interests, and suppression innovations in parasitism against others interests, in exchange for softly suppresses the rates of reproduction of the underclasses, thereby allowing us to divert proceeds from our production to the commons, and the higher returns for all from those commons, the most important of which are truth before face, trust, artistic, scientific, technological, economic adaptive and and innovative velocity, and the prosperity, joy, and peace of mind that results from it.
Western civilization is not the first, but it is the fastest, in the prehistoric, ancient, and modern worlds, sovereignty expands human ability most rapidly for the simple reason that market rule, limited by natural law. creates both the most incentive to innovate and change, and the least resistance to innovation and change, that are possible at any given moment.
Our Oath of Rule
The state’s only power is violence. That power comes from its claim to a geographic monopoly on violence. That is what a state is: a group of men who lay claim to a monopoly on violence. All actions which compel a person to do other than he wishes in the use of his property, his body and his time in the peaceful and honest exchange of goods, services, information, and affection, are acts of violence. Consequently, there is no action that a state needs to take, and therefore no action a state can possibly take, by the application of law, that is not an act of violence no matter the form or ceremony the state drapes over such actions. A state is the administration of organized violence.
The state exists, and possesses that monopoly on violence, because men grant their capacity for violence to the state, so that it may dispense it as needed from a judicial bench – military and civilian. By granting our violence to the state we remove from ourselves the daily administrative responsibility of parenting society, defending life and property, and resolving conflicts over property, so that we may devote ourselves to the pursuit of specialization in our division of knowledge and labor, and thereby develop our skills so that we can achieve our ambitions, and amuse ourselves, in whatever way we see fit, while decreasing the cost for others to do the same. By the act of granting our violence to the state, we assume that our violence is justly dispensed on our behalf. That is the term of our agreement with the state. It is what makes a man a citizen by choice rather than a subject or slave.
We are all capable of violence. It can never be taken from us as long as we live. We carry it with us as a constant potential. It grows, it matures, and it dissipates with age. It is not a right, or a privilege, because rights and privileges are things we give to each other. Violence is not given, it simply exists in all men at all times. Some of us are wealthier in violence than others. Some men are capable of very little violence, some men are capable of physical violence, some men capable of organized rabble and protest, and some of us, men like me, capable of revolution and civil war. as such, we do not contribute our violence to the state in equal measure.
The state’s power to organize society by way of its laws, institutions, and processes is an illusion constructed by the accumulation of habits in the citizenry; habits which are perpetuated by the daily use of those habits, and where those habits are reinforced by small and instructional displays of violence by the state, so that it may maintain the illusion of a monopoly on violence, and therefore encourage among the citizens, the retention of those habits. The potential for violence within the citizenry vastly outweighs the limited violence that can be distributed by the state. It is a credit to our habits that so little violence need be distributed at any one time that the illusion of the state monopoly can be preserved so cheaply, by so few people, and using so little violence. The actors in the state, in whatever capacity, who make use of my violence on our behalf, are few and comparatively weak. And the state can only dispense my violence, on my behalf, from a judicial bench, because of the illusion of strength that comes from the presence of those habits, and its promise of enforcement by the grant of violence from citizens.
As long as any agent of the state justly parents nation, tribes, clans, families and individuals to reach their greatest potential, as long as any agent of the state justly resolves differences in property, as long as any agent of the state protects life and property — any agents of the state have my consent to maintain that illusion of strength, and to dispense my violence on my behalf to maintain those habits, and that illusion, so that all men may continue to participate in productive exchange, or in humble amusement in the activity of their daily affairs.
But if for one moment, you seek to treat me unjustly, and you begin to believe your own illusion, and you forget that you are dispensing my violence on my behalf, and you seek to treat me not as a citizen who bestows upon you my violence, to be justly administered, but a subject who must obey rules, and if you believe and act as though the law exists not as a convenient tool for the resolution of differences between peers, but a command or scripture that I must obey as a subject, then it is not only my right, but my duty to myself my people, to take from you my given violence, and to remind you if I can, and teach you if I must, that the source of that violence is in its citizens; so that the state understands those habits, their cause, and purpose.
