Propertarian Definition: REVOLUTION

A society is an organization. It is an organization of people by norms, using exclusion from, and inclusion in, opportunities to gain adherence to norms.

A government is an organization. it is an organization of people who make decisions over the use of property using a bureaucracy that operates by rules, and violence to ensure those inside and outside the bureaucracy obey the decisions and rules.

A market is an organization. It is an organization of people by the use and allocation of resources using the incentives produced by prices, and the promise of deprivation or benefit by adhering to the incentives produced by prices.

In any bureaucratic organization, some individuals have greater access to rent-seeking (corruption) than other individuals.

In any market organization, some individuals have greater access to the bureaucracy and can therefore obtain licenses for rents (partial monopolies).

A revolution is a replacement of individuals in a GOVERNMENT by a different set of individuals, who allocate property differently to different people, using the same or a different bureaucracy according to the same or different rules. (Revolutions are very expensive and societies rarely recover from them without the passage of generations.) Revolutions occur when one group of individuals outside the government has greater economic power than the individuals inside the government, and seek control over the government to perpetuate and improve their organizations.
a) a market is a continuous reordering of society – revolutions are called ‘corrections’.
b) a society is a continuous revolution – revolutions are called ‘reformations’.
c) Government’s are a process of calcification because of:
i) bureaucracies that stagnate rather than contracted private services that adapt,
ii) laws that do not expire when irrelevant, rather than contracts that do when fulfilled.
iii) Taxes regardless of the effect of the government, rather than commissions because of the productivity of the government.

7) IRON LAW OF OLIGARCHY: All groups need decision makers. Decision makers must consolidate power across a network of alliances in order to make decisions. A bureaucracy is necessary to support conformity to the organization. Once the organization is stable, all individuals inside it seek rents, and the organization exists for the purpose of self perpetuation rather than the fulfillment of its charter.

NOTE: OH. And remember: all emotions are responses to changes in allocation of property. ***The mind is a property engine.*** Purportedly Moral language is just a way of trying to steal from one another and get away with it. :)”


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