If I must remind the state, I hope it is by this simple, gentle oratory. If that will not suffice, I will not resort to the display of petty personal violence, nor to the disorder of rabblery and protest. Because that is not the capacity of violence that I gave to the state. Then I will instead raise an army and show you what violence it is that I do restrain so that you are once again reminded that you are an actor on my behalf, and that of my fellow citizens, and nothing more. And if you doubt for a moment that I can do such a thing, I will be only so happy to prove it to you, by starting in this very room, on this very day, if necessary.
This duty is what it means to be a citizen; to grant your violence to the state so that it may be justly administered; and to dismantle that state should it unjustly use your given violence.
Foolish men find comfort in the sameness of life, without understanding that such constancy, and the illusion of control we have over our daily affairs, can be rapidly changed by one small spark, one man’s choice, one seemingly random act. Foolish men and even more foolish women, believe habits and rules are truths and words of material substance, rather than conveniences; that their power is divine or systemic, and that their methods and rules are wise and scientific, rather than the accidental, pragmatic and convenient efforts of simple men fitfully crafting an edifice in anticipation of the turbulent events of an unknown future. These rules and ideas are nothing more than the limited judgments, habits, and fantasies of such men, however well their intentions.
And if at any point such foolish men lose sight of the fact that these convenient methods and tools are less important than, and subservient to, the men whose lives are affected by the use of my violence on my behalf, or if such foolish men forget that rules have no wisdom of their own, without the wisdom to interpret them, and that the use of them must result in the betterment of each man, then, they have forgotten the purpose of those rules. That purpose is the perfection of each individual man, and in that perfection, to parent each generation that follows so that it may reach its greatest potential. The perfection of man is our only just purpose, not the perfection of our methods and tools, or the ease and efficiency by which we administer them. The man is important, not the rules.
And I will not allow my violence to be misused against any man. And in particular I will not allow the abuse of my fellow citizens or of myself for no other than methodological or procedural reasons, so that another man, an agent of the state, whose only power comes from my given violence, may be absolved of the difficulty and effort expended in justly administering the violence I so entrusted to him. I will not permit men to suffer for another man’s laziness, or folly, when it is my violence at the expense of my fellow men, that he wields in order to obtain such leisure.
And when a citizen is abused by the criminalization of administrative rules, of petty regulatory processes and efficiencies, or of manners and disrespect of the court so that it can maintain its illusion and habituation, or when he is abused by prosecutors who are the worst ideological acolytes and to whose advantage these rules are biased, or when he is abused by the state’s staff, composed of common people endowed by procedure with powers incommensurate with their abilities, and the ability to abdicate responsibility for treating citizens with manners and good service, the state engages in the most heinous form of laziness, and the most intolerable misuse of our violence on our behalf.
Revolutions are not made from single heinous crimes, but from the compounded layering of administrative abuses of citizens. It is not only citizens that must develop habits, but the state, for it is the state who must use greater manners when dispensing our violence, whether that violence is dispensed from the court, the prosecution, the staff, the police, and especially when doing so inspires the understandable and desirable disgust and displeasure of those men unjustly victimized because of the state’s laziness and irresponsibility with our violence.
If the state’s ambition is the restitution of property, or the collection of collection for contract violations, even social contract violations, or procedural errors, for which such fines are simply a form of restitution, then this is its duty, so granted by us. but if it is punishment rather than restitution that the state seeks to render, then I do not, and no citizen should, permit any man to punish me, and will return that punishment in kind. Restitution is the means by which we correct errors, selfish weakness, and human frailties among peers and is the only reason we give our violence to the state to administer on our behalf. Punishment is the submission of slaves to an authority. If you seek to punish me, or my fellow citizens, rather than to give restitution, you seek to enslave us. and I will not suffer your enslavement, nor tolerate the enslavement of my fellow citizens.
Foolish men have come to believe that by legislation, regulation, and dictate, unlike the law, is likened to the laws of physics: that they are tools that override our wisdom and senses, and which if followed produce scientific results. But this is an error. Laws are principles for wise men to refer to, no different from myths, traditions, and stories, to make use of in resolving conflicts among men, providing restitution in the case of loss, so that we may exchange property instead of violence, cooperate peacefully in doing so, and develop specialization so that we may increase productivity in safety, decrease the cost of goods and services to each other because of specialization and competition, and therefore improve the quality of our lives, at lowest cost and risk.
I say this because I love life. I love mankind. I love my fellow citizens. I love each one of them. Fit or not, wise or not, young or old, wealthy or poor, healthy or ill. and I would gladly give my life in their defense, rather than allow someone, in his foolhardy and misguided illusion, to use my violence against them unjustly. And it is that statement, its passion, and conviction, and its promise of consequence, that makes me a citizen and no other.
So, I ask you to understand this appeal: I do not fear you. and you need not fear me if you are just, and care for my people.
But if you are unjust, and do not understand what I have said, then fear me. if you do not fear me then I must make you fear me. I must teach you the accountancy of the state, and its currency of violence. So that you never forget the origin of the violence you wield on our behalf, and in doing so abuse or enslave me or my fellow citizens.
The state must fear its citizens. It is the duty of citizens to maintain that fear. That fear is the fear of violence. I am a citizen by the granting of my violence. The violence that we give to the state, the violence that we possess as men, and is only granted to the state under the condition that it be administered justly, on our behalf, to parent the society, to protect life and property, to resolve conflicts over property, and to administer restitution for conflicts over property. For those reasons and no other.
Our Natural Religion
The Demand for Sovereignty creates a “The Cult of Non-Submission.”
The Creed:
A European, a Pagan(heathen), a Christian, an Aryan, a Warrior, a Man Transcendent
(Needs Updating) ( … )
I am a Heathen if 1) I accept the laws of nature as binding on all of existence; and 2) if I treat nature as sacred and to be contemplated, protected and improved; and 3) I treat the world as something to transform closer to an Eden in whatever ways I can before I die; and And 6) if I leave open that synchronicity appears to exist now and then, and that it may be possible that there is a scientific explanation for it, other than just humans subject to similar stimuli producing similar intuitions and therefore similar ends.
As far as I know, this is all that is required of me to be a Heathen.
I am a Pagan If 1) I deny the existence of a supreme being with dominion over the physical laws, and 2) treat all gods, demigods, heroes, saints, figures of history, and ancestors and archetypes for groups of ancestors whom I may seek to imitate/emulate/aspire to, to whom I may speak in public thanks, and with whom I may speak to in private contemplation in the hope of gaining wisdom and synchronicity from having done so. And 3) if I participate with others of my society in the recognition of debts, the repetition of oaths, repetition of myths, repetition of festivals, repetition of holidays, and the perpetuation of all of theses to my children, kin, and kith.
As far as I know, this is all that is required of me to be a Pagan.
I am a Christian if I have adopted the teaching of Christianity: 1) the eradication of hatred from the human heart. 2) the extension of kinship love and forgiveness to one’s people. 3) the demand for personal acts of charity and personal cost, 4) the extension of exhaustive forgiveness before punishment, enserfment, enslavement, death, or war.
As far as I know, this is all that is required of me to be a Christian.
I am an Aryan if 1) I proudly display my excellences so that others seek to achieve or exceed them; 2) I seek competition to constantly test and improve myself so I do not weaken; 3) I swear to speak no insult and demand it; 4) I speak the truth and demand it; 5) I take nothing not paid for and demand it; 6) I grant sovereignty to my kin and demand it; 7) I insure my people regardless of condition, and demand it; and in doing so leave nothing but voluntary markets of cooperation between sovereign men; and to discipline, enserf, enslave, ostracize or kill those who do otherwise; 8) to not show fear or cowardice, abandon my brothers, or retreat, and 9) to die a good death in the service of my kin, my clan, my tribe, and my people.
As far as I know, this is all that is required of me to be an Aryan.
I am a Warrior in that 1) we will prepare for war so perfectly that none dare enter it against us. 2) Once we go to war, we do so with joy, with eagerness, and with passion, and without mercy, without constraint, and without remorse; And 3) before ending war, we shall defeat an enemy completely such that no other dares a condition of our enemy, and the memory of the slaughter lives a hundred generations.
As far as I know, this is all that is required of me to be a Warrior.
I am a Saint if …
I am a Woman if ..
A am a Man if …
I am a European If ….
We are Europeans if …
We have Transcended Into Gods If …
As far as I know, if I succeed as a Heathen, as a Christian, as an Aryan, as a Warrior, then I have transcended the animal man, and earned my place among the saints, heroes, demigods, gods, in the memories, histories, and legends of man.
And that is the objective of heroes, demigods, and gods. We leave the rest for ordinary men.
Our Law of Gods
The Law of God, if There Is One Is ‘Win’.
If there is a god, his only law was entropy (dissipation)
The only law of biochemistry is accumulation of information to defeat entropy (memory).
The only law of life is accumulation of information to defeat of entropy and reproduce (reproduction).
The only law of organisms is accumulation of information to defeat entropy and compete with other organisms (evolution).
The only law of sentient organisms is accumulating enough information to defeat entropy and other organisms by cooperation (reciprocity).
The only law of conscious organisms is accumulating enough information to defeat entropy, organisms, and their production, by calculation (instrumentation).
The only law of calculating organisms is accumulation of enough information to defeat evolution (eugenics).
The only law of eugenic organisms is accumulation of enough information to defeat entropy and transcend into gods.
Defeat of entropy but accumulating information until we transcend into gods.
The Choice of Relationship with Gods
( … ) what relationshp do we have with our gods?
The Choice of Gods
Europeans are the gods among men, and first among men. Not because we are yet gods ourselves. But because we think, speak, write, work, create, and spread the evidence of God’s words, his hands, and his will in the language of god’s words, hands, and will: Mathematics (geometry), Science, Economics, and Natural Law of Sovereign Men.
For gods must be Sovereign, Omniscient and Omnipotent. And only Sovereign men may transcend into peerage with gods.
And that’s why European man has almost exclusively dragged mankind out of ignorance, superstition, hard labor, poverty, starvation, disease, suffering, and early death by mastery of god’s word, written in god’s hand – against other’s false gods, failed translations, and men’s lies.
And if European man did not drag a people out of ignorance, hard labor, poverty, starvation, diseases, suffering and early death using god’s words, then those people are suffering because god punishes them for their false gods, failed translations, and men’s lies.
And for all people, we are challenged to choose which god is the true god: an impersonal god who tests our ability to achieve sovereignty, omniscience and omniscience by learning his words, hands, and will; a god with whom we trade as allies; or a god who we obey as slaves.
Will you transcend into gods, remain a client, or obey as slave?
Our Law Regarding Others
Our Terms of Cooperation
We prefer to cooperate morally – meaning beneficially – with you.
If we cannot cooperate beneficially with you on fully moral terms – meaning without parasitism, then we have only four choices:
1) Pay the cost of your parasitism and suffer the consequences, in exchange for avoiding the cost of defending against your parasitism.
2) Boycott you and bearing the costs of boycotting you in exchange for avoiding the cost of transforming you into a moral individual or group.
3) Colonize you and bear the cost of evolving you, in exchange for creating a valued member of mankind.
4) Conquering you and bearing the cost of exterminating you in exchange for freedom from your parasitism.
So, you have a choice: limit your actions to productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary transfer, constrained to externalities under the same conditions.
Or we will eventually colonize and reform you, or conquer and exterminate you.
You may have the ambition of mere survival. Our ambition is to make mankind moral. For it is only in moral mankind that the evil and immoral are exterminated forever, and man is transcended into the gods we aspire to.
Exceptionaless Reciprocity.
( … ) If you do x, we do x.
The Unfit
When you seek any condition other than sovereignty, the natural law of reciprocity, markets in everything, including Nations, then you are UNFIT to cohabitate with Europeans, UNFIT to govern with Europeans, and UNFIT to govern Europeans – whether your UNFITNESS may be genetic, cultural, religious or any combination thereof.
The UNFIT may not rule the Fit. The Unfit may separate from Fit. The Fit may conquer, rule, and domesticate the Unfit into Fitness. But it is a crime against our people, and a crime against mankind to pollute the Fit with the Unfit: whether genetic, cultural, or religious or any combination thereof.
If the Truth is not enough, and therefore law is not enough, then you are weak – and lack the agency necessary for demands of reciprocity between sovereigns. As such you may not rule, or govern, and may have only liberty(capital), freedom(property), and subsidy(insurance), by permission, as the sovereign see fit. And you may purchase liberty, freedom, subsidy, and defense under the natural law of sovereigns, by acts of military and civic defense of the commons, civil contribution by payment of fees, and the reciprocal defense of the subsidy, property, and liberty of peers.
Enemies of The Brotherhood of Men
We talk of rule of law, but Rule of Law is our defense against the dysgenic, parasitic, envious, and evil. We mention sovereignty, and Transcendence. We rarely mention reciprocal insurance of that sovereignty of all men by all other men. And we never mention that reciprocal insurance creates a brotherhood of men – which is the civil society we all desire – and the means by which we enjoy the labor of transcending man into gods.
As for the enemies of the brotherhood of men:
We don’t use the Truth to convince you. You are immoral, dishonest, dysgenic and lack the agency to use the Truth. We use the Truth to convince ourselves, who are moral, honest, eugenic, and possess of agency, that it is right, just and moral, to separate from you – and if not, then conquer, kill, enslave, en-serf, and subjugate you in self-defense – not only of ourselves – but of all we have made, and the future of mankind yet unmade.
We alone possess agency, will to create sovereignty, and demand for transcendence. There is no transcendence, no sovereignty, no agency for the weak, the cowardly, the timid, or the dim. And no liberty, nor freedom, nor subsidy for any if we fail.
Our Great Enterprise
—“Europeans do not know how to live unless they are engaged in some great enterprise. When this is lacking, they grow petty and feeble and their souls disintegrate.”—José Ortega y Gasset, Spanish Philosopher
This is our next great enterprise. To rid humanity of the Abrahamic falsehoods whether they be supernatural, sophistry, or pseudoscience.
The revolt against us in the ancient world brought about a dark age – we were far too tolerant.
The Abrahamic revolt against us in the modern world using collectivist pseudoscience and postmodern sophism, and the systematic use of pilpul and critique in the reputation destruction of our great civilization – a civilization that has dragged humanity out of ignorance, superstition, poverty, starvation, hard labor, disease, suffering, child mortality, early death, and the vicissitudes of nature. This revolt against civilization has not yet been stopped – we have been too tolerant.
The most intolerant of peoples wins.
We must rule by our law, out of self-defense, and drag mankind kicking and screaming once again by transcendence into the gods we may yet be, in a universe hostile to all but gods.
Transcendence by Agency, Sovereignty, Reciprocity, Truth, Duty, Markets in Everything: the continuous calculation of our ascent into godhood.
Until we know better, the universe is ours to convert into a Garden, Whether the Man’s Valhalla, or Woman’s Eden.
No Law is Higher than This Law – No law can be higher than this law